Sentences with phrase «even goes to the doctor»

He didn't even go to the doctor at all in April.
She even goes to the doctor with her clients.
I even went to the doctor to be tested for what i thought might have been a super early menopause, but she said it was completely negative and no signs of a problem.

Not exact matches

«It's also going to change how our kids learn in classes, how we stay healthy, how doctors and hospitals work, energy, transportation, even the food sector.»
«Now we also see that a significant number of Americans put off going to the doctor and other routine health services until they actually have cash in their account, even when they know that it is coming,» said Farrell, in an accompanying press release to the study.
«But people are so freaking busy they can't even imagine going out to the doctor
Even though Denver and Ann have a much healthier lifestyle in Ecuador, they both had to go to the doctor once since arriving there.
Safe abortions will never go away as they are still needed to save life (even in the early 1900s doctors had to abort babies so at least the mother could live when tuberculosis was the leading cause of death and it was terminal for a pregnant mother).
I don't believe in fatalism (not even the divinely ordained kind), and so always recommend wearing seat belts and going to doctors when sick.
Mainly, because in all the verbiage about freedoms of beliefs there is something so important, so blatantly acute yet everyone do not even mention it, except - oh genial me: Why would anyone in the whole world support any type of creed / belief / religion where a whole lot of humans — as in millions of human women — are not allowed to go to school, to even just read and write - less become a teacher, doctor, lawyer, president of their own companies, their own countries, mutilated by the millions when they reach puberty, WHY is this allowed?
Instead of praying, (which you then appear NOT to be so confident in), you call 911, and high - tail it to the doctor, and avail yourself of every bit of technology and science that those with scientific world views have developed, and absolutely refuse to allow yourself or anyone you know to be disconnected from the equipment, (even though you SAY you believe you are going to your reward in a better place).
i can not even afford to go to the heart doctor.
our health system is already getting ready to raise cost to the working class and to people due to his horrible health care plans and even doctors are going cash only, just to avoid taking government insurance.
what about people who lived most of there lives without even a speeding tickect but have been declared mentally incompetent because a doctor ask you how are your finances and you have to explain you are hving trouble whle your going through a divorce.
I love how you proclaim, like any soothsayer or witch doctor, what is exactly going to happen and what your god is going to do in every instance and even how he thinks and feels — when he doesn't even exist.
I think an employer has a moral obligation to be concerned about the welfare of one's employee's — maybe not legally required (to a degree)-- i wish it were simple that people could just quit an employer that had no concern for the people so that enterprise would go under or wise up — i think though employers are actually more upset about money instead of morals — women and doctors should be deciding such issues — i do not know y i even bother posting since i know these posts will not actually affect anything --
As kids, we'd go for acupuncture instead of going to the doctor, we'd eat home - grown shoots and sprouts for dinner; and even went along to meditation evenings.
I went to see a Homeopathic doctor, and even though some people judge it as hippie nonsense I have had major results!
first I sent him to the doctor to run tests... all normal... then I sent him to a hypnotherapist... we had ok sex maybe twice after... then we went to see a sexual psychotherapist for months and I felt some improvement... he wasn't even able to stay hard enough to penetrate me before we started seeing her..
it's like a fire I can't get rid of... masturbating makes me so angry because why the hell do I have to please myself when he's right there??? I even got him cialis from the doctor and we tried twice and he said it didn't work... the next morning I walked in on him on the shower with a giant erection... I was so mad i just walked out and cried... this is hell... pure hell... I've had my share of great sexual partners and so I know what I'm missing... I even contemplate suicide it's so painful... i just don't know where to go from here... I thought I could live like this but I can't... other couples we are friends with have sex multiple times a day and I'm so jealous..
I mean, my doctor didn't even ask me if I was going to breastfeed or not.
I felt like all of this was about them — the doctors, my in laws, even the lactation consultant — telling me what we were going to do.
I see everyone freaking out over 3 days and wanting to try something but I feel as long as he does nt seem in pain I will wait it out he is a happy baby but i will see what the doctor sais about this but I have seen people mess their kids up by starting treatment laxitives and such before even having it checked out I do nt want to give my baby anything but breast milk really and like i said when he goes he goes like i do I cant even believe the big amount that comes out when I go its not painful either for me i just do nt go very often but I do feel this must concern alot of people so know I do nt feel normal.....
Your doctor might ask your child to go on a special diet or even incorporate other foods into their daily meals.
