Sentences with phrase «even grandchildren»

If only our ancestors were more aware of the housing market and inflation, even we their grandchildren could be benefiting from their success.
For 30 years John Whitlow ran Colonial Driving School with excellence, teaching scores of people, and their children, and even grandchildren how to drive.
For all AARP members, there will be life insurance for children or even grandchildren assuming that they are younger than 17 years of age and this will be done through the Young Start program offered by AARP.
You may simply want to leave a financial legacy for your children or even your grandchildren.
I doubt that we are on the verge — and I really doubt that my children or even grandchildren (hypotheticals at this point) will see Singularity.
Involving the «adult children» in the parental marital discord robs the divorcing couple of an ongoing relationship with their children and possibly even their grandchildren.
The much larger rises expected — say, a meter or more — will be arriving in our children's or even grandchildren's times, depending, once again, on what we choose to do.
The result of the Greenpeace smear included many hostile, obscene phone calls and emails with threats to me, my family, even my grandchildren.
They are primarily vegetarian, mild - mannered land dwellers that will outlive their owners, and possibly their owners» children and even grandchildren.
Dog A «He has never really bitten anyone, but he has nipped at several people, even our grandchildren.
Children and even grandchildren who are unmarried and dependent upon you (the retired worker) for their support are eligible for benefits.
Now our aging parents, boomerang kids, even grandchildren are all fighting for space and attention.
LIkely your children and possibly even Grandchildren will not see it either.
And lots of other parents are out there, doing big and little things to help advocate for their own children, that can and will also help you advocate for your gifted children, or even your grandchildren.
Children that were fans of the original films are grown now and sharing them with their children and even their grandchildren.
If you have had children, or even grandchildren, but for whatever reason are no longer in a relationship, then you probably would want to meet someone who has had similar life experiences.
Many might find them reading advice they themselves have given to their own loved one's, children, or even grandchildren over the years.
Actually I'm envious of you that you have this wonderful opportunity to provide one of the legacies you can give a child — a pristine anti-inflammatory pre-conception and in utero period of time where you are providing optimal gut - brain - fetus function, B vitamins / omega -3 for babbbbie's brain health and gene expression for future life and even your grandchildren.
this punkin bread is fantabulous and even my grandchildren (the original Little Debbie divas) are begging for it.
Quality jumpers will last you through multiple children and maybe even some grandchildren.
Even my grandchildren (ages 5 and 2) loved them.
Even our grandchildren loved it (they usually only eat canned cranberries).
For me the real evil of masturbation would be that it takes an appetite which, in lawful use, leads the individual out of himself to complete (and correct) his own personality in that of another (and finally in children and even grandchildren) and turns it back: sending the man back into the prison of himself, there to keep a harem of imaginary brides.
She complains about even her grandchildren!
Often, an insured will choose a son or daughter, niece or nephew, or even a grandchild as their beneficiary of choice on their burial insurance policy.
I hope others will find something here that reminds them of their own experiences as a grandparent or even grandchild.

Not exact matches

Start saving for a child, grandchild, other family member, friend — even yourself.
Even as she weakened steadily, she always mustered the strength to smile and tell me, my siblings and her grandchildren that she loved us.
Instead, they prefer to trust government to do so, even if only by borrowing money, for which task they pledge the obligations of their children and their grandchildren.
Not heredity but corporate personality explains Yahweh's far - flung punishments upon even the great - grandchildren of his enemies; it was the whole tribe that sinned in any member's sin and it was the whole tribe that suffered.
Fortunately for America these unyielding creationist beliefs are much less common in my children's generation and even less so in my grandchildren's generation.
Even more urgently we need a debate about alternatives to the current form of globalization — alternatives that would leave our grandchildren a more livable world..
We urgently need to design pastoral strategies (and even select the times for our meetings and worship services) according to the needs of that great mass of excluded people who form part of non-traditional families: single mothers, families divided by divorce, grandmothers who raise their grandchildren, widows, orphans, street children, etc..
I have observed how these busy parents devote time to their children and grandchildren — without campaign staff in the room — even during some of the most intense periods of the campaign.
It is not uncommon for a church computer lab to be used in the mornings by elderly people who are learning to e-mail their grandchildren and in the evenings by a youth group playing Bible software games.
If someone thinks that the spread of something (a disease, economic system or religion) endangers not only the life but eternal soul of their children and grandchildren they will usually believe that fighting and even killing is worthwhile to protect against this greater harm.
It is evident even in the final scene, where Harry is holding his new grandchild and complaining that she represents another nail in his coffin.
In the summertime, her grandchildren would often visit Mary at her home in the countryside, where she would bake them mandel bread and cinnamon rolls even in the blistering heat.
I think my grandchildren may even like it.
Even if your grandchild has fur and mischievous green eyes.
Our grandchildren insist its their favourite Chocolate Cake even though I have told them there is no chocolate in the recipe.
I've made this recipe many times and it is a family favorite, even with my younger grandchildren.
Someday, we will be able to tell our children, grandchildren or even great - grandchildren: «I saw Rafael Marquez play, that tall player, full of great technical skills, smarts, who effortlessly made passes 60 meters long, who crossed the field with his head held high and the ball glued to his shoes.
I don't even have very young grandchildren (9 - 19) but I SO REMEMBER the rooms and what they looked like: exactly as you've depicted.
I wish for my grandchildren and all children that they have the opportunity to develop empathy even as they are saturated with violence in the media and on their screens.
When you are in charge of toddler and preschool grandchildren, even the most competent grandparents can find their strength depleted and their patience ebbing.
Even when grandparents win custody in court, they are vulnerable to losing it, unless they adopt their grandchildren.
Another flowery craft perfect for mother's day gift — this hand print flowers tote bag from Raise a Boy is so cute and ideal for even your youngest one to make with you (gift for a grandmother from first grandchild perhaps).
Even if you are an involved dad, until we are successful, your children and grandchildren will be growing up in a culture of absent fathers and unfathered children.
Still, even grandparents who can't move much can encourage the grandchildren to move.
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