Sentences with phrase «even embrace it»

In conclusion, this study indicates that individuals who feel their life now is pertinent to their identity in the future, called psychological connectedness to the future, may be more willing to withstand, or even embrace, some of the differences between themselves and their partner.
Finally, will customers even embrace Android Go?
It makes sense for Microsoft to focus on apps such as Office and Skype for Android and iOS, but what about the popular idea that Microsoft should somehow try to shoehorn Android apps onto Windows Phone, or even embrace the Android OS in favour of its offering?
Santorum's argument ultimately comes down to a dismissal of climate science and climate scientists, and even the embrace of a conspiracy theory, one in which the scientists of the world are conspiring to subvert economic growth (yeah, right).
He says the first step is to recognize, even embrace, the essence of how humans work, including the faults.
What's been missing too long is an effort to fully consider, even embrace, the human role within nature and — perhaps more important still — to consider our own inner nature, as well.
However, unlike most games which set you back to a point before you died, Death Stranding acknowledges your defeat, and seems to even embrace it.
Other times, it means we adapt and evolve in more significant ways — we engage with customers in a social network we've never used before, step outside our comfort zone and learn to use live video broadcasts or even embrace an entirely new and somewhat intimidating technology.
Publishers responded to the rise of self - publishing by aligning themselves with the scam factory that is Authors Solutions (which David Gaughran covers brilliantly and damningly here), while the men's grooming industry is choosing to mimic these upstarts and even embrace the challenge:
It might have helped his relationship with Quinn also — allowed Quinn to understand why the boy did things the way he did, perhaps even embrace the strengths of his personality.
Yet many education reformers avoid, accept — or even embrace!
Screenwriter Danny Strong and director Lee Daniels (whose name, by the way, is awkwardly attached to the title due to a trivial copyright dispute) understand and even embrace the contradictions of their characters.
In my mind, Bigelow doesn't suggest that you're meant to enjoy torture or even embrace the mission's success, exactly...
Its success demonstrates that many consumers will tolerate, and even embrace, advertising when a site offers a free service for which others charge membership fees.
There are certain limitations you learn to accept and even embrace once you can be happy in your own skin.
Experiencing the beneficial effects of yoga first hand will help teachers to accept and even embrace it as a worthwhile part of the school day.
In Unexpected, beloved author Christine Caine helps us learn how to anticipate and even embrace the uncertainties of life, walking in the life God has for us — unknowns and all.
She had decided that the next time my dark side came home, she would be loving, and even an embrace would not be out of line, but clearly a pot of tea was out of order.
Climate activists are recommending many of the same policy solutions today that they were a decade ago — and while President Trump and several other GOP leaders are firmly in the skeptic category, a newer generation of Republican lawmakers seems at least willing to acknowledge the problem and, in some cases, even embrace bold solutions.
Or perhaps, more provocatively, some might even embrace the idea of falsified memory — artificially adding in happiness where there is only remembered pain, or subtracting out enduring despair that's long outlived its usefulness.
Dame Anne continued: «Without that, there is a real risk of a self - fulfilling prophecy: that the prison experience will create or entrench alienation and disaffection, so that prisons release into the community young men who are more likely to offend, or even embrace extremism.»
How can a mother process these emotions and even embrace them as moments of courage and strength, rather than weakness?
The difference with doing my LOVE YOUR BIRTH childbirth education course is that you are guided by a professional through your journey and are given the tools necessary for really preparing yourself for the unknowns of labor, childbirth and beyond as best that you can, and feel deeply positive about it - even embrace the unexpected, when things did not turn out as planned.
Some players even embrace the role.
It ends in the acceptance, even the embrace, of suffering.
Some may learn to accept these attributes and even embrace their greater purpose, while others seek to minimize or eliminate that characteristic.
We accept and even embrace the discoveries of modern science.
Each church picks a passage out of the book to base everything around they don't even embrace it all to the fullest.
Regulators are starting to acknowledge, and even embrace, the revolutionary potential of the blockchain and other digital innovations.
You will need to accept and even embrace the suffering when it comes in order to achieve success.
Likening it to exercise, Sinek says we must endure the pain and short - term stress and even embrace the unknowable.
However, expect and even embrace some variation in how traditions are executed in different locations.
Kentucky's senior senator endorsed his junior colleague's bid to legalize industrial hemp (seriously), joined his filibuster protesting the administration's drone policy, and even embraced Ron and Rand Paul's «Audit the Fed» campaign.
Some have even embraced potential Russian involvement in the election like a get - out - of - responsibility free card: You can't blame us for getting it wrong.
He's fully owning and even embracing the authority of the CEO position.
He comments that «Bitcoin looks like a twenty - first - century version of gold, and its creators have even embraced that analogy.»
George, I've noticed, is getting more libertarian, even embracing the libertarian brand of judicial activism.
Can we build a church that welcomes our mutual strengths but also allows — and even embraces — our confessions of weakness?
Once I got over apologizing for my curiosity and questions, and began accepting (and even embracing) that part of myself, the more I began to love life.
Recognizing that suffering is part of life and calmly facing — even embracing — that which is unavoidable indicates mature self - awareness.
Despite the never - ending snow, we've managed to stay sane around here by finding new places for indoor fun (like here and here) and even embracing the snowy weather (like here).
In contrast, homebirth mothers have been told repeatedly by relatives, friends and medical professionals that homebirth poses a real danger of death to their baby, and they have denied, or even embraced that danger in an effort to bolster their self image within a community of like minded believers.
Instead, we should actively manage nature, interfering when necessary — by reintroducing native predators, moving species under threat, or even embracing invaders — to buttress important ecosystems and preserve diversity.
I'm even embracing the bare midriff trend!
Talking about trends, STYLEWE happens to be on the forefront when it comes to dictating or even embracing the best of fashion from across the world.
It's a reputation some have tried to shake, but many tolerate and others have even embraced.
Scott lets the audience in on their discovery together which leads to David teaching Walter how to play the recorder and even embracing each other in a tender way.
But the script is weak, and there's something distasteful and dispiriting about the way class prejudices are blithely accepted and even embraced.
Godzilla gets a lot right, hiring excellent actors even in bit parts to sell every inch of the story, focusing on characters, the emotional stakes of the leads and even embracing the atomic - age fears and allegories that the Toho Studio films utilized while putting a modern - spin on them — the casualties and cost of life within such disasters (there is a 9 / 11-esque disaster - porn tinge to the film, but it's certainly not as thoughtless as it is in «Man Of Steel»).
In his teaching and writing, Murphy argues that avoiding pain intensifies it, and that the paradox of accepting pain, even embracing it, makes it bearable.
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