Sentences with phrase «even right beliefs»

This changed everything when I discovered that it's not about right behavior and even right beliefs, but more about reflecting and expressing the love of Christ to others by loving them and serving them just as Christ would.

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Jesus said; I will show you my faith by my works: Faith without works is dead: (There is no life) = If we have the Faith of Christ (a gift from God) then we will have the works that go with it that is evident of our faith; the works will testify to our faith, then do we produce fruit that will remain: If our heart does not convict us to do what is right according the written word, then we are not in faith: Our hearts are far from the life of Words of our Lord penetrating into our hearts because our hearts are wicked; even Paul who said; follow me as I am of Christ; how was that??? In and by the Holy Spirit, even Spirit of truth as Paul takes us through the Words of the Lord to have us established in the truth: The Word of our Lord is as refined silver, 7 times in the fire: Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, to them who believe: In the Bible one's «belief» and one's «behavior» are often compared.
You don't have to agree with them, I will even defend your right to keep your beliefs (even though I do not share them) but to simply say its all a conspiracy to bankrupt morality is a bit of a stretch don't you think?
He can champion equal rights for gay people, even if it goes against his personal religious beliefs.
So JWT, you are saying that even if you were supplied absolute proof that atheism was right, you do not think you would change your beliefs.
Spin it how you will, religion constantly gets a free pass in this country and when its ever called out for its discriminatory practices and beliefs it claims religion has the right to discriminate based on those beliefs... but everybody else doesn't have the right to even make the accusation that religion is getting all kinds of special rights allowing them to justify their own discrimination.
Pascal's Wager is not the only reason to believe in God, and you are right, it isn't even a great reason if it is your core belief, but it is a really good reason to reevaluate your beliefs in light of the fact that there is a huge downside to believing certain things.
I have actually been banned from a few «religion is always bad» atheist blogs as I try to show them that most people's religions have very little to do with right beliefeven though their religious professionals may wish otherwise.
But if these beliefs had not been presented to him at all, or were presented in a hateful way, or were presented in a true and right way but he was incapable of fully understanding them, or even if he were capable but died before being fully convinced — in such cases a man is not an unbeliever according to Almighty Judgment and will not suffer everlasting punishment.
It is not the judges right or duty to express his personal opinions or beliefs while sitting on the bench, especially while giving a verdict.Judges are there to make sure due process and a fair and impartial hearing or trial takes place for all those involved.this particular judge's rant on the muslim world based on his views from serving in the military had absolutely no bearing on the case and should not have even been brought up much less used to chastise the victim with.
If does not matter that their view on same s $ x is at odds with you or even that you feel their views are fanatical, they still have the right to stand up for their beliefs.
Daniel I think that you are right that many times a person's unresolved past produces the kind of dysfunctionality to where even though they desire to do good, they end up harming others due to subconscious beliefs about themselves.
If we do not learn to question our beliefs, we will grow arrogant and prideful, unwilling to change our minds even when it's the right thing to do.
However, I also support my right to call them loons, or to pick apart their arguments, or generally treat their ideas with contempt (and some beliefs are deserving of contempt even if labeled religious).
Clearly he is criticizing those who are questioning his beliefs, not to mention the whole notion of there even being a right or wrong kind of Christianity.
If you were being discriminated against because of your beliefs, even if they were beliefs I disagreed with, I would stand up for your right to have them (all of this is providing it was within the law).
You may believe the Bible tells you gays should be able to marry or maybe even that blacks should not be able to marry whites (another thing people have used the Bible to protest against); however, that does not mean that US civil equal rights laws should be based on your personal religious beliefs.
These people fully believed they were in the right, because they thought God had directed them to commit these crimes against their fellow human beings, and they were largely unwilling to even begin questioning their long - held beliefs.
Even though a belief in the Book of Mormon is mistaken, it is a valid religious belief so long as it is an integral part of a set of beliefs that promotes the right relationship which is the purpose of religion.
No, I fully recognize that anyone has the right to criticize any religious belief or practice — why must they even find it far - fetched to do so?
