Sentences with phrase «even perceived threats»

They must respond to threats or even perceived threats because the alternative is not a good one.

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South Korea will stick to the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (Thaad) on its territory even if China takes stronger retaliatory action against the perceived security threat, an analyst said Tuesday.
And, even if the Front National and other far - right parties do not get added support following the attacks, their dynamic has placed current governments under more and more pressure to take drastic measures against real and perceived threats.
Fears over the behaviour of supporters, perceived threats of racism and questions marks over whether they should have even been allowed to host the tournament have taken centre stage away from the actual team playing in the tournament.
Yet if the young are demonised in rural England, as Butterworth's play suggests, they are under even greater threat of containment or dispersal in the modern city, where the presence of young people in groups is today perceived to be a social problem.
Although spending $ 200 on iodide pills for an almost nonexistent threat seems ridiculous (and could even be harmful — side effects include skin rashes, nausea, and possible allergic reactions), 40 years of research into the way people perceive risk shows that it is par for the course.
Rather than curtailing gun deaths, there's moderate evidence that laws that let people claim self - defense even if they don't ty to retreat from a perceived threat lead to an uptick in homicide rates.
This study shows that the combination of this firing of signals, along with concurrent presentation of potential threat, increases chances that even a non-threat will be perceived as threatening.
«And they're going to marshal even more resources when they perceive that these threats or opportunities are most imminent.»
The contrast runs through the entire album, from «So Afraid»» s declarations of vulnerability («I'm fine in my shell / I'm afraid of it all»), to «Django Jane»» s fearless battle cry against the threats Monáe perceives being made against her rights as «a woman, as a black woman, as a sexually liberated woman, even just as a daughter with parents who have been oppressed for many decades,» as she told The Guardian.
Historical and contemporary examples of the abuse of the rights of minority groups in times of perceived threats to national security are rife, and indeed, as the infamous United States case of Korematsu v. United States demonstrates, even the presence of a domestic Bill of Rights is no guarantee of the protection of minority rights.
Fear of the piracy that ravaged the industry — from Napster to Bittorrent — has, for instance, led to an insistence on copy - protection which has in turn served to lock customers into a relationship with what some perceive as an even bigger threat: Amazon.
If we can perceive changes over time not as threats but as unfolding opportunities that we can patiently explore, many time - related problems diminish or even disappear.
Furthermore, even if the presence of cats is shown to impact wildlife, community cat programs, which have as their goal a humane reduction in cat population, remain a desirable solution to minimizing any actual (rather than perceived) threats to other species.
This is the real danger — the idea of a major threat that is seen as superfluous or even silly, which is the way media noise tends to be perceived.
Whether or not you perceive global warming as a real or even partial threat, there are things you can do to stop its potential onset.
Even if you play devils advocate and accept that humans do cause catastrophic warming and there are too many of us, and if you can skip past the Nazi eugenics connotations of population control and depopulation policies, those methods are fundamentally still not a valid solution to the perceived climate change threat.
Sometimes animals become more aggressive in attempts to guard their owners, even if the threat is only a perceived threat.
Although it looks as if a snake being «charmed» is listening to the music, it is really just watching and following the physical motions of the snake charmer as it perceives the player and his flute as a predatorial threat and would continue to do so even if the snake charmer stopped playing the tune.
No matter how questionable the industry is perceived, not even negative comments from big bank leaders like Jamie Dimon or threats from the Chinese government to close exchanges can stop the momentum that crypto has right now.
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