Sentences with phrase «even during contractions»

Even in my hazy state, I was worried of it being too hot for my baby, so I kept turning the cold water on between and even during contractions.
For this birth, I felt so clear minded in between and even during contractions.

Not exact matches

Sometimes the dilation of the cervix can stop or slow during the active phase, even if the contractions have been strong and frequent.
Epidurals lower the mother's production of oxytocin, 8 or stop its normal rise during labor.9 The effect of spinals on oxytocin release is even more marked.10 Epidurals also obliterate the maternal oxytocin peak that occurs at birth 11 — the highest of a mother's lifetime — which catalyses the final powerful contractions of labor and helps mother and baby to fall in love at first meeting.
Some spa oils may induce contractions even during the first few months of pregnancy.
I did some hip swaying to give room and even did some squats during the contractions.
The results were that the drugs took the edge off the leading wave of the contractions so I didn't really get time to get on top of them, I was very stressed during labor, did not receive good support, I had a fourth degree laceration with rectal repair, and in addition, my baby was taken away from me for all the necessary (at that time) testing before I really got a chance to even hold him.
It is believed that the nucleus releases increased amounts of mRNA as a response to muscle tension and myofibrillar damage, which happens because of insufficient cycling of the actin / myosin cross-bridges which happen during very intense muscle contractions, even though the exact mechanism is not yet understood in detail.
My contractions never get completely regular, even during transition (which really frustrates me...) but I knew at this point that it was the real thing.
Athletes typically address both carbohydrate replacement and fluid replacement during the course of a race, but sometimes neglect the importance of maintaining the proper balance of electrolytes, fluids, and carbohydrates (fuel) in the body to maintain blood flow, muscle contraction, and even brain function.
Restoring muscle function — even minimal contraction obtainable during an initial treatment — can help begin reducing tightness in hypertonic muscles.
For those of you who wanted suggestions of essential oils, my main oils were lavender - emotional and physical support, compresses, and healing afterwards, a clove, rosemary and lemon blend for disinfecting items (put this in a spray bottle), and put on my feet and baby's feet for protection (hospital birth), helichrysm for healing and to keep on hand in case of excessive bleeding, frankinsense for anointing baby and healing, clary sage to help labor contractions along when you are in active labor, Valor (a Young Living blend) for courage and spinal alignment before, during and after birth, peppermint to help ease nausea, lemon to flavor water, to help hydrate and quench thirst in the even you are not allowed to drink large amounts of water, any other favorite smelling oils safe for baby for anointing and encouraging bonding, especially if used during pregnancy
Free weights and other constant loads (even those involving machines) during most common exercises produce a peak contraction at long muscle lengths (there are some exceptions).
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