Sentences with phrase «even common courtesy»

I continue to be amazed when I discover blogs purportedly written by legal professionals that have zero concept of copyright law or even common courtesy.

Not exact matches

I still feel we owe them common courtesies like birthday and Christmas cards, but then I question even that at this point.
While every gym has its own set of rules, there are a few common courtesy rules that you can follow to act like a rebel, even if you're trapped in the Empire:
He's not exactly entering a good situation, with a team that only won four of its 26 games the year before, players that are doing poorly in class (if they even show up at all), and a complete lack of fundamentals, not only in basketball, but just in basic common courtesy.
You'd be surprised at how many candidates forget «common» courtesies throughout the interview process, even when they know that making a great first impression is crucial.
You, the unemployed jobseeker, have no rights, no dignity, nor any reasonable expectation to be treated fairly or accorded even the minimum gesture of personal regard or what used to be called «common courtesy
Maybe it's not that bad, but what happened to common courtesy, such as returning a call when promised (even returning it all!)
But we forget good manners and common courtesy, even with the people we love most.
Even in the poorest of learning places on earth common courtesy can be taught and understood by the very youngest and the most vulnerable of all societies.
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