Sentences with phrase «even read text»

Before I even read the text, I said, «ah, Paris!»
It's so smooth that you can even read text while scrolling.
Is difficult enough for me even I read a text wright in english.
It can even read text messages aloud, though I didn't test that feature.
I've shared it before, perfectly styled, and have seen others share, and overtime I see it, I know it's hers before I even read the text!
Some cars can even read your text messages and offer canned responses so that your hands stay on the wheel.
Before even reading the text, I looked at the x-axis, saw this thing and was like «what's this».
Without even reading the text, the user has a coherent legal framework to consider the subject under consideration.

Not exact matches

I still recommend you try the Canadian Securities Course, even if you just sign up for it, read the text, and never write the exam.
I got a kick out of reading my texts via the HUD, even if there's no way to return messages without actually pulling out your phone.
Make sure your text is easy to read, even at the smallest display size of your thumbnail on YouTube, and that the image is on the left and text is on the right.
While I do not consider myself an expert on all the religious writings of all of the main religions in the world, I have read most of the main religious texts for most of the main world religions, and while it is not uncommon to find violent events being described in these other religious books, no other set of religious writings comes even close to describing the violence and bloodshed that one finds within the pages of the Hebrew Scriptures.
This is fascinating — I think a lot of people who are basically atheists «try» religion in this sense — reading sacred texts, reciting prayers, even attending church.
What is less clear to me is why complementarians like Keller insist that that 1 Timothy 2:12 is a part of biblical womanhood, but Acts 2 is not; why the presence of twelve male disciples implies restrictions on female leadership, but the presence of the apostle Junia is inconsequential; why the Greco - Roman household codes represent God's ideal familial structure for husbands and wives, but not for slaves and masters; why the apostle Paul's instructions to Timothy about Ephesian women teaching in the church are universally applicable, but his instructions to Corinthian women regarding head coverings are culturally conditioned (even though Paul uses the same line of argumentation — appealing the creation narrative — to support both); why the poetry of Proverbs 31 is often applied prescriptively and other poetry is not; why Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob represent the supremecy of male leadership while Deborah and Huldah and Miriam are mere exceptions to the rule; why «wives submit to your husbands» carries more weight than «submit one to another»; why the laws of the Old Testament are treated as irrelevant in one moment, but important enough to display in public courthouses and schools the next; why a feminist reading of the text represents a capitulation to culture but a reading that turns an ancient Near Eastern text into an apologetic for the post-Industrial Revolution nuclear family is not; why the curse of Genesis 3 has the final word on gender relationships rather than the new creation that began at the resurrection.
There are, of course, also many literary treasures of spirituality, for example even today we may well recommend reading St. Augustine) St. John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila or any well - edited selection of mystical texts.
Can anyone explain to me (extra points for brevity and clarity) why the true intentions of this god are not clear enough for even the most simple amongst us to discern from a cursory reading of the text?
Even the most cursory reading of the text reveals a christocentric emphasis.
This helps make sense of verse 8 as well, so that rather than it saying that Jesus» ultimate humiliation was «even death on a cross» (NAS), the text should read «especially death on a cross.»
We read the Bible «through the Jesus lens» — which looks suspiciously like it means using the parts of the Gospels that we like, with the awkward bits carefully screened out, which enables us to disagree with the biblical texts on God, history, ethics and so on, even when Jesus didn't (Luke 17:27 - 32 is an interesting example).
TERTULLIAN, THE FLESH AND ORTHODOXY Dear Father Editor While I can only share your Carthusian correspondent's enthusiasm for the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a sure guide to the Church's teachings, I read — with some surprise — in his comments on the letters I wrote to you in 2007 that I am supposed to hold suspect, or even possibly unorthodox, «any text» that cites Tertullian.
If you read some of the ancient sermon texts, even from the very beginning of institutional Christianity in the fourth century, you can often read between the lines of these sermons and see that the Bishops and Priests had such people in their congregations, and were cajoling them and guilting them back into conformity, and even sometimes persecuting them for «abandoning Jesus and the church.»
In recent decades, this pneumatological and ecclesial way of reading the Scriptures is being widely recovered, thus protecting the sacred text from individualistic exegesis and those critical methodologies that are indifferent, or even hostile, to God's saving and sanctifying truth.