She'd like to know how to go about finding a pediatrician when you 1) are new to the area and don't know other parents yet, 2) work full - time, 3) have a list of 20 doctors that are on your plan, 4) have a 2 - year - old who takes a long time to warm up to people and even longer to warm up to doctors, and 5) have no babysitter so you'll have to take your shy toddler along on all the visits to meet the doctors.
Conceiving triplets also reduces the amount of time spent in the hospital and doctor visits and even helps in recovery process as the woman will just have to go through the procedure once instead of a few times child.
My Appearance re: McDonald's «540 Meals» on The Doctors Talk Show Continued thanks to the TLT readership for supporting me through terrifying life experiences like this one: going head - to - head with a McDonald's rep on national TV, in front of a live studio audience — and I didn't even know anyone from McDonald's was coming on the show until the night before the taping.
I once told a doctor I fed Eliza to sleep and she did that sharp intake of breath thing and told me not too (I never even went there with the health visitor).
Should doctors simply go along with the patient's wishes even when they know it to be unsafe?
Having gone over to artificial formula and experienced feeding or absorbtion problems, many parents and even doctors erroneously assume that soy formula will be «better» than the cow - based formula.
Even if there isn't a more serious issue going on with Baby and you just have to wait out the crying fits, having that confirmation and peace of mind from your doctor will take a load off your back.
Going «over» a due date doesn't have to automatically cancel your homebirth plans, even if your doctor suggests it should.
I also take him with me when I go to town, to the store, even to the doctor's office, when possible.
I remember my dad (both of whose children were born at home!!!!) telling me to «Just go get a doctor like your sister did» and even offering to pay for an ambulance to stand by while I labored and birthed at home.
Even more alarming was my doctor's insistence that the medication I would need to help whatever was going on would require me to wean.
Doctor's may put your baby on antibiotics to prevent urinary tract infections while being monitored and your baby may even go home on antibiotics as a means of prevention.
Even if you don't have health insurance or feel your policy isn't adequate enough, a good doctor's office will be able to explain what you're going to owe, help you setup a payment plan and / or even get you in contact with the state to see if you qualify for Even if you don't have health insurance or feel your policy isn't adequate enough, a good doctor's office will be able to explain what you're going to owe, help you setup a payment plan and / or even get you in contact with the state to see if you qualify for even get you in contact with the state to see if you qualify for aid.
Even in the 1970s I was very uneasy with many breastfeeding experts» assumption that just one more new bit of evidence of the biochemical superiority of breast milk was going to turn the tide and bring around the doctors.
Maybe your doctor has even «warned» you about this by saying «It's never too early to set them her up to be a good sleeper...» But whatever you are hearing, know this, if the advice you are getting (even from your doctor, even from your mom) doesn't sit well with you and your gut, you can choose to LET IT GO and trust yourself and what feels right to you instead.
But back to the original paragraph, I was saying that I think respectful pro / con discussions should be had and would go a long way in helping those who feel their preferences / even their right to know what's involved with procedures indicated for them are being ignored by their doctors because they're not qualified to discuss it intelligently.
Although separation anxiety is normal for babies between 10 months and 2 years, you should consult your child's doctor if his anxiety becomes so overwhelming that he's unable to do anything without you by his side, or if he's inconsolable even after you're long gone from his presence.
I have gone to the doctor and even had a Mammogram from time to time because it appears that it could be a clogged duct.
If you're breastfeeding, pumping is essential if you are planning to return to work, or even if you just need to take a break to run some errands, go to a doctor's appointment, or take a well - deserved nap.
You're going to give birth any day now, the doctors tell you your baby is healthy, and you might even know the gender of your baby, too.
A doctor who says «Well, most of my clients do end up choosing an epidural, but if you want to go natural you can do that, I suppose...» When you find the right care provider, they will understand your birth plan before you even show it to them, because it's what they already do EVERY DAY.»
She remembered going to her doctor for a diagnosis of mastitis and even her doctor didn't know what to say or how to help.
Even when going to the hospital, tagging along the older one will almost always make things easier for you and the doctor.
When they were itty - bitty babies fresh out of the womb, I had strangers, family members — and yes, even doctors — question whether I was going to spoil my babies by holding them all the time.
Recounting a recent example of his frustrated attempts to allow a patient - who was «perfectly well» - to go home on a Sunday evening, Marsh complains that doctors are «competing with..
Azor - Ahai: Doctors are already required to respect their patients wishes, even when it goes against their judgment.
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