Sentences with phrase «even deeper desire»

Also, the 2007 Menu pet food tragedy that resulted in the deaths and severely compromised health of many cats and dogs left me with an even deeper desire to have as much control as possible over what goes into my cats» food bowls.

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This restless multitude, confused or orderly, the immensity of which terrifies us; this ocean of humanity whose slow, monotonous wave - flows trouble the hearts even of those whose faith is most firm: it is to this deep that I thus desire all the fibres of my being should respond.
But precisely because we are not self - contained ready - made entities which can be conceived equally well as being near to you or remote from you; precisely because in us the self - subsistent individual who is united to you grows only insofar as the union itself grows, that union whereby we are given more and more completely to you: I beg you, Lord, in the name of all that is most vital in my being, to hearken to the desire of this thing that I dare to call my soul even though I realize more and more every day how much greater it is than myself, and, to slake my thirst for life, draw me — through the successive zones of your deepest substance — into the secret recesses of your inmost heart.
But I also don't think that precludes us fram rationalizing in a way that tries to disguise true motives, even to ourselves, or to allow our deep desires to override a sen of unease we might otherwise have.
In this brief description can be found two foci of Pannenberg's lifelong outlook: on the one hand, an openness to the miraculous, the supernatural, to what a reductivist natural science would dismiss, and on the other, a deep desire to understand revelation, and to understand it rationally, even «metaphysically.»
With less panache, but with equal force and even further empirical social science evidence, her method resembles Roland Barthes» Mythologies in its outlines of the deep structure of the contemporary beliefs and practices surrounding our most deeply held moral codes about human sexual desire — or should I say eros.
To put the point another way, if 9/11 drove to church for weeks on end millions of Americans who had not darkened that doorstep in years — as it did — imagine the even deeper impact on ordinary mothers and fathers of a sick child or the similarly powerful desire of a devoted spouse on the brink of losing the other.
When we do sin, it does not intimidate God, and our repentance doesn't change God's attitude towards us — repentance doesn't change God, it changes us — yet we continue to sin even when our deepest desire is to live by the Spirit and walk in the Spirit — yet I still sin.
Some attend while still in short - term or even long - term partnerships, desiring a safe place to assess where they are at and to ask some deeper questions.
I would not for a minute wish to deny that we are too often motivated by an obsessive desire for power and control, and dominated by a narrow and calculating rationality which can not even acknowledge the deeper values of human life and experience, and that such attitudes may contribute to the coming of one form or another of global catastrophe.
I can't help my deep and abiding desire for marriage — it's something that's in me, and even though its potency ebbs and flows, the desire always remains.
What I see amongst Christians, especially those like David who seem to desire what I used to call «The Deeper Life» (when I was a believer), is this constant inner struggle to be something more (even if that «something more» is actually something less).
Therefore, on those infrequent occasions when we admit that even pleasure can cloy and we a experience fleeting desire for a richer spirituality, deep down we suspect that that desire is merely a matter of our looking the gift horse of modern life in the mouth.
And the fact is that even within Orthodoxy there are sharp and deep disagreements about the wisdom of these efforts, of which only Lubavitch's really represents a desire to increase government involvement with religion.
Definitely not needed to make them by the way, but if you have a deep desire to have absolutely everything in your kitchen (even when it's tiny!)
Everyone, even people who opposed him, understand that the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader was a signal of a deep desire for change among Labour members and supporters.
I was already convinced of the need to avoid these foods, but reading Deep Nutrition brought a renewed desire to make sure that we aren't consuming vegetable oils (even in hidden sources) and to up the amount of organ meats and fermented foods we consume.
You'll learn to enjoy and even crave the seasonal opportunity to check out of the hustle n bustle and check - in to your deeper desires and ultimate wellness.
And now there's one more — because even though I love my granola, I always had a deep - down secret desire for it to be a little... clumpier.
Let me tell you something, keep on dreaming even if your dreams seem silly to others and go for what deep down your heart desires.
My commitment to photography came from a deep desire to gather up our moments and hold onto them, even after my memory fades.
Besides, all the difficulties that can appear during the dating process on Thai girl will appreciate you for your curiosity and strong desire to know the Eastern culture deeper and better, even if you don't get used to it.
We're two sugar babies looking for a great man to whom we'll dedicate our love, passion, attention, to whom we're willing to fulfill the deepest desires, or even some casualties.
Aside from the historical thread and the fact how destructive effect the war had on human nature, it is testing deepest feelings such as respect, desire to save a loved one or even love.
Now do we take that to mean he's questioning Kirk's desire to explore in the wake of Into Darkness, or have the crew been into their «five year mission» in deep space for a while, indeed have they even completed that mission?
Payne's reluctance to go deep with these characters may have something to do with his desire to maintain an even, folksy tone — a kind of heightened drabness.
She even talks to him more and more, opening up her deepest desires, pains, and secrets.
She Even Set Up Their Cellar As A Fully Equipped Dungeon And... Beatrice knew everything about David's deepest, darkest, kinky desires, and she was enjoying dominating him.
His deep desire to protect his owner and family is unmatched, and the GSD is even known to put his life in danger to save others.
My commitment to photography came from a deep desire to gather up our moments and hold onto them, even after my memory fades.
Many of Dawood's questions and investigations are rooted in his own cultural heritage, life experience, and a deep desire to encourage communication between different cultures, people, and even the past and future.
My commitment to photography came from a deep desire to gather up our moments and hold onto them, even after my memory fades.
And even if intimate connection is desired, deep emotional attunement becomes effectively impossible.
Even though the victim spouse might have a deep desire to understand what or why this has happened, he or she should avoid wanting to know all the details.
My commitment to photography came from a deep desire to gather up our moments and hold onto them, even after my memory fades.
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