Sentences with phrase «even decrease your risk»

It allows for easier breastfeeding, better sleep for parents and infants, reassurance that your baby is right there for you to watch over and protect, and possibly even decreases the risk of SIDS.
Luckily, the benefits of having a dog don't end there; for example, we know that having a dog is great for controlling our stress levels, lowering our blood pressure, and can even decrease the risk of asthma in children.
However, the research shows that soy does not raise your risk for breast cancer and it may even decrease your risk (although studies are mostly population based and have mixed results).
Green tea consumption may also perk up overall health and even decrease the risk of cancer and neurological illnesses.
Researchers believe from these findings that your coffee habit may preserve your overall fitness and even decrease your risk for age - related injuries too.
On an emotional level, owning a pet can decrease depression, stress and anxiety; health-wise, it can lower your blood pressure, improve your immunity and even decrease your risk of heart attack and stroke.

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The product is also advertised as having no risk, because it will not decrease in value even if the stock market loses money.
«Two things should be remembered, after purchasing six or eight stocks in different industries, the benefit of adding even more stocks to your portfolio in an effort to decrease risk is small, and overall market risk will not be eliminated merely by adding more stocks to your portfolio» Joel Greenblatt
Baby Center noted that oxytocin can even help reduce your risk of developing postpartum depression, decrease your stress levels, and make you feel happier.
Breastfeeding helps moms return to their pre-baby weight faster, and may decrease the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, and even osteoporosis.
Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders can happen even when the below are maintained, but fact is that the below decrease one's risk of developing (and certainly exacerbating) a PMAD.
Even babies who breastfeed any length of time had a risk decrease of 11 %.
Now, I'll give the readers here credit for catching the part where they flashed up on the screen a nice graphic stating that you COULD put an extra ice pack or two into the lunch and probably «decrease the risk,» but I think talking about how not even an ice pack, or refrigeration at many day cares, is enough to keep your child from possibly coming down with foodborne illness could be enough to make some less conscious parents throw up their hands in disgust and say «I give up.»
«SIDS is rare, but back sleeping has decreased the risk by half even though doctors don't really understand why.
After that time there is some evidence to suggest they may reduce the risk of SIDS, but breastfeeding decreases the risks even more than pacifiers.
For even more peace of mind, there are many things you can do to decrease the risk of SIDS for your baby.
«It decreases asthma and allergies in babies, decreases the breast cancer risk in mom and there's even an economic benefit because breastfeeding is less expensive than formula - feeding.»
The panel determined that «no evidence of even moderate scientific quality» links anything — from herbal or nutritional supplements to prescription medications to social, economic or environmental conditions — with the slightest decrease in the risk of developing Alzheimer's.
In 2012 in Lancet, a CTT meta - analysis of 27 randomized trials found that even among people with no previous vascular disease, those who had a 39 - point decrease in LDL had a 9 percent lower overall mortality risk over about five years.
This shows that even among those already considered to be at risk for cardiometabolic disease, in this case obese teens» decreased sleep duration was predictive of increased cardiometabolic risk.
Even those who quit smoking past age 60 still benefit from the decreased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
Studies document decreased reaction times, worsened managerial skills, less ability to concentrate, and an increased risk for injury even when alcohol can no longer be detected in the blood... all of which add up to major economic consequences.
«Thus, even though the 72 % decrease in pneumonia risk with vitamin E in ATBC participants who quit smoking may be a real effect, it should not be generalized to current elderly males in Western countries.
Dr. Narod noted that the 77 - percent risk decrease is even greater than the benefit of chemotherapy, and was equally strong for both BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.
The risk rises with decreasing Apgar score, but even slightly lowered scores can be linked to a higher risk of these diagnoses, according to an extensive observational study by researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden published in the journal The BMJ.
A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that even those who exercised for fewer than the recommended time (150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week) showed a decrease in risk of death, when compared to those who had little to no physical activity each day.
«Indeed, even a low level of PA such as walking a minimum of 2 hours per week has been associated with decreased risk of hospitalization for exacerbated COPD.»
In particular, insomnia can lead to decreased quality of life, increased rates of depression, and even increased risk of heart disease,» said senior author, Michael Grandner, PhD MTR, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology and Medicine, and Director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona.
