Sentences with phrase «even enhanced mood»

What's more, soluble fiber boosts the population of good bacteria in the gut, which is linked to improved immunity, anti-inflammatory effects, and even enhanced mood.

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One study, published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, found that compared to grey and red viewing the color green enhanced mood and even improved exercise performance.
Exposure to daylight and exercise are natural ways to enhance serotonin production, which is one reason why spending time outside in the summertime or getting in a good workout (or even better, going for a run or a hike outdoors) put you in such a great mood.
Prior to its scientific discovery in western culture, Turmeric has been used for centuries in the east to help enhance liver function, immune health, digestion, metabolism, mood, skin complexion, and even more!
As discussed in depth here, bacon could have increased his Vitamin D levels, improved his fatty acid profile, helped his body detoxify turpentine, aided his attempts to quit absinthe, stabilized his blood sugar, stopped the mood swings, reduced anxiety, enhanced his coping skills and even him helped him sleep.
Rather than reacting, I proactively choose my food: meals that will give me energy, bites that will boost my mood, snacks that will nourish my gut, nutrients that will enhance my brain power, and even dishes meant simply to bring me pleasure.
Nootropics are foods or compounds that have the ability to enhance mental capabilities, including your ability to focus, memory, motivation, and even mood.
Other benefits include enhanced focus and motivation, a lighter mood and lower stress levels, even a reduction in cholesterol and blood pressure.
A normal immune reaction, blood sugar regulation, healthy hormone balance and even the production of mood - enhancing neurotransmitters: each is dependent on good gut health.
Now celebrity chefs and nutritionists are touting not just the savory, warming appeal of bone broth, but also its health benefits: mood - enhancing minerals, digestion - assisting and inflammation - reducing amino acids, and even collagen for healthy skin and hair.
Even a simple walk in the park can be great for summer romance — it gives you time to talk, things to talk about and, best of all, it lets you soak up that health - enhancing, mood - boosting sunshine.
I did like Marco Beltrami's atmospheric score, and felt it really enhanced the moody design of the overall film (even if said mood dragged on and on and on...).
This included: attendance levels (studies show a positive relationship between participation in sports and school attendance); behaviour (research concludes that even a little organised physical activity, either inside or outside the classroom, has a positive effect on classroom behaviour, especially amongst the most disruptive pupils); cognitive function (several studies report a positive relationship between physical activity and cognition, concentration, attention span and perceptual skills); mental health (studies indicate positive impacts of physical activity on mood, well - being, anxiety and depression, as well as on children's self - esteem and confidence); and attainment (a number of well - controlled studies conclude that academic achievement is maintained or enhanced by increased physical activity).
This tension is then augmented by the figure, whose presence defines and enframes space even as it enhances the contemplative mood of the work.
Enhance those long, leisurely evenings on the patio by setting the right mood.
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