Sentences with phrase «even jump on»

They read, nap and even jump on it,» Whittaker says.
Perhaps Sony may even jump on the retro game bandwagon, which would be interesting to see.
The Xb2 controllers feature an improved D - pad anyways, So I wouldn't even jump on this unless you were a huge fan of splatoon2.
Plenty of time to snorkel, have lunch, take a horse and cart around the island, or rent a bicycle, even jump on a glass bottom boat and see the islands of Gili Meno and Gili Air, relax by a pool, go to the bird park, visit the turtle sanctuary, meet the locals and experience a piece of paradise all in one day.
Once they have the scent, dogs may initially jump around, and even jump on you.
When playing, she can become too enthusiastic, and even jump on you, but you'll be able to control this behavior once you start training.
You can look on Facebook to see our lifestyle and how we live — and even jump on Twitter to see what we enjoy tweeting about.
You can even jump on board by grabbing a cute handbag or backpack!
Sometimes I would even jump on the piano (an instrument I didn't know how to play at the time) and would tinker around until I found something that I liked.
She started accusing me of running around on her and even jumped on me talking to my girl cousin at my grandma's funeral.
-LSB-...] only keeping around the things i'm realistically going to wear (and maybe even jumping on the capsule wardrobe train).
Maybe this is the first time he has met the baby that is as cute as him, so he's very exciting and plays with the new friend, showing his welcome by licking and even jumping on the baby.
Many functional - medicine doctors (from many disciplines, those who look for root causes and treat the whole body holistically) have even jumped on the anti-grain bandwagon.
It took away from the point of even jumping on enemies, which in most Mario games, is one of the best things to do.
This includes things that are of complete no - nos to you, such as digging in the trash bin, drinking out from the toilet bowl, or even jumping on the dining table!
He is now running happily and even jumps on the couch again.
Maybe a few different cities or even jumping on a plane and traveling somewhere else for a few days.
Certain companies like Ubisoft are even jumping on the backwagon, offering both Rainbow Six Vegas titles as bonuses for players who buy Rainbow Six Siege on the Xbox One.
Hell, even I jumped on that bandwagon.
I'm even jumping on the #NoVitaNoBuy train.
Then the fun begins as all the players try to rush to get on, some jumping frantically and some even jumping on other opponents» heads to stay afloat.
«Law professors are even jumping on adding announcements to these Twitter pages.»

Not exact matches

Even if you do use some form of cloud storage, you will most likely want to have a hard copy version backed up on your own jump drives or external hard drives just in case.
Really important things, like archery, horse jumping and fencing, will be front - page news and the lead story on evening television should a Canadian land a medal in them.
Even after I get banged up, I know how to take care of it and jump on it right away, so that I can feel good for a Wednesday practice.»
The bottom line: No one wants to think about what could happen on a dream vacation, but if you are prepared for the unexpected, it makes the zip lines, the airplane jumps and the snorkel expeditions even more memorable.
And while it's difficult for U.S. companies that are new to the scene to jump in on the game, international businesses have an even higher hurdle to overcome.
Oil supply concerns are greater for Europe, where crude prices have jumped even higher due to the region's larger energy reliance on MENA.
There are ways you can acknowledge a news event, or even newsjack a content piece to provide a foundation for your own, but blindly jumping on a news event is a recipe for disaster.
A participant would set a filled wine glass on a mattress and then repeatedly attempt to disrupt it by walking on the bed, jumping on it, or even dropping a bowling ball next to it.
Even with past failures, entrepreneurs often continue to persevere on, looking for their next venture to jump into.
One evening I was idly shooting jumpers on an open basket when I heard someone whistle.
When you picture a person who identifies as a woman getting engaged, you may think of someone who wastes no time breaking out the wedding magazines and jumping on the phone with venues before the ring is even resized.
«It's called «extreme reading,»» and it «challenges students to read no matter where they are or what else they're doing: jumping on a trampoline, skydiving, playing soccer, riding a horse, sledding, or even swimming underwater.»
Many large banks jumped on that bandwagon and began to sell financial instruments even they did not understand.
You could jump between LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to get yourself up to date on your prospect's life, or you could enter the person's name into the free Refresh mobile app and view his or her latest LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google + and Foursquare updates, and even relevant e-mails from your inbox.
The audience was mostly composed of early - stage VCs and other potential investors, and Lazaridis's primary message to them was that even though quantum computing is in its infancy, they need to jump on the opportunity now.
For Melita Cyril, 26, the challenge of triple jumping wasn't moving to Canada, or even trying on a new job title.
«Based on preliminary data, it appears that accepted - offer activity in May for luxury houses was very strong, possibly even exceeding levels of Spring 2015, suggesting that buyers took advantage of the greater selection of listings to jump in.
By the early 20th century, bandwagons were commonplace in political campaigns, and «jump on the bandwagon» had become a derogatory term used to describe the social phenomenon of wanting to be part of the majority even when it means going against one's principles or beliefs.
Many small companies and some larger ones are jumping into the new wave of IT with both feet by buying into cloud - based products that can be used in the office, on the go on your phone and maybe even through your watch or Echo speaker.
So even when we strap on a parachute to go skydiving, it's because we think we're jumping out of a treehouse.
The value of social selling is no longer a secret and even organizations who were slow to jump on the social media bandwagon are now firmly entrenched in its ecosystem.
«A lot of corporations jump into new businesses, make acquisitions, and even decide to merge based on very questionable criteria like «favourable ratios», «minimal redundancy» and (my personal favourite) «Strategic synergism.»
The ability to plainly state the target market and show a pathway to address it, with proof in the form of revenue growth, has led many investors to jump on deals even if the company does not offer a huge opportunity.
The leap is not all explicable by the 36 per cent jump in crude oil prices in the interim, nor by the significant improvements on costs and break - even levels made under chief executive Kevin Gallagher.
Instead of trying to hop on a story within a few hours, you sometimes can wait days, or even weeks to jump on the trend if you have the right angle.
Or, even better, find a niche market and be the first one to get the jump on things!
The Dow Jones industrial average also received 192 points on Thursday, even though the Nasdaq jumped by 1.
That may sound good on the surface to you, but even if this is the best arrangement for you, there are factors you must consider before you jump in.
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