Sentences with phrase «even return samples»

«Cassini will fly through the moon's plume again later this year,» he wrote, «but only future missions that can undertake improved in situ investigations, and possibly even return samples to Earth, will be able to confirm Enceladus» astrobiological potential and fully reveal the secrets of its hot springs.»
Now, Cassini mission scientists want to go back and directly look for life, perhaps even returning samples of Enceladus to Earth.

Not exact matches

We brought home a sampling from each and have been enjoying an occasional evening bottle since returning.
Bayern strolled to the 2 - 0 win in the end, nevertheless, this game can not be taken as a true sample of how RB Leipzig will fair in the return fixture or even in other big games, particularly in Europe.
That wheeled robot is scripted to fetch samples to be returned to Earth by a mission that has yet to be blueprinted or even approved, he notes.
But then something strange happened: Even though the sample's temperature continued to rise up to 100o, the camera readout returned to an icy blue and stayed there.
«Late one evening, I returned to retrieve a peanut - buttered slice of bread I'd left briefly in the kitchen and discovered a deer mouse sampling it.
Hayabusa2 As the successor to the first asteroid sample - return mission, Japan's Hayabusa2 hopes to make an even bigger impact — literally.
Almost all planetary landing missions now in the design stage include seismological instrumentation and some even include sample return.
«We can think about follow - up missions across the outer solar system, Mars sample return, even missions to Venus or Mercury,» says planetary scientist Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, who was also an independent consultant for SpaceX between 2010 and 2012.
What was even more exciting is that the spacecraft was going to return about 200 grams of sample from Phobos» surface!
Perhaps even more excitingly, Mars 2020 will also be equipped with a new instrument that can convert the carbon dioxide in Mars» atmosphere into oxygen — this is of utmost importance if humanity ever colonizes Mars — and another instrument that will gather and store Martian rock samples for eventual return to Earth.
No one doubts that if you are able to sample multiple times where the errors are normally distributed (or even known distribution) you can get a better estimate of a population statistic with diminishing returns, but the question remains: What relevance does this have to the question under discussion?
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