Sentences with phrase «even my presentation of»

In any event, even if one explains the fact that the US dollar has crashed in purchasing power in recent times, over a very condensed period of time, by more than 75 %, because it has been one of the strongest currencies in a pool of rapidly devaluing currencies for the past two years, I've discovered that quite often, even presentation of indisputable facts can not sway people to believe something that they simply do not want to believe.
Even the presentation of the data can be arbitrarily altered by changing the smoothing of the reconstruction series.

Not exact matches

And there's always the most old - school fix of all — simply seize control of your schedule and guiltlessly do nothing for an hour, a day, or even a week to get away from all those grocery lists and presentations, giving your creativity space to run wild.
Even if you had the best PowerPoint presentation in the world with great visuals, staged animation, and all the other cool things you can do with PowerPoint (I'd be lying if I said I didn't like all of that PowerPoint geeky stuff, too), it still is one in a line of many all using the same format and structure.
To that end, there are a lot of tips for how to be an engaging presenter and even what vehicle you should even use for your presentation.
Not knowing key customer or audience hot points or critical points of interest can derail even a well thought out presentation.
Those who give presentations at conferences, as part of a sales demo, in a marketing push for a new product, or even during a TED talk know how to wow an audience.
Amazon (AMZN) executives call these documents «narratives,» and even Bezos realizes that for the uninitiated — and fans of the PowerPoint presentation — the process is a bit odd.
Giving a presentation entitled «Navigating Ambiguity» on Wednesday at the Fortune, Time and Wallpaper * Brainstorm Design conference held in Singapore, the executive director of Stanford University's Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, also known as the, observed that people seem to feel a heightened sense of uncertainty across the board — in politics, retirement, medical, disaster relief, even the weather.
Even long into the transition, prospective customers are likely to request that you and other managers be part of the team making major presentations.
«If you've got too much text on the screen, you can't compel an audience in any emotional way at all,» says Altman, author of the just released Why Most PowerPoint Presentations Still Suck & How You Can Make Them Even Better.
Amazon (amzn) executives call these documents «narratives,» and even Bezos realizes that for the uninitiated — and fans of the PowerPoint presentation — the process is a bit odd.
Stepping in any one of them, even a little, can sabotage an entire marketing campaign or sales presentation with everything else in it done perfectly.
Eleven Madison Park was rated number one on the planet this year, thanks to its incredible haute cuisine, and even more incredible presentation of said cuisine.
Oath plans to announce its deal with Samsung as part of its presentation to media buyers in New York Tuesday evening, outlining its strategy for the year.
Later that evening, City, OMNI 1 in Italian, OMNI 2 in Mandarin, Rogers TV and CPAC will broadcast an encore presentation of the Town Hall, commercial free, at 7 p.m. ET / PT (check local listings).
You can apply this to client meetings, presentations, or even research you might be doing related to a new product, or competitor — being prepared is under - rated, but never goes out of style.
You'll have the distinct advantage over those attending the conferences: You can listen to all of the presentations, even those held simultaneously.
After attending the latest SEO Meetup in Arlington last evening, I was inspired to recap and expand upon the presentation and discussion led by Eric Enge of Stone Temple Consulting.
Collaborative Manage business presentations on hundreds — or even thousands — of iPads from a single computer.
Three weeks after Musk's presentation, 85 % of shareholders approved the Tesla — SolarCity merger, an outcome even more impressive considering that the first Solar Roof tiles wouldn't be installed on a real customer's home for at least another seven months.
The Canadian Telecom Summit brings a dozen keynote addresses — and more than 40 panelists — over 3 unmatched days of presentations, discussions, sharing ideas, forming new relationships, renewing existing ones and even deal making.
In addition, even after gauging that your potential investors are thrilled and satisfied with your pitch or presentation, it is best to still exercise a measure of patience.
Even if you don't regularly give a presentation in front of a crowd, «Talk Like TED» will show you the necessary skills you need when leading a meeting or a team.»
Attend presentations held at other spaces, offer your workshop at the other side of town (or even another city!)
Be aware that such a disclosure might take the form of a publication, a conference presentation, a trade show for investors or even the sales of your product.
So even those some of these tools add features that improve collaboration, storage, delivery or analytics, none of them take the next step that websites or CRM tools have taken to turn critical business documents like sales presentations into connected systems.