The virtues of exercise are myriad: better cardiovascular health, decreased risk for diabetes, boosted mood, and even perhaps a leaner physique.
While better medical care and timely management of heart attacks have decreased the number of early deaths, survivors face an increased risk of chronic heart failure as they develop even more scarring.
The risk of cardiovascular related illness and death is known to decrease after smoking cessation in patients with coronary heart disease, 40 reducing dramatically over the first three years, 41 but reducing the risk of developing lung cancer after smoking cessation generally takes longer.9 41 This review has found evidence that after lung cancer has been diagnosed, reductions in risk of developing a second primary or recurrence were associated with quitting within seven years, suggesting that, even at this stage, the prognostic outlook can be improved by smoking cessation.
Even further, studies on high - fat diets show that increased consumption of saturated fat has beneficial impacts on cardiovascular disease risk markers, including decreasing the level of triglycerides, fasting glucose, blood pressure, as well as increasing HDL cholesterol blood levels.
This juicy fruit also contains significant levels of vitamins A, B6 and C, lycopene (which has been linked with a decreased risk of prostate cancer in several studies) and even some potassium.
Even more good news for your abs: «Bananas may help prevent water retention in our bodies by regulating sodium levels,» says Gans, «decreasing the risk for bloating.»
«Treating even minor disease may improve the chance of pregnancy, may decrease the miscarriage risk, and may improve the health of the baby,» he said.
Multiple other studies have demonstrated that chocolate intake decreases risk of heart failure, blood pressure, insulin resistance, and even death from heart disease and stroke.
Cigar and pipe smokers who smoke cigarettes (or used to) are at even greater risk; those smokers were nearly 3.5 times more likely than nonsmokers to have decreased lung function.
A study with older adults at high risk for cardiovascular disease found that vitamin K intake reduced the risk of developing type II diabetes by 17 % for every 100 micrograms of vitamin K consumed per day.3 Moreover, subjects who increased their intake of vitamin K1 during the follow - up has a 51 % reduced risk of diabetes compared to those who decreased or did not change their intake.3 However, supplementation of vitamin K2 appears to be even stronger and more effective, reducing the risk of type II diabetes by 7 % for each 10 - microgram increase in vitamin K2 intake.4
Despite the modest reduction in blood pressure, it could be significant as even a 2 mmHg diastolic blood pressure decrease has the potential to reduce coronary heart disease risk by 6 % and transient ischaemic attack and stroke risk by 15 %.
· Decreases anxiety and offers promising results as a complementary treatment for depression · Reduces pain and improves function in patients with arthritis · Plays a complementary role in treating asthma to improve respiration · Improves most risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease and diabetes · Enhances sleep quality, even in patients with insomnia
Even though the medical establishment for decades has advised you to consume vegetable oils (omega - 6 PUFAs) to prevent heart disease, human trials have conclusively demonstrated that vegetable oils DO NOT decrease atherosclerosis or decrease your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.
A Harvard University study examining the exercise habits of more than 70,000 women, showed that a 40 minute walk every day reduced type 2 diabetes risk by 40 %, and with a longer walk the risk could be decreased by an even larger percentage.
You may be able to decrease your risk for disease or even stop taking certain medications if you lose weight.
Even small amounts of weight loss can decrease the risk of disease, and every effort should be made to maintain a healthy BMI.
Although research is limited, case - control studies have found that consuming foods high in lignans has no effect on fibroid growth and may even decrease fibroid risk (17, 18).
Edit 2017: Recently, after learning about new research and working with even more women, I'm finding that plant - based phytoestrogens may promote ER beta activity, which can lower estrogenic potency in the body as a whole, thereby decreasing the risk for certain cancers (this is not true of synthetic estrogen, like that in hormonal birth control or estrogen replacement therapy).
Almonds are one of the best foods for you as they may decrease risk of heart attack, aid in weight loss, and are even known to maintain a healthy head of hair!
Including omega 3 rich foods may decrease your risk for ventricular arrhythmia or even having another heart attack.
Decrease your risk of osteoporosis and even learn proven strategies for reversing bone loss.
Including strawberries in your diet may even help to regulate your blood sugar levels, decreasing the risk of type II diabetes.
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