Sentences with phrase «even coercion»

The unavoidable incentive of financial sanity will finally cause a full collapse of the solar industry, even in China, where even the coercion of Communism can not supersede the laws of economics.
isn't forced violence, or even coercion.
The dynamic of Grand Theft Auto isn't forced violence, or even coercion.

Not exact matches

One somehow suspects that a 2013 Chinese law that requires children to visit their elderly parents regularly — a coercive attempt to repair some of the social damage caused by even worse coercion — is not going to do the trick.
A minister is obliged to use persuasion, coercion, and even physical restraint if necessary to save a person bent on suicide.
Granting this does not mean, however, that churchly legal systems that function generally in close analogy to worldly structures of polity, even if indeed lacking police and means of physical coercion, are appropriate.
Society must strive for justice, even if it is forced to use means, such as self - assertion, resistance, coercion, and perhaps resentment, which can not gain the moral sanction of the most sensitive and moral spirit.
In other words, do we use coercion to achieve even a noble end?
They are clearly making a normative claim: that such coercion is morally superior, justified and even demanded of the Christian in some contexts.
If they decide it would not, they retain a strong basis for claiming that persuasion is morally (and possibly even practically) superior to coercion.
Thus, since they believe that God is ultimate perfection, it might seem that they would uniformly deny that the process God would use any form of coercion, even if such coercion were possible.
This is why God sometimes approves of (lures us toward) coercion on the human level even though such coercive power would never be used by God even if it were available.
Even within the intimate relations of the family where love ought to be most regnant, there can be no justice without the exercise of authority, and authority sometimes necessitates coercion.
As Jones says, even while the Church must make use of coercion, it does so with far greater caution than the secular state, and always with the aim of surpassing and fulfilling justice as reconciliation.
Thus, its surrendering any control over that other will be interpreted, by those who understand genuine power to be a form of coercion, as the utter absence or even the «death» of God.
Achieving that goal will require coercion; that is, forcing doctors (and other medical professionals, such as pharmacists) to participate — even when it violates their religious beliefs and deeply held moral convictions.
Although even this side of government — as in its provisions for education and for many social services — has to make use of coercion in the collection of taxes, it is highly creative, based on persuasion.
Even God could not apply enough coercion as extrinsic motivation to secure a right choice if it were a morally responsible free choice.
In calling for a new evangelization, the Pope precisely chose as a model what happened before Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, in other words, before it could even be tempted to impose its creed by means of political coercion.
Indeed, as the history of the past three decades has shown, it is today's devotees of «negative liberty» as reinterpreted by postmodern radical skeptics and relativists who are the primary exponents of coercion in the name of «tolerance» and «diversity» — even if that coercion is mediated through split decisions of the United States Supreme Court.
But this concept of «negative liberty» doesn't tell us much about how we resolve the inevitable conflicts between wills without raw coercion, or even why we should do so.
Even when parents choose non-violent means to control their children such as isolation (i.e. time - outs) and behavior charts and other punishment / reward tactics, the basic truth is that they are modelling manipulation and coercion and are focused on controlling a child's behavior externally rather than working with them to help them learn to control their own behavior through an internal guidance system.
No country that lacks a secure second - strike nuclear capability can deter — or even resist coercion by — a country that possesses such a capability.
Third: If the theft occurs, even by one person carrying an arm, and it takes place at night or by the use of coercion or by threatening to use the arm.
Any attempt to apply coercion will result in more brain wave disorganization, from stress if nothing else, and produce even worse computer performance.»
Labor trafficking — or recruiting a person for labor through force, fraud, or coercion for involuntary servitude, debt bondage, or even slavery — has been a difficult problem to track among undocumented migrant workers.
There is a welcome subtlety to this — Laura sees the coercion involved, but the way she herself is subjugated to her husband's authority means that she can't do much about it (she doesn't even have the standing, we see, to help the poor white farm laborers).
Kahlenberg is comfortable with coercion of this sort even in his endorsements of charter schools; these should be made available, he says, where choice will contribute to the proper mix of rich and poor.
At the same time, some district educational leaders are threatening that students will not graduate if they don't take the test, even though such threats are illegal since students and parents have the constitutional right to refuse such government - imposed coercion.
It can be placed with pinpoint accuracy and turns in with a lightness of touch unprecedented in a car of its size and weight, locking onto the apex of even the tightest bends with minimal coercion from the helm.
This coercion may be blatant, such as refusal to provide services, even emergency care, unless the animal is «current» on vaccines.
Even between dogs, however, it is not achieved through force or coercion but through one member of the relationship deferring to the other peacefully» Your dogs sound like they are deferring peacefully so far, if that is all there is to it.
I think that rational civilized government policies ought to give incentives, coercion, and even mandates to maximize the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of individuals, as well as promote the common welfare.
In their view, even striking down the bawdy - house provision and amending the one on living off the avails wouldn't fully protect all sex - trade workers since many of them «will stay on the streets because of coercion, insufficient resources or lack of support networks.
-- The prenup is not in writing: For a prenuptial agreement to be valid, it must be a written document, witnessed by outside parties — At least one party provided false information: The inclusion of untruthful information or even incomplete information will render a prenuptial agreement invalid — Pressure, duress or coercion: If one party forces the other to sign a prenuptial agreement, regardless of whom the document most benefits, it will be invalid — The prenup was not read: If one or the other spouse does not read the prenuptial agreement, it is possible the document could be challenged — Improper execution: To be valid, the agreement must be read and signed by both parties before the marriage occurs — Gross unfairness: While a prenuptial agreement gives the couple a great deal of flexibility in how they establish financial rights, the court may decide not to enforce the prenup if it is grossly unfair to one of the parties
Such statements may have been made, you might even be able to prove that they were made, however, your friend then willingly and without coercion signed a contract that says she did not rely on those statements.
But a new report, published by a coalition of organisations led by SFE, warns that anyone creating an LPA without taking specialist legal advice faces a significantly higher risk of being left with an ineffective legal document, incurring additional application fees, and even becoming a victim of fraud or coercion.
Police are now obliged to take investigative action following an allegation of coercion and control, even without evidence of physical abuse.
Sometimes service providers, without even being aware of it, can use coercion and manipulation with families.
Coercion may arise through very long meetings that may even go past midnight, often with a trial date close at hand, and with the expectation that an agreement or order must be signed before anyone leaves.
If there was widespread acknowledgement of forced adoptions and even the severe coercion that often takes place in this age, if there was an apology and a changing of adoption practices to a more ethical form, such as many other nations have done, then maybe, just maybe, there could be some incredible healing for these mothers * and * their children.
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