Sentences with phrase «even make»

that doesn't even make sense.
He can not even make the response of faith that Abraham did: at Bethel the admission is wrung from his lips, «Surely Yahweh is in this place; and I did not know it»; and at Peniel he is uncertain even of the identity of his visitor and fights all night against Yahweh.
If evolution is worse than a fact, and scientists can't even make up their minds about the theory, then what confidence can we have in it?
The concept that time didn't exist, or worked differently prior to [if you can even make such a statement...] the BB is unacceptable to them, so they postulate that God caused the BB.
That does not even make sense.
The Amen at the end of some of those posts don't even make any sense.
The stubborn deniers will not even make this attempt.
We let the religious freaks build their churches, gather and pray, whine and complain and we don't even make them pay taxes.
How does that even make sense?
That we may, and ought, to resist, and even make war against those rulers who leap the bounds prescribed them by the constitution, and attempt to oppress and enslave the subjects, is a principle on which alone the great revolutions which have taken place in our nation can be justified.»
Your story doesn't even make factual sense.
Please don't give us expensive jewelry or really expensive anything because yeah, it could get us in trouble with someone else, or it could even make the police assume we stole it.
This video, from the 2015 Eaux Claires music festival — featuring The Blind Boys of Alabama and The Lone Bellow — singing the spiritual hymn «Watch Over Us» will do the trick, and might even make you cry.
The only really important thing is that Mad Men, fresh off not taking home a single Emmy, didn't even make an appearance in the Golden Globe list of «Best Drama» nominees.
Returning, though, to ST1.75.2, just after discussing the sick man's tongue, Thomas argues that the intellect does not even make use of a physical organ [ST1.75.2].
You can't even make a comment without using quotes from the bible.
We who live in a world which it can truly be said to have revolutionized acknowledge its social significance — and sometimes even make it the object of a cult.
I can already survive and even make a little bit of a living from it.
I wouldn't ever be one of you clowns who can't even make it an entertaining argument against your own beliefs just to verify it's validity.
At sixteen, a child is not fully equipped to take care of themselves or even make most life decisions for themselves, despite what the media tells us.
That doesn't even make sense..
For that to even make sense, I guess it would have to mean that other peoples» God is not a god?
Wow, you don't even make any real sense, so I can't respond other than saying look outside of yourself instead of basing your whole experience on your own religious experience.
Heck, I'd even make a safe bet that there are hundreds... thousands of Christians, right here in the US, attend Church every Sunday, etc, and don't believe in god, heaven or hell.
With the aid of conference circuits, it can even make possible collective intervention in a discussion by physically remote groups.
It remains very politically incorrect — very marginalizing — to even make the suggestion of a dialogue that opens up the question of the normality of h0m0ity.»
You may speak well occationally and even make a valid point occasionally, but I think deeper in you is a mean spirit.
Sure the decision may have not have any effect in this life, it may even make you richer, but there may be consequences int he end that you are not aware of.
He encourages not only a safe discussion about my doubts and questions, but also establishes an atmosphere where I can be myself, let loose and even make new friends with the other students.
The Program Agency of the United Presbyterian Church does not even make this distinction, although it has area liaison desks for various regions.
how would that even make sense?
Of course they may end up disagreeing with Bernard of Clairvaux, Augustine, and Barth about the moral significance of our being created male and female, but shouldn't they be a little less sanguine about it and a little more deferential, to the point of saying, «We believe the tradition made a grave mistake in its disallowance of gay partnerships, but at the same time we acknowledge our deep indebtedness to that tradition for giving us the theological and ethical vision to even make our argument for inclusion»?
Moses didn't even make it to the promise land when leading the Israelites out of Egypt and he sinned before God only once..
I'm going to the beach next week, and may even make it to Myrtle Beach and go to a shag club.
Since the transfers work on anything cotton, you could even make pillows, hats, bags, etc..
I am just as confident that its unabashed Catholic orthodoxy will merit the usual criticism from those Catholic progressives who somehow manage to combine liberal Protestantism's distaste for dogma with a newly - minted ultramontanism that would even make Cardinal Manning turn in his grave.
I can even make phone calls every once in a while to a poor woman with tumors.
You can even make judgments about the value of the religious ideas you were taught or that you possess.
Venter couldn't even make the largest pieces of DNA synthetically but had to use other living cells to do it.
Spin it how you will, religion constantly gets a free pass in this country and when its ever called out for its discriminatory practices and beliefs it claims religion has the right to discriminate based on those beliefs... but everybody else doesn't have the right to even make the accusation that religion is getting all kinds of special rights allowing them to justify their own discrimination.
And it might even make me want to be a parent someday (no announcements yet).
In Zephaniah 3:17, the Bible says you even make Him sing for joy.
Any way those were picks of verses from different sura's... I know they look long but they are not once you have read them you would want to read more... It is the evil in man who makes them to look as long or non understandable to read... or would even make you feel like sick...!
Sex doesn't even make the cut!
Then again you never know, we might even make it first.
We have a woman on our speaking team, and she gets the most listen's on the website audio tracks (did that even make sense?).
If the poor joker survives long enough to even make it to the wedding.
It does not even make us human to be sinful.
You believe in stuff that wouldn't even make a decent comic book.
You can't and it's arrogant to even make the blanketing suggestion.
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