Sentences with phrase «even people concerned»

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With people increasingly strapped for time and concerned about nutrition, she says, «there are huge opportunities for us to provide products that consumers haven't even thought of yet.»
He hopes that businesses will be more explicit in describing how third - party companies can use data collected by technology companies, offering bullet - point summaries in terms the average person can understand when policies are updated, and even explore the idea of creating an ombudsman to field concerns and mediate conflicts between platforms and users.
«And even people who are smart and savvy could get taken, so we are very concerned about the potential for some serious financial harm.»
Breakthrough leaders are less concerned with people's personal loyalty to them and more concerned about building a place where everybody is loyal to the company first — even if that means disagreeing with the big cheese.
Another map shows an even more obvious effect: It measures how much more concerned people in Europe are about migration, in comparison to how concerned they were in 2012.
Even Griffen noted that no matter what the state chooses to do, the fact that Arkansans will now have to wait even longer for access to medical marijuana «should be unpleasant to anyone concerned about providing relief to people who suffer from serious illnesses.&raEven Griffen noted that no matter what the state chooses to do, the fact that Arkansans will now have to wait even longer for access to medical marijuana «should be unpleasant to anyone concerned about providing relief to people who suffer from serious illnesses.&raeven longer for access to medical marijuana «should be unpleasant to anyone concerned about providing relief to people who suffer from serious illnesses.»
And almost even more concerning than that — a lot of what's driving that low in volatility is people are selling short volatility,» he said, implying that traders are betting that volatility could push even lower.
Instead of a world dominated by renewable sources of power like wind and solar — as people concerned about the dangers of climate change would hope — PE execs see gas, oil and even coal as a substantial component of electricity and fuel sources in 2039, according to recent interviews conducted by on the future of energy as part of CNBC's 25th anniversary.
Given the events of the past few days, I can understand the concernseven the fear — that some people have expressed.
Concerns that violence may be creeping into Playa del Carmen were voiced as people attended a Monday evening vigil in front of the Blue Parrot nightclub, where five people died and 15 were wounded or injured in the chaos before dawn.
Among other things, Hogan is claiming that Gawker violated the tort of «publication of private facts,» which prohibits people from publishing private facts about others, even if they are true, unless the facts are related to matters of «public concern
Most of the people I talked to were concerned about market complacency; and even if they were bullish, which many of them were, they were surprised that we've gone this long without a correction.
So if you're working in an industry that handles peoples» personal information — finances, health, even something as basic as their contact information — handling privacy is a real concern when dealing with customer service over social media.
If it wasn't for always reading, researching, and learning about other investor's strategies and their outlook on life I'm sure I would still desire validation from people who do not even concern me.
One that is just, and merciful, and concerned with how we treat each other and our world (because yes, the Tanach has instructions on how we are to treat even our animals)... or one that just makes willy - nilly laws, fails to spell out what he wants in a single, comprehensive passage (since there are conflicting passages all through the bible), and then gets his rocks off on sending people to «hell» to suffer eternally when they don't figure it out right.
The fact that most people simply ignore their concerns because they are, in fact, make believe drives them even more crazy because they want sooooo badly to be validated... but they never will be.
«I'm concerned about people's health,» is a typical explanation offered by someone who admonishes others, sometimes even strangers in restaurants, that what they're eating is bad for them.
What I had hoped would be a safe, inviting forum for people to express their questions, concerns, doubts, fears, or even disgust and disappointment became instead my own noose.
If the person is an alcoholic, he will usually experience even the best - intentioned pastoral concern about his drinking as an accusation and a threat.
The force of this concern that people not become complacent about their present condition is strikingly, if puzzlingly, expressed in his idea that even those who have attained entire sanctification should keep growing.
Even when the petitions of the Old Testament concerning public matters are not vindictive, they are commonly nationalistic, as, for example, the Isaian plea for divine interposition in Israel's desperate need, (Isaiah 63:15 - 64:12) or Daniel's great prayer for his people, (Daniel 9:4 - 19) or the ejaculatory supplications of Ezekiel, (Ezekiel 9:8; 11:13) or the elaborate petitions in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah.
Sometimes it is even noted — by people concerned more with accuracy than etiquette — that America and the West won the Cold War.
As to obligations of a more personal nature I have many people to thank — colleagues who have advised me, students at Union Theological Seminary who have stimulated me with their responsive interest, members of the congregation of The Riverside Church, New York, who, by their attentive listening to mid-week lectures on the subjects handled in this book, have kept alive my confidence that even difficult and recondite problems concerning the Bible are of vital, contemporary importance.
More than any other Republican candidate (and even more than some Democrats), Santorum speaks openly and passionately about his concern for poor and vulnerable people in the U.S. and around the world.
I suppose it is somewhat close to your second option, but even then, when we understand the overall message of Hebrews, the author is not too concerned with sin itself, and is instead concerned with people going back to living under the law instead of living in fellowship with Jesus.
