Sentences with phrase «even eek»

Not exact matches

(Meanwhile, one recent study even found most men would rather give themselves electrical shocks rather than sit quietly with their own thoughts — eek!)
I've still never tried grits — not sure if they even sell it here, but if it's just made from ground corn then it sounds pretty ok to me... that name though... makes me think of little pebbles in my mouth — eek!
and even if he manages to eek out a life for a while (till he finds his next victim), it wont be full of the vitality and order this one is full of, which is why he won't leave.....
But other investigators working with LMP have not even been able to eek out 120 milliAmp hours per gram so far from the material they've synthesized.
I'll betcha a loaf of bread that you'll find some beautiful zucchini there, maybe even big enough to eek out two loaves of this bread (one for now, one for the freezer?
(Even though it's supposed to be 95 degrees... eek)
Anyone else wore those fluffy metallic (maybe even neon eek) jumpers in the 90s?
So, that takes me back to the sample — now I must go read mine, or, even make sure my publishers put a sample device there - eek!
The global warming «warmest» year ever was finally delivered... although with some birthing difficulties... NASA had to «adjust» its previous 2014 monthly temperatures to eek out another +0.04 deg before adding December's anomaly... even with that tomfoolery, the outlook for «rapid and dangerous» warming is not so hot...
I want to host a big party to celebrate, but between a bridal shower this weekend, the wedding in a little over a month (eek) and the possibility of selling our house and perhaps even moving out of state, my life is over the brim full.
It'll even rate your physique... eek!
It doesn't even matter if it's ice cold... and that's what I call brave, EEK!
I'm eveneek - wearing Gap to the wedding.
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