Regrettably, she does little more than provide us with a reminder of a textbook example of eisegesis (reading «into» the biblical text one's own ideology) rather than exegesis (reading «out of» Scripture with attentiveness to historical and literary context, even if it conflicts with one's own personal views).
By contrast, a teaching such as the Immaculate Conception, as with so much Marian dogma, makes claims that not only stand on a highly contestable reading of an extremely narrow scriptural base but also seem to stand in tension with, if not even in contradiction to, significant biblical texts.
We have already seen how important reading was in the early church; in the Corinthian church there was an even greater appetite for skillful renditions of texts.
Find some way of writing or recording the ways the text affects you as you begin to read and study it, even if at first you do not receive much from it!
And I think a faithful reading of the text almost required these conclusions (even a literal, inerrant reading).
[Ali, 1997:76] Even though peace and reconciliation are given priority, there are the possibilities of individuals reading several texts of the Qur» an to find support in engaging in acts of aggression and war like that of September 11, aiming at those who are identified as enemies of Islam or to those who have wronged the Islamic community.
For those watching such things, keep in mind that most atheists have never read the Bible through even one time, even though they seem to be perfect experts of the biblical texts.
Instead, because one's understanding of the text constantly changes (unless he becomes an intellectual fossil), and because the reader himself changes (his history affects his reading), the dialogue with the Bible should be sustained, frequently even with the same passage.
The writer links 1Cor14: 34 with other texts without even knowing what they say (eg: Paul did NOT state that women should wear head coverings (v5 etc etc)-- if you read a LITTLE further down to Verse 15 he confirms that «head covering» refers to a woman's hair — and (original Greek translation) he does even not state whether it is long or short, just that she should not shave her head.
Fourth, more generally, I believe this text can be read philosophically, i.e., in search of wisdom, without prior religious commitment; one need not be a believer either to understand what is being said, and why, or even to affirm or deny the truth of the account.
If one tries to move from the present text to a historical - critical reconstruction and then to a «postmodern» or «second naïve» reading, the results may be even more mixed.
Also you may want to look more deeply into Christian history... and possibly read the bible with a more open mind... and even read other non-Christian religioush and philisophical texts
Since the evolution story, for one, is accurate scientifically whether you are reading the first few verses of Genesis or a science text, and since mankind had that information well before science even came along: where did the information come from?
This way of reading the text allows God to look more like Jesus Christ and less like the gods of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia (and even most gods of our own day) who hurl fire, lighting, drought, and flood upon those who displease them.
Even there, Hempton suggests, we come closest to the living pulse of Wesley's thinking not by reading his texts but by asking what he was willing to fight for.
There is even a hint of this in the text where we are told that he was sitting in the chariot reading Isaiah while someone else drove.
Get an Economics text and read up on supply and demand... you will see that Arsenal is not a top three team in England, and at the same time, the game has changed to make our team even more insignificant.
a student who goes for lectures, reads his books, does his assignments and buys his text books with the money given him, will get my backing any day any time even if he doesn't come out top of his class.
They find readings «boring» or «pointless» even as they talk about places in the text that piqued their curiosity or challenged their thinking in new ways.
This has led to us actively obsessing over who's tracking our internet history, reading our text messages and even monitoring what we buy at the shops.
I would be happy to make any of those patterns dated 2005 - I didn't even realize they weren't current until I read the text.
Enjoy learning how to respond to your baby — don't expect to do everything perfectly — even if you've read all the books on what to do — your baby hasn't and no baby is a text - book case.
Good phrase to read which reveals the even some general basic information in our daily life can yield the anxiety.The text provided is the best example that breastfeeding for small kids can yield anxiety.
The text reads, «Chief Friday Akpoyibo was kidnapped yesterday evening (Sunday) in Auchi area, on his way to Abuja...»
Therefore, it is not easy for them to learn spoken language, which is why they may struggle with text reading and comprehension even after their graduation.
But two things that should not get lost in the hurrahs, here, is that 1) even digital texts have a carbon footprint, based on the energy needed to find, download and read them, and 2) not everyone yet has ready access to or comfort manipulating the electronic hardware needed to digest digital docs.
He pored over countless Greek and Latin texts, instructing his personal secretary to read aloud to him even while he was dining or soaking in the bath.
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