Even many physicians are relatively uninformed; and, surprisingly, psychiatrists and other mental health specialists seem particularly limited where the elderly are concerned, despite the fact that large numbers of older people experience depression and other emotional stresses.
I would suggest that such people not really concerned even about the right to a subsistence diet.
A taste: People are more concerned than ever with doing what's required to stay alive, even as they do everything they can to divert themselves from real thoughts about love and death.
What was at stake here was even more than a humanitarian principle, because the animals were also mentioned (surely a concern not common to other peoples in the ancient Near East; cf. Deut.
It just amazes me how much impact we can have when we show genuine care and concern for people who are used to being taken for granted or even mistreated.
Concern for an object, whether that be desire for possession, aesthetic appreciation, or even a will for its benefit, placed a person at the mercy of forces he could not control.
All of the Christians I know are very nice, friendly, caring people who are truly concerned for others, even if they don't share their views.
«Those who worked with him and especially his students will remember him as a person of extraordinary personal power which was expressed through his physical presence as well as through thought and word, but in so far as their personal relations with him are concerned, they will even more remember his tenderness.»
Even if you just casually drop that you had a counseling appointment the other day, the person you're talking to will most likely flicker for just a moment, trying to decide whether or not they should be concerned about you.
Although the evolution of the myth in Judaism received particular stimulus from the concern for martyrs, it did not confine itself even to the Jewish people.
Justice ought to be actuated by love, with concern for persons even in the most impartial, and in this sense impersonal, structures of law and its enforcement.
The principal points Paul made in that address are (1) to recall to their minds the character and quality of his ministry to them; (2) to remind them of the trouble the Jews gave him and the anxiety and suffering he underwent in their behalf; (3) to state that he preached repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as the essence of the gospel; (4) to testify that he went now to Jerusalem not knowing what would happen to him there except that he knew by the Holy Spirit that afflictions awaited him; (5) to assure them that nothing concerned him, not even the loss of life itself, so long as he could testify to the grace of God in Jesus Christ; (6) to say that he had no regrets about his ministry to the people in Ephesus, for he was clean of the blood of all the people there, for he preached the full gospel to all of them; and (7) to admonish them to be diligent in their oversight of the Ephesian church and to feed the church of God there, which Christ purchased with his own blood.
The Gospels are concerned, formally, with Jesus as remembered, but one who reads with even half an eye can not escape the fact that for the Gospel writers Jesus is not merely a person remembered; he is not even, primarily, a remembered person interpreted; he is a person still known who is both remembered and interpreted.
No reasonable person could deny that this is cause for concern; even Awkward agree on the school issue.
As far as I'm concerned, that's enough, even though some people may say it isn't.
If the alcoholic feels the minister's concern, he may listen, and the words may have an impact even though the person has to deny verbally that they describe the way things really are.
Even more unusual, most of this money is not in bonds or stock in other peoples» companies but is invested directly in church - owned, for - profit concerns, the largest of which are in agribusiness, media, insurance, travel and real estate.
But even if the Donatist argument were correct - that is, even if the prayers of a sinful bishop are not heard - a good and faithful people would have no cause for concern, Augustine counselled (cf. ibid., 2.8.15).
In the previous few posts, we have seen that in 2 Timothy 4:1 - 4, Paul is not so concerned with what type of preaching is done, or how long a person preaches, or who does the preaching, or even what the theology is of the preaching.
Every parent s concern for the kind of environment in which his child grows up is testimony to this fact, even though we know that we can never guarantee the quality of life which with emerge in any free person.
Their hesitation primarily stems from the question of whether the notion of emptiness, conceived as a dynamic emptying of all distinctions, can sustain a commitment to ethics, history», and personhood with the seriousness and even ultimacy that they, precisely as people standing in the Christian tradition, think necessary The Jewish participant, while less concerned with kenosis, shares their concern for the potential loss of ultimacy in the realm of historical action with its ethical norms and deep sense of personhood.
Hydro Quebec built that huge dam on the LaGrande, but so far its plans for even bigger dams have been stalled; across North America, people concerned about the rights of the Cree Indians, about the caribou, about the sheer existence of a vast wilderness, have scrapped and battled to rein in the project.
I think an employer has a moral obligation to be concerned about the welfare of one's employee's — maybe not legally required (to a degree)-- i wish it were simple that people could just quit an employer that had no concern for the people so that enterprise would go under or wise up — i think though employers are actually more upset about money instead of morals — women and doctors should be deciding such issues — i do not know y i even bother posting since i know these posts will not actually affect anything --
I read these comments and wonder if the average person even understands the true concern with this mandate.
The views of a visiting pope, respected by Catholics and many non-Catholics alike as a moral and spiritual leader of great prominence, will not make persons now unconcerned about global warming suddenly begin to grow concerned, nor even make skeptics of religious freedom begin to take its claims more seriously.
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