Sentences with phrase «even more than»

«The holy God» destroys us even more than «the almighty God.»
In modern times, even more than in the Middle Ages, it is possible to recognize the English clergy when you see them in the street.
Beautiful recipe, I use to brew kombucha as I like kombucha soaps even more than I like kombucha.
But there is even more than this to be said.
F. Burton Nelson, Vice-President of the Bonhoeffer Society, is working on an oral history project about Bonhoeffer's acquaintances, and confirms the fact that Bonhoeffer's humanity, even more than his theology, has had the greatest lasting influence on his friends.
Job was tested and suffered terribly but God rewarded him even more than he had in the first place.
«If every disagreement in higher education had stakes this important and voices this thoughtful, then every college diploma would be worth even more than it is.»
And maybe even more than being commanded, singing is essential for the life of the disciple.
Because of this whirlwind, Levi admits to needing friends, faith and a few fun escapes (i.e., video games and ping - pong) even more than the next guy.
But the Christ is found fully only in One who is even more than the Christ, because his Cross is proved to be the very wisdom and power of God himself.
we think we know more than the church and even more than God.
Doubtless to think of offense without thinking the offended man is not so impossible as to think of the music of the flute without thinking the flute - player; but after all even thought must admit that offense even more than love is an unreal concept which only becomes real when there is an individual who is offended.
Yes, even more than a window; one might even call the eye the soul itself gazing and visible.
This letter has the ring of friendship about it, even more than the letters to Spalatin where there is always the slight restraint involved in writing to one at Court who stood at the Elector's right hand.
A homosexual couple can give much love to a child, sometimes even more than a heterosexual couple.»
What we often neglect to say: The adopted child needs a father and mother even more than other children.
Worst of all, you've her confusing people even more than they already did.
African men, the decision - makers with most of the power, tend to believe even more than do African women that sex is for procreation.
Surely a non-catatonic mother is worth something, maybe even more than her daughter's ability to play Praeludium and Allegro by age seven.
Even more than the other radical groups, the Quakers were popularly deemed enemies of society and were persecuted.
Even more than the Roman Catholic Church, Protestantism rose to the challenge and came to the year 1914 with improved morale in Western Europe, with a mounting effect on civilization, and with relatively a more extensive geographic expansion than any other branch of Christianity.
I God does exist then by definition he can do even more than that.
Even more than other press offices, the Vatican's knows perfectly well that twenty minutes barely suffices for protocol and pleasantries on such an occasion.
Many Christians love Jesus as much as, or even more than, a spouse.
But even more than that religion provides a clear cut, black and white world that provides certainty and stability.
John Macarthur has studied the charismatics in great detail but even more than that he has studied the bible.
So much so, that He also said, «Unless you are willing to love Me EVEN MORE than your own father, mother, sisters or brothers, you can not be my disciple!»
Even more than their «unbelieving» contemporaries, the fundamentalists, living in a world of terrifying change, have lost hope of being able to deal rationally and effectively with their problems by their own intelligence and activity.
Please try to keep in mind that the vast majority of atheists you're likely to come across believe in democracy, perhaps even more than conservative Christians who believe that simple majorities ought to dictate over minorities.
What I don't understand even more than the movement is MacArthur's need to have an entire conference devoted to bashing it.
But even more than that, absolutely no other film genre is premised on the conviction that there is such a thing as absolute morality.
If you have the mathematical proof that there is a god, you would be next in line for the Nobel prize, probably even more than one.
The Bishops seem hell bent on running the faithful out the church doors even more than has been happening all along.
If it is not (if Justice Scalia's quoted proposition regarding legislative accommodation is upheld), religious liberty may suffer even more than as things now stand.
And yet I think that there was even more than this within that longing.
But even more than this, remember I told you when we looked at chapter 3 that the edict went out on the eve of the Passover?
The spotlight is on Tomlin even more than ever after starting the year a top the Billboard charts.
In the last analysis, the most central Christian model for God is not a king or a clockmaker but the person of Christ himself In that person it is love, even more than Justice or power, which is manifest.
Even more than a world view shaped by Newtonian science, the magnitude of evil that falls upon individuals and peoples rules out for these Christians any easy confidence.
Indeed, meaning counts even more than life.
Judaism teaches that there is a single creator that constantly sustains all life and since «his» commandments are divine must be adhered to even more than one's individual, variable, and often self centered, moral codes.
These communities, even more than business, lack the institutions and the know - how to mount an effective cultural resistance.
I was flabbergasted, horrified, saddened even more than ever.
Now, as he wages an uphill battle for the Republican nomination, Perry is emphasizing his Christian commitment even more than in the past, trying to line up support from conservative Christian leaders and religious voters nationwide.
It assumes that states, even more than individuals, are capable of pure altruism, whereas precisely the opposite is the case.
What made me, for good or bad, what I am today was not staying in Texas — but getting out of it and even more than that developing deep friendships with people of different cultures, ideas, religions, nations, etc., It enriched my faith and my dramatically and continues to do so.
You're really struggling, Topher, even more than usual.
Yet if the land is to be good and the nation is to love unity, we must emphasize, even more than we did on the first King Day, his conviction that only love can truly unite men and women of diverse cultures, religions, races and classes, for we all possess equally the dignity and respect that the God of love and power conferred upon us.
I truly hope he comes back from his near death experience with some profoundly inventive BS «directly from Jesus» that will amuse me even more than his previous $ h77ty predictions.
Hawaiiguest, You are right about existence and that is my point to others, there had to have been intelligence and even more than that it would have been personal.
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