Sentences with phrase «even outright lies»

With so much at stake, unscrupulous marketers will tell you just about anything — even outright LIES — to get you to buy their products and to further their financial interests.
I felt betrayed by other women for propagating false information, even outright lies about the realities of childbirth.
Exaggerating the truth — or even outright lying — is often used to mask insecurities.
Fact - checking biopics is an easy game for critics to play since nearly all films about real people fudge facts or even outright lie to tell a story.
LW: Does Trump's flip - flopping on issues, opinions, answers — even outright lying — throughout the campaign conform to the personality you describe?

Not exact matches

As I tried to explain in a previous post about Trump's rise, he took advantage of a media landscape that has never been more broken, more fragmented and more open to misinformation, disinformation, and even outright hoaxes and lies.
In an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News last evening, and then later with the Washington Post, Giuliani buried both himself and the President deeper into a web of half truths or outright lies while managing to taint the legal work he does at his law firm, Greenberg Traurig, a corporate law behemoth with 2,000 lawyers in 38 offices on three continents.
I can't believe CNN would even publish an outright lie such as this.
It's a clever way to acknowledge that often there really is no way to get at the truth of things, sometimes because someone is outright lying, but also sometimes because people's perspectives on events, even when they were both present, can be very different (sometimes because of the aforementioned lying - to - oneself).
Some people won't share health information, others will outright lie, and a few unscrupulous souls will even resort to fraudulent practices by slipping in a ringer for a screening exam, or even a DNA test, if they know their dog won't pass.
These animals are often acquired through trapping, lying, and even, outright theft, and most are killed immediately, without ever being made available for adoption.
More than a quarter of recipients questioned admitted to exaggerating about a bad experience on holiday or even telling an outright lie such as «there was a hair in my food» to get a discount or free meal.
The reference to the Monty Python dead parrot sketch may be even closer than intended, as Michael Palin's pet store clerk, who knows perfectly well the parrot is dead, uses every dodge, rhetorical trick and outright lie to deny the obvious to an increasingly exasperated John Cleese.
Even the «ride alongs» practice the same forms of misconstrual and outright lying about a sceptic's views.
And so, over the decade, alarmist climate scientists tried to fool the public by stonewalling («it's the warmest decade on record,» which doesn't mean the decade was warming), denying the facts («the allegation that annual global mean temperatures stopped increasing during the past decade has no basis in reality»), or outright lying («the world is warming even more quickly than we had thought»).
By Drew Johnson — Gore even told the «TODAY Show» that his home uses 100 percent renewable energy, but that is an outright lie.
Claiming that modelling an airframe in various configurations and loadouts performing various maneuvers is even all that difficult is an outright lie.
While perhaps it could be argued that Holdren's statement is not an outright lie, it is, at its very best, a half - truth and even a stretch at that.
In the case of suicide, checking over the policy becomes even more important to the company if they believe the intention of the policy holder was to mislead or outright lie to get the life insurance and cover the beneficiaries.
«It's the outright lying where you're clearly not even stretching the truth anymore, but it's really a misrepresentation of that information is where it's problematic,» she says.
Adding to the confusion is a lot of really bad advice online including outright lies that marriage counseling rarely works (marriage counseling improves 70 % of couples and the other 30 % tend to come in uncertain if they want to even stay married.
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