«Elena breaks down blockchain technology in an engaging presentation that gives even those with zero knowledge an understanding of how blockchain works.
the irony about this whole childish presentation is that muslims are a whopping 20 % of the world population, but if you total up ALL THEIR KILLING, MASSACRES, GENOCIDES over the last 100 years, the number does not even add up to ONE PERCENT of the WORLD»S total killings, massacres and genocides!!
The ugliest presentations of racism may have been pulled out, but it's clear that we're still dealing with the after - effects — even now, social mobility is less evident in black men who play by the rules than white men who don't.
Even neoconservatives should appreciate the fairness of Dorrien's presentation and the skill with which he tells their important, world - altering story.
There is, therefore, a certain irony, and perhaps even infidelity, in the attempt to pen a systematic, comprehensive presentation of Soloveitchik's thought, as Reuven Ziegler, director of research for the Toras HoRav Foundation, which holds Soloveitchik's manuscripts, does in Majesty and Humility.
It is something like this that Bultmann is really seeking after; but his presentation of the project is so entangled with Heideggerian existentialism that the result is not always very clear, even to the instructed reader.
Needless to say, all of the above - mentioned errors on every side are present in the Church's presentation to some degree, even close to home.
The reason being that we settle with simply treating the symptom with band - aids... an interim measure that may decrease or even provisionally eliminate the presentation of the disease.
He notes, for example, that the «festival or sacred period often serves quite consciously to generate distance from the oppressive monotony of the workaday world, and through special presentations and rites to create the energy to experience a «different» world, and possibly even to effect a thorough transformation of the burdensome circumstances of life.»
But even if Scripture is used to initiate the theological process or presentation, the chance of confusion remains.
Evangelistic meetings, evening non-sacramental worship, outdoor preaching (as in London at the Tower and in Hyde Park), and similar times and places may very well include an address whose main purpose will be the presentation of the reality of Jesus Christ to those who otherwise would not know about him.
For the younger theologians who follow in the trajectory of Karol Wojtyta and Joseph Ratzinger, the solution to the problems of both the Church and the World is to preach Christ as the alpha and omega of all creation, even if this amounts to the presentation of a master - narrative.
The only alternative was the radical Humanist alternative which the Church had rejected with emphasis and fear 60 years earlier, and that alternative in even its most modern presentation is still untrue, and even more untrue, and it is the cause of the totally unexpected and devastating fruits of change which we see all around us.
It is clear from these sources that worshipers in these synagogues encouraged and even expected highly developed, oral presentations of Yahweh's Word.
Even when there is no intent, subconscious or otherwise, to teach ethnocentrism and prejudice in our nation - state systems, the presentation of news (e.g. of damage done to people by earthquakes, avalanches, or wars) about distant peoples in a context of passive entertainment and commercial announcements as typically happens In western TV, radio and press fosters indifference.
In FrTim Finigan's positive presentation of the evening and the film on his blog he makes the following observation:
I've seen plenty of people say, «That's the most persuasive presentation I've ever heard, but I'm not even going to touch it.»
The larger, established, mainline denominations generally held the view that broadcasters should provide time on the air for a balanced presentation of religious views, roughly representing the proportion of various religious groups in the community, even if this required stations to supply the time without charge, and that this was consistent with the understandings reached between Congress and the broadcasters when the allocation of nonprofit stations was defeated.
They, too, are theologically motivated in the arrangement, presentation and even formulation of their material.
«Symbols, rituals, traditions and presentation» and even «the time and energy we would invest in the construction, protection and perpetuation», if done to show Christ to a broken lost world — instead of for the mask — is a good and godly thing.
If this is truly done, within a context, and with a presentation which is meaningful and inspiring, even though also demanding on the esh, and on the fallen libido within each of us, then there will be true young Catholic Christians.
Even in the preceding chapter, where I focused upon the development of his views, I largely identified myself with my presentation of his thought in Process and Reality.
A tacit assumption is that PowerPoint computer presentations are merely a means to an end, a value - neutral tool used for innocent, perhaps even noble purposes: enlarging text for the hard of seeing; reducing the demand for and thus the production of printed materials; and bringing younger people, who spend much of their lives in front of screens — TV, computer, cell phone, PDA — into worship.
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