Sentences with phrase «even cultural fit»

This means it's important for recruiters to look deeper into a candidate's potential, soft skills, and even cultural fit — all of which are important for both success and retention.

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Instead, «news», particularly on television, is carefully filtered, edited and choreographed to fit a pattern — a pattern which meets both the need of society to have its basic cultural worldview reinforced, and even more important, the need of the communication industry to reach and hold the largest possible audience.
As I try to dream and imagine what kind of «church» model best fits my personality and the cultural and historical context in which I find myself, I have slowly yet systematically stripped away everything I know and believe about how church has been traditionally done, and even how it is being done in the most innovative and progressive churches of our day.
Even if you already embrace your appearance and feel no shame about not fitting in with cultural beauty standards, Kite wants all women to know that they are more than just bodies to be looked at.
Incorporation of foreign and international rules and principles will require skills of synthesis and distinguishing that are distinct from traditional domestic legal reasoning, and they may require appreciation of important differences in foreign / international legal, political, or perhaps even cultural context.63 International legal rules often play a complex role in domestic law, presenting issues of interpretation and enforceability that do not easily fit within traditional domestic United States legislative, administrative, and judicial legal structures.64 Integration or application of rules from foreign nations may be even more complex, especially where those systems are substantially different from our own.65 Additionally, there may be discrepancies between the form and function of foreign or international law that affect their proper application.
While technology may help combat unconscious bias, how will it handle the even more intangible facets of hiring, like assessing cultural fit or a person's work ethic?
Employers are much more likely to take on an employee who's a good cultural fit, even if it means that they need to provide some training for their new hire.
When you're going to do business in a different culture, that alignment of cultural and corporate fit becomes even more important.
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