Sentences with phrase «even mean the time»

I don't even mean the time it takes for research to be adopted into practice.

Not exact matches

Running a breakneck - growth company, of course, means even more demands on Smith's time.
I don't even know what this word means anymore, and we must use it a dozen times in the course of a half - hour news meeting here at
Any time a country's stocks — or even an individual company stock — is being added to a major global index, it means that investors whose funds track the index will have to buy the stocks, and that provides underlying support.
When your client pay $ 5,000 to work with you, they're much more likely to stick with the process long enough to get results, even if that means trying and failing a few times before getting it right.
There are even more abstruse explanations, for example, that computer equipment accounts for a growing portion of capital investment but has become less expensive over time, meaning fewer dollars spent.
At the same time, even though your family member works for that doesn't mean that they're a decision maker.
An entrepreneur has to be ready to work at all timeseven if that means working at 9 p.m. on any given night.
Even if I'm perfectly qualified to do something, and have the time to do it, doesn't necessarily mean that I should.
A portable charger means I have access to my digital library of books, emergency phone calls, emails, music, and more at all times during the day, so I don't waste even a little bit of free time.
This means that even though the other person might accept your apology and explanation for your behavior, you may be required to put extra time in to show that you aren't the person someone assumes you to be.
And that means advertisers will continue to work with them even when they admit that their data was wrong, as Facebook has several times.
I mean, that was amazing, because even though it comes with a laugh, the product placement for those three minutes of air - time would have cost us millions to buy.
It means there's a good chance you're wasting precious time, even years of peak earning potential, focusing on the wrong things to build your career and grow your business.
And even if a passenger did somehow manage to crack open a door, it doesn't necessarily mean it's time to panic.
In fact, this sort of activity doesn't even count as «screen time» as the pediatricians mean it.
Loving what you do means being compensated for your expertise, and demanding 10 and even 100 times that amount.
Everyone wants a piece of the pie and many times, the most successful entrepreneurs are merely judged on how much meaning they can give to a brand that does not even exist yet.
But it's important to set aside the time to do it, even if it means going off site to clear your head.
Even if it means delegating all of your day - to - day duties for a day and letting go of the details, it's important to take the time to write your marketing plan.
A thorough selection process for picking your team members has greater long - term benefits, even if this means you spend more time recruiting than you'd like to.
In an IPO, for instance, your shares likely will be subject to a share lock - up agreement, which means you will not be able to sell your shares — even after the IPO — for a period of time, typically six months.
Stick to the plan, even if it means tracking your progress a single day at a time.
This means potentially even more time spent on the couch.
The New York Times recently reported how many companies, brand ambassadors, celebrities, and even journalists purchased «fake» Twitter followers as a means to inflate their social media numbers.
Even if this means hiring a part - time worker or automating certain tasks, it's important to find a way to free up space to work on growing.
That means that regardless of what time I leave, I will ensure that I am awake for the first three hours of the flight and the seven hours prior to boarding the plane, even if it means an early start to the day before.
Reading about the Elon Musks and Jeff Immelts of the world leads us to assume that business greatness means little sleep, and even less time with loved ones.
«The first part is to find a broker with a high success rate, the second is to be willing to spend the money to go with that broker, and the third is to give that broker every lick of cooperation that you can,» says Blackburn, even if it means scheduling appointments at inconvenient times or reviewing the minute details of your business.
If years spent out of the workforce in the past means you don't have 35 years of earnings history, those extra years of even part - time work could help increase your Social Security check, too.
Even the Trump Labor Department's own initial analysis conceded that every day of delay means more conflicted advice, leading to up - front losses that multiply over time.
If you're left out of meetings, rarely get face time with upper management, and have never even heard of the big project everyone else is so excited about, that could mean that your bosses just see you as a body filling a desk, rather than as a valuable contributor.
This might mean going to a networking event, visiting a client, making phone calls instead of just sending emails, doing errands, even spending time in a coffee shop to work on your laptop.
A narrow plurality of offerors (49 percent) say the On - Demand economy should not be regulated and companies should compete to offer workers fair pay and benefits, even if it means less security, compared to 40 percent who say the government should regulate the sharing economy to guarantee independent contractors the same benefits afforded to full - time workers, even if it means fewer jobs.
«But it means that before you even have your idea, you have to invest your time and energy to cultivate those relationships.
At the point the growth began to slow, the multiple would contract, meaning that even if its earnings do grow 600 % in the next few years, if it becomes subject to the law of big numbers - that ever increasing amounts eventually forge their own anchor - the result would be a market capitalization substantially similar to today, leading to no increase in the stock price over a long period of time.
It could even be Chen, who mentioned several times during the interview that he would also be interested in «networking news media,» by which he meant Internet - based outlets, and equated ownership of a news outlet to «owning a bank.»
Even if you really mean to say that the $ 29,163 is assuming a 5 % withdrawal rate over 20 years (assuming your assets will stay steady gaining 5 % a year) then there would still be no way to add the additional 2 % into the mix because you can't have money both in the stock market and in the risk free rate at the same time (at least, not the same money)
Mr. Kalanick said it was likely that soon, in big cities and even in many suburbs, most Uber rides will be pooled, meaning each Uber car will be serving more than one rider most of the time.
The low level of interest rates means that even though debt levels are higher, the share of household income devoted to paying mortgage interest is lower than it has been for some time.
I know which camp you fit into but I mean have you considered just trying to pick one specific thing and really going after it or this kind of words is based on maybe you've even getting bored of doing the same thing all the time?
Yes, this may mean having to fail a few times before becoming successful, but even when we fail, we learn valuable lessons.
Risk means variability of outcomes though, so even though this is still a negative Climate, short - term rallies should be fully expected from time to time.
There are generally more than 800 changes on average to the tax code each year, which means that even full - time CPAs have a difficult time keeping up with them.
Capital is a constraint on banks» balance sheets, meaning their lending capacity, even in good times.
Even when that's the case, though, that shouldn't have to mean insane hours and artificial deadlines all the time in Sanders» estimation.
Keep in mind, though, that a longer payment term can mean more interest paid over time, even though the rate is lower.
These same forces also mean that even though the resource extraction activities are concentrated in particular regions, the regional differences apparent in the initial shock tend to be reduced over time.
Every time you hear or see a number in a conversation or even in a bit of advertising, take a moment to work with the number and see what it means.
The foregoing change is material, as it means that private / internal, centralized blockchains are given the same favorable status as public blockchains under the law, and may even leave a backdoor for legacy systems like encrypted Credit Card records stored multiple times to qualify as a «blockchain.»
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