Sentences with phrase «even distribution»

A higher coil count can also create a flatter surface and a more even distribution of weight.
This method tends to produce smoother cement, with fewer pockets and other «defects,» and more even distribution of color.
Also, be sure to rotate the pan as you go allowing for even distribution of heat.
Stir gently to ensure even distribution of eggs and seasonings.
Mine needs some work on even distribution so that each slice is more consistent.
Rather than putting gifted students, average students, and special - needs students in separate classrooms, school administrators may divide students into classes with a relatively even distribution of abilities and needs.
It's not a normal bell curve, but a central spike with a mostly even distribution in price and time.
Conversely, I made no assumption about even distribution of income and taxes across states.
I really wanted to like these metallic lipsticks, but despite the fact that they're creamy and smooth on application, it's pretty impossible to get even distribution of the color.
Each network of points was chosen to provide the most even distribution possible of measurements across each glacier, given the known mass balance pattern.
I am * so * going to grind my chips and nuts for even distribution next time!
That publicity can lead to increased sales and possibly even distribution opportunities for emerging brands and expansion for brands looking grow nationwide.
The key is to take the oil into your hands and rub it throughout your fingers first to ensure even distribution on the hair.
It is also likely to lead to a more even distribution of high quality teachers, and of role models for those students hesitant about applying for university.
Add pitted dates and water into the processor and pulse initially for even distribution of the dates.
If you flavor the butter first with the garlic, then you'll have a more even distribution of garlic flavor throughout the topping.
If you have to use a purse or a backpack, consider purchasing ergonomic ones and rotating their use from one arm to the other, or placing it with even distribution on the body.
In a related commentary, Dr. Paul Kershaw, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, writes that the researchers found that increased health spending «is associated with lost opportunities to improve life expectancy and prevent avoidable mortality by comparison with a more even distribution between medical and social investments.
There's no significance here other than pretty branding — though around the camera lens is a dual - LED circular flash which mimics that of a professional photographer's to provide even distribution of light for indoor and night shots.
And Chinese scientists rank behind only their U.S. counterparts on number of publications, although they are heavily skewed toward the natural sciences compared with a more even distribution by U.S. authors across disciplines.
URC ® Pieces - Suitable for use in a wide range of applications, the range of dice sizes ensure even distribution through your finished product and deliver a fruity burst with every mouthful.
In the last section «Publisher (s) / Imprint (s)» you are able to add more publishers / imprints to your account and you are able to change even the distribution channels if required.
For the Cin / Ind game, the Bengals +3 (receiving 16 % of spread bets) have value due to our 80/20 betting system, but it looks like oddsmakers must be receiving a fairly even distribution of money since that line hasn't moved despite this one - sided betting.
And such even distribution helped set up 2007 to be so awesome, because teams like LSU, OU, and VT could have two losses and remain in the title hunt.
The front - lit display has 17 LED lights that project light upwards, proving even distribution.
should have the opposite effect at higher altitudes, — perhaps with more even distribution over latitude (I'm recalling a figure from Ch 9 of IPCC AR4 WGI (zonal averages)-RRB-.
It gives more even distribution per forkful and rind is not overpowering.
I was expecting the water to be kind of chunky, but it actually gets a pretty even distribution and is kind of a thick, naturally flavoured drink.
«In real porous medium like soil or tissue, you don't have this very even distribution of bacteria,» Dunkel says.
Even distribution throughout the day, however, helps your body use all the protein you ingest to the fullest.
By blending the dots together, you'll allow for a creaseless, even distribution along the gentle under eye skin.
Omaha has a population of nearly 409,000 people with a roughly even distribution of men and women.
A more even distribution also relieves the pressure on schools and teachers when large numbers of immigrant students arrive over a short period of time.»
They considered even distribution of work, talents possessed by team members, and who might work best together.
Even distribution royalties paid to Amazon, the iBookStore, and other ebook sellers are less than are typically paid to brick - and - mortar bookstores and distribution channels.
The sort of people who are planning on taking even distributions of principal and income in such a way that their funds are totally liquidated at death are generally not rich.
Lighting is, therefore, mainly a décor choice; tanks just look better with a somewhat even distribution of light.
West coasts of other continents at similar latitudes have a practically even distribution of rainfall through the year.
There was an almost even distribution between boys and girls and between urban and nonurban schools.
Occasionally tap pan firmly on your work surface to ensure even distribution, until all batter is used (batters should appear as concentric rings).
Place dough on a floured work surface and knead until a ball of dough with even distribution of ingredients forms.
Unlike Gen - Xers and Boomers, their portfolios are much more diversified across all asset classes — with a relatively even distribution between cash (25 %), equities (20 %), fixed income (17 %), investment real estate (14 %), and non-traditional investments (13 %).
The data from Team B shows a much different picture, as they have a more even distribution among the critical questions with 35.7 % of meetings responding to Question 1, 21.4 % of meetings responding to Question 2, 35.7 % of meetings responding to Question 3, and 7.1 % of meetings in «Other.»
Look for a mix of shimmering materials, from beading to mercury glass to metallic fabrics, so you don't have to think too hard about even distribution.
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