Sentences with phrase «even hurtful»

This stress can often lead to reacting in unhelpful, or even hurtful ways to children.
It can stir people to action, movethem to tears of both joy and sorrow, and — as it did here — inflict great pain... As a Nation we have chosen a different course — to protect even hurtful speech on public issues to ensure that we do not stifle public debate.
She's a supportive, perhaps even permissive mother, yet has reached that stage when the once companionable relations with her child have turned daunting, even hurtful.
The internet is filled with varying opinions that, often times, spark some pretty intense, and even hurtful, debates.
Even a hurtful thought against another person is a sin in the eyes of God, and all sin is sin and deserves God's wrath and judgment.

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Rooted in cultural inequities and beliefs connected to hurtful past experiences, the Imposter Syndrome embeds untruths that can cripple even the strongest among us.
Even though Turkey's religious authority has said it will not provide Islamic funeral services for coup soldiers, a spokesman told Reuters that top cleric Mehmet Gormez did not support the establishment of a burial ground for traitors, saying it was hurtful to the families of the dead.
Even James Dobson doesn't use such hurtful language like that any more, dude.
Because they draw their affirmation from others, they'll never stop to question it, even when the hurtful consequences of their actions become obvious.»
Were Mort less mellow, he might respond to Molly's anger by getting angry himself and calling her childish or judgmental or coming up with something even more irrelevant and hurtful to say, like, «The whole idea of taking a honeymoon in Topeka is the stupidest thing I ever heard of.
Even seemingly lesser sins — ignorant, careless or inadvertently hurtful remarks — had previously damaged relationships and caused others to pull back in hurt and anger.
Even though your words are hurtful, they show that you continue to want to talk to me and have a relationship with me.
@Timothy — I don't recall using any foul, or even abusive words; unless you consider disagreeing with you, based on solid evidence, as being hurtful.
We see these scenes repeated throughout life: in a friend's confession of her deepest secret, as an estranged family member asks for forgiveness for an old, hurtful action, or perhaps even in strangers — as we pass a man with a cardboard sign and a tattered blanket every day on the way to work.
But what makes the lack of love even more heretical, is that a lack of love often leads religious people to do horrendous and hurtful things «in the name of Jesus,» which makes these actions not just heretical, but satanic and evil.
Try to rest in his love, and thank Him that He still loves you, even when you say (or think) hurtful things about Him.
To a point he might be right; our individual choices to be responsible probably tend overall to preserve the race, even if an indeterminate number of benign decisions can turn out to be hurtful to the Second Good of the choosers and even to their intended beneficiaries.
The Church needs to see that women — and men — will not stand for this kind of language, as it is degrading, hurtful, and not even remotely biblical.
You wrote about all the mean Christians you know, and how we have done and said so many hateful and hurtful things in history, and even in our own day.
Obviously, there are people who are unwilling to acknowledge or confront their privilege and continue to wound even after they've been told that their words, attitudes, and actions are hurtful; they should be called out, and in some cases avoided for the sake of creating safe communities for the people they hurt.
But lately it has been very difficult and sometimes even outright hurtful to raise my children in the bible belt.
WOW im just trying to figure out how so called religious people even gets the athority over peoples, lives period exspecially when its between them and their GOD, it seems to me that false followers of christ dominate the religious spectrom in this country and are quick to judge before ever setting foot in anothers hardship or goodness forbid have any empathy for another human being that may be different... no instead just sling around sarcastic hurtful remarks and call it being clever or even worse Jesus like.
Christians should always stick up for the truth, no matter the cost — even if what we say sounds hurtful and hateful.
Even after I invited several black and gay Christians to the blog to explain just how hurtful the «I Stand With Phil» movement was to them, many evangelical readers brushed it off as no big deal.
Even Truth can have its funny side but never in a negative or hurtful way.
This is why I have come to believe that asking for forgiveness for the hurtful things we have done without even knowing them is salutary.
Doubling down on bad speech, as so many do, even after they've been told it's hurtful, is deserving of contempt, and we should similarly have no patience or grace for some of what I hear coming from the mouths of white supremacists.
And if a kid sends a mean - spirited tweet as a joke, it could be very hurtful to someone else and even taken as a threat.
I think that dealing with this kind of thing from strangers is one thing — in some ways easier to brush off, and sometimes even more hurtful.
While I am not about people shaming mothers intentionally, or even bringing up a valid point in an inappropriate or very public, essentially hurtful way, I am for mothers speaking up and helping other mothers out.
This can also be hurtful for working parents who take it personally when they come home and baby prefers the stay at home parent over them, even though they might understand that it's only natural and a phase.
Remember that even though certain comments can be infuriating and hurtful, the person saying them probably isn't purposefully trying to be insensitive and will most likely change the subject after a minute or two.
When you snap out and you hurt your child, you smack them, you scream at them, you say something hurtful, go apologize to them even if she was hurtful to your first, especially if she was hurtful to you first.
So even though we should DARN RIGHT support and encourage more breastfeeding from moms who've given birth and hospitals should stop the bags with formula for SURE, going so far as to throw it away because it is «nasty trash» and being snarky about it is hurtful.
Even if your child never does anything to ostracize others, remind her that liking or sharing a mean post is just as hurtful as the original post.
And even though Gemini's are known to let things roll off their backs fairly fast after being upset - pregnant Gemini women will most definitely sting you with hurtful comebacks after being insulted.
Sometimes even lashing out in destructive and hurtful ways, despite the fact that we're good people at heart.
A sunburn hurts when it happens, but it can be even more hurtful down the line.
Be it peer pressure or just «playful taunting,» many kids who are bullies may not even realize what they are doing is hurtful.
Little ones crave adult attention and if they are denied it, they may behave badly to get any type of attention, even if it means being hurtful towards other children.
It might limit your options or even make shutting some people out less hurtful — if they're not allowed, they're not allowed.
When Cuomo came in he worked with Skelos to pass budgets on time and imposed five very hurtful years of the GEA even while bragging he had ended the state's structural budget deficit.
While most candidates would not want their children included in an attack ad, even a light - hearted one that pokes fun at Astorino being a fan of an out - of - state team, the Republican candidate says the spot is «personally hurtful» for altering a family photo.
Even though people mean well, staying silent in the face of such behavior has a profound and hurtful significance to the students.»
During these «honeymoon periods,» he might even apologize for hurtful behavior and promise to change.
Words are also very powerful - even just telling someone hurtful things would be far worse than sending ill intended reiki via distance.
I am really sorry to hear about your visit with your grandmother — it was heartbreaking to even read about, so I can not imagine how hurtful it must have truly been for you.
While I am usually very good at dealing with criticism, it is hurtful to hear someone you care about say such hurtful things, even if I know he didn't really mean it.
Don't send stuff like «Thanks, but I'm not interested» because that can be even more hurtful than not getting a reply at all.
This site even mentions the prevalence of dating... that their «love» is hurtful and doesn't feel loving at all, generally we get back a host of gaslighting excuses about how our big problem is that we're not using the same loopy definition...
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