Sentences with phrase «even going»

During the Ming dynasty Muslims continued in positions of power, some historians even going so far as to say that the Ming was a dynasty of Muslims.
They trash us at every turn, even going so far as to use hate speech and blatant lies to scare people into bashing or even murdering us, passing laws that make our existence illegal, etc., yet when we speak up against this treatment and push back, those same Christians accuse us of intolerance and bullying.
I have found that to be really true with my experience as a writer — that even going into a project like Moxie, which had a pretty decent structure already, there is an element of mystery in every writing project where sometimes the process of writing leads my thoughts and my heart and my soul into territory that I didn't plan for.
I know that being from the US Bible Belt that by and large homosexuals are greatly persecuted and often not allowed to be members of their churches... even going so far as seeing hate crimes committed against them....
He was significantly more evolved than most even going so far as to concede that people might be gay because of biology.
I'm not even going into the various sieges, of Jerusalem and elsewhere.
When challenged by the facts or with the law, the administration responds with attempts to undermine the free press and the judiciary, even going so far as to call the free press «an enemy of the people.»
I'm not even going to touch the whole «calling me a girl» thing when I'm actually a thirty - seven - year - old woman but whatever.
It is even going to include some people who will vote for Hillary Clinton this November.
It's the sort of thing that makes me feel, well, maybe I do have to get along without men if they're not even going to take me seriously.
Projecting one's own beliefs to society at large, even going so far as to make up false resons that can not be backed up by fact, «women are seen as objects», as to why others should do the same, is just plain odd.
I am so ready to be done with seminary, I'm not even going to walk.
I'm not even going to get into how horrible it is to call the president a «Secret Muslim» as if being a Muslim should disqualify one from being president...
I am not even going to go to a spiritual level on this: One can note many practical examples — temper is but a simple one.
I personally, know of a minister friend of mine, who goes out and feeds the homeless all the time, even going into «tent cities» and passing out food and sharing the love of Christ!
It is imperative to notice that you can love your enemy and still obey the Old Testament Law, including executing justice and even going to war.
There are so many things wrong with your post, I'm not even going to spend the time listing them all.
If any Christian church is correct in saying that we are saved simply because we are Christian, especially if we do wrong and don't have to own up to it, then what is the point in even going to church?
I'm not even going to point out that you didn't list which translation you are using which is important: i.e. Pickhall, Shakir, Yusef Ali, Assad, etc. what I want to point out is how easily people such as yourself can easily show your refusal to read in context.
The monks told Simon that Hitler was planning to pillage the monasteries for their art treasures, even going so far as to send officers to photograph more than 1,000 works of art.
we are born with a nature of sin, that which is unlike God, hence, Jesus tells Nicodemus, «You must be born again», even going so far as to make a distinction between that which is flesh and that which is spirit.
The same one that I would refer that stole much of its materials from my holy Bible not of original thought at all even going as far as to acknowledge Jesus Christ, Mother Mary and Moses and claiming bolsterously to be the true church of the world?
In case you are wondering, Constantine was also the one that carried out the destruction of Rome and all Romans... even going as far as to burn then salt the land so they couldn; t even grow crops.
Without even going inside, the beloved disciple could see the linen wrappings all lying in a heap.
Thomas Jefferson, the main author of the Declaration of Independence, strongly oppo $ ed the religious right of his time, even going so far as to ed!
It was pretty wet from the rain, so I wondered if it was even going to light.
So many people don't like even going into a church: they fear it.
I'm not even going to waste my time exposing the foolishness displayed in the rest of your comment.
So until your dead zombie savior makes an appearance, they will be leaving in droves, or not even going, to begin with.
Not even going to get into people fighting and dying over the message contained within this book, but to riot over paper being burned, as it should be, is ridiculous.
I'm not even going to touch on the idea of whether these stories are true.
I'm not even going to dispute the incidence rates you claim, although it would be trivial to refer you to very different numbers.
I'm not even going to suggest that homosexuality * isn't * a sin.
I'm not even going to ask you about your proof.
I'm not even going to address how ridiculous that argument is in light of the issues of overpopulation or the fact that gay people can indeed have children (my wife and I are planning to have five), or how many orphans there are in the world that could use a loving home.
To add insult to injury, Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) also denies any wrongdoing or torture of Otto Warmbier — even going as far as to say North Korea is the «biggest victim» in this situation.
Others, such as BTC Robot, are so spammy and scammy that we're not even going to provide a link.
But even going forward, he believes the businesses will reap «better - than - economic growth» thanks to a widespread shift to offshore services.
Sure and Kinross and other miners will be closing down many of their operations or even going bankrupt.
Nevertheless, there were numerous critics expressing worries about the growth of margin lending, but the financial press tended to play their arguments down, even going as far as charging the critics with trying to undermine confidence for ulterior reasons (Barron's and the Wall Street Journal both published editorials to that effect).
After all, you are even going to pay more for managing such big lists.
Preston: [00:19:26] So if I wanted to have a transaction with you and I wanted it to be included on the blockchain but there's they're running out of space on the blockchain if I include a tip, like hey here's an extra dollar here's an extra $ 2 for this transaction I'm trying to have with my buddy that was that tip went to the minors which I'm not even going to get into the discussion about minors here.
These services typically work in the same fashion, alerting traders to what are perceived to be excellent trades, even going so far are to provide the specific selections that should be made along with each position.
Scale start - ups — the leading engine of job creation — are staying private longer, on average 11 years in 2014, and, in some cases, are even going straight from venture to private equity ownership to provide liquidity to early investors and employees.
Even going to the zoo requires advanced planning, as women can only go on specific days.
Henkel's Right Guard has not been able to lift itself from a mildly positive perception range with men, as it continues its traditional close alignment with athletes and sports, even going as far as giving away an award for the NBA's «Best Smelling Player.»
If you are talking about high - quality debt, it isn't going to be Greek or Russian or Argentinian debt; it isn't even going to be Italian or French debt.
Seattle is also in the midst of a housing crisis, with King County even going so far as to declare a
Seattle is also in the midst of a housing crisis, with King County even going so far as to declare a state of emergency over the issue in 2015.
«Inactivity at the station is timed, even for those breaks, so employees are often forced to keep themselves from even going to the bathroom, lest it take too long.»
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