Sentences with phrase «even by dinosaur»

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It tells us there is no realm deep in the earth inhabited by dinosaurs, even though we've never been there.
If you haven't read any books by the author Claire Freedman and illustrated by Ben Corts then we really recommend that you do in Dinosaurs Love Underpants one of the popular «Love Underpants» series of books there is a great time with the bunch of dinosaurs that just love wearing underpants even when they are quiDinosaurs Love Underpants one of the popular «Love Underpants» series of books there is a great time with the bunch of dinosaurs that just love wearing underpants even when they are quidinosaurs that just love wearing underpants even when they are quite itchy!
By navigating the virtual world, users can experience how it might have felt to be one of these dinosaurs, and even go head - to - head with another prehistoric big beast.
Earth's time bombs may have killed the dinosaurs The fate of the dinosaurs may have been sealed half a billion years before life even appeared, by two geological time bombs that still lurk near our planet's core.
But the past decade or two of research, which is marked by the discovery of thousands of specimens of early birds and flying dinosaurs, also shows that feathers were an early evolutionary innovation — even if they probably arose for reasons unrelated to powered flight, such as insulation or sexual display.
The bird - dinosaur link is made even clearer by a 3D - printed model of the exquisite Mei long, the sleeping dragon, its head tucked under its forearm like a sleeping bird.
Some researchers even theorize that the dinosaurs were wiped out by prehistoric hypercanes, a kind of super-hurricane stirred to life by the heat of an asteroid strike [source: National Geographic].
Even in the end Cretaceous extinction, in which dinosaurs were finally wiped out by an asteroid impact, a major global - warming extinction event was already underway causing a major extinction within 150,000 years of the impact.
There is a scene, for example, in which Annie is chastised and harshly punished by a pastor for believing in dinosaurs; that is a frequent but false charge made by evolutionist critics of biblical creationists even today: that many Christians believe that dinosaurs never existed and that God may have placed their bones in the ground to «test their faith.»
Guaranteed to fan antigovernment sentiments among its audiences, Dinosaur 13 is less about paleontology than it is about prosecutorial overreach, political gamesmanship, dinosaur swindlers and true crime — if in fact crimes were even committed, and / or committed by the people Dinosaur 13 is less about paleontology than it is about prosecutorial overreach, political gamesmanship, dinosaur swindlers and true crime — if in fact crimes were even committed, and / or committed by the people dinosaur swindlers and true crime — if in fact crimes were even committed, and / or committed by the people accused.
lmost all of the magic of cinematic dinosaurs is gone by the third «Jurassic Park» picture, even though further attempts are made to increase the magnitude and intensity of gargantuan reptiles on the loose.
Forget such modern gems as Inside Out and the Toy Story trilogy — The Good Dinosaur makes even indifferently received efforts like Cars 2 and Monsters University look great by comparison.
Official Premise «Join the Doctor, his companions Amy and Rory (aka the Ponds) and numerous friends on their latest escapades through space and time where they puzzle an unexpected invasion of Earth, save a spaceship full of dinosaurs, don Stetsons in a Wild West adventure and are even kidnapped by the Doctor's oldest foe.
6 - year - old Lauren amazed the judges by creating a website showcasing her summer learning, which included making a dinosaur model, studying ancient civilisations and even designing a space station!
Dubbed «Opportunity Scholarships,» the program was championed by Rep. Skip Stam, who believes that all parents should be able to send their kids to any school on the taxpayer's dime — even if that school teaches kids that dinosaurs walked the earth with man or the KKK was just a band of moral - minded folks.
They instruct that most slaveholders were good to their slaves, the Klu Klux Klan used the burning cross to fight moral depravity, and that «dinosaurs and humans were definitely on the earth at the same time and may have even lived side by side within the past few thousand years.»
Higgins is helped by four dinosaurs with abilities on land, sea and even in the air.
Even when you have all of the best gear in the game, you will always be aware that any mistake in combat could lead to you being mauled by a giant mechanic dinosaur.
I was still being pulverised by those sodding Minor Capra Demons at level 90 + and don't even get me started on those giant dinosaur leg - things in the lava river.
To explains for the unfamiliar, Mario can now capture and control creatures he meets on his journey around the world from Goombas to frogs to even large realistically - styled dinosaurs by tossing his magic hat, Cappy, at the helpless target.
As usually, we should expect our Franchises Newer Games represented in the Next Smash Bros., like that Fox's Star Fox Zero, or even have Teasers to things not yet out by then, like this Frog - like Dinosaurs Woolly World stage here.
You can now create your own dinosaur filled arenas, fight against hordes of Triceratops, or even die by the hands of the 200 boss mobs you spawned into the...
Tomb of Annihilation will include a new jungle zone inhabited by dinosaurs, heroic encounters with undead, and even monster hunts with the famed explorer Volothamp Geddarn!
Players will be able to explore a multitude of maps, playing through a story mode and even raising your own little dinosaurs by collecting eggs.
The controversy did provoke studies by geologists who would eventually show that the other great extinctions of the past, some even worse than the doom of the dinosaurs, had been caused by massive injections of greenhouse gases from volcanic outbursts — an all too relevant demonstration of the power of the gases.
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