I'm not even telling you that they are wrong or right in their beliefs.
The right to freedom is guaranteed under the laws set by Islam and NOBODY can enforce their belief on ANYONE else, not even their own people bond by blood.
Unlike many anxious Europeans, Burleigh welcomes the immigration of Muslims to the Continent but believes there need to be certain ground rules for entry» tolerance, for example; acceptance and respect for democratic and republican values; a belief in human rights, especially the basic rights of women» even as he knows these are in short supply.
I want to add something here: sometimes, when deconstruction hits you and you change your beliefs, you might realize that you were never really in love in the first place, or that your love has died, or that the pressure and expectations of your church forced you to marry and stay together even though it wasn't right.
I am now ready to argue that the Christian belief in a God who acts in history entails the belief that God has aims for institutions and that a nation or a church, or even a garden club, is in right relationship to God only when its aims are identical with his.
And once you adopt the basic beliefs, you are expected to automatically adopt any other belief that comes along with that particular religion even though one may not reason and / or feel that certain aspects are right.
While our rights tradition stems from a belief in a moral order independent of government, a strong case can be made that our system of limited and dispersed power depends even more profoundly upon an appreciation of human imperfectibility.
However all this may be, even if we were obliged to qualify the belief that in the opening oracles of the Book of Amos we actually see Israel's monotheism taking its nascent form right under our eyes, yet at least the passage reveals the sort of thinking that certainly at some time led to Israel's great discovery.
We're not saying you have to believe or even lissen but I don't think its right that anyone should limit us or anyone else for their beliefs.
This guy even said he questioned himself in what he «believed» One can not tell anyone that a belief is right or wrong.
I find it irresponsible that a major news organization like CNN even has this belief blog, given what usually appears to be a right - wing theocratic agenda to keep the gullible masses ignorant.
When there is a such a wide array of opinions and beliefs on what a particular passage means, and there is very little chance for the average student of Scripture to gain clarity or certainty on which view is right, most people think «Why even try?»
even your post is an opinion, it could be viewed and inciting hatred towards someone's religious belief, which goes against the first amendment and basic right of any amercan.
As soon as your daughter's belief in fairies and leprechauns starts becoming a threat to women's reproductive rights, people's marriage rights, separation of church and state, and even the environment we live in, then we'll start caring about her idiotic beliefs as well.
The trouble about revealed «Truth» is that it is liable to be wrong, and even if it is right other people require a good reason to share the recipients» belief.
My beliefs have taught me to make strong moral choices and to stand up for what is right, even if it's unpopular.
If history has taught us anything it is that our beliefs, even when they are based in our understanding of the Bible, are not always right.
lol, yes clay i am an atheist... i created the sun whorshipping thing to have argument against religion from a religious stand point... however, the sun makes more sense then something you can't see or feel — the sun also gives free energy... your god once did that for the jews, my gives it to the human race as well as everything else on the planet, fuk even the planet is nothing without the sun... but back to your point — yes it is very hypocritical of me, AND thats the point, every religious person i have ever met has and on a constant basis broken the tenets of there faith without regard for there souls — it seems to only be the person's conscience that dictates what is right and wrong... the belief in a god figure is just because its tradition to and plus every else believes so its always to be part of the group instead of an outsider — that is sadly human nature to be part of the group.
In a recent interview with the Washington Post (part of their ominously titled «Voices of Power» series), Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius discussed Archbishop Joseph Naumann's request that she not present herself for communion because of her public support for legalised abortion: «Well, it was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced in my life, and I am a firm believer in the separation of church and state, and I feel that my actions as a parishioner are different than my actions as a public official and that the people who elected me in Kansas had a right to expect me to uphold their rights and their beliefs even if they did not have the same religious beliefs that I had.
Since even the demons have «right belief,» it is appropriate to see confession as a joyful dependence on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
There would be no external standards of what is right and wrong, just and unjust, moral and immoral, by which its results could be judged; there would be no guarantee that, even in the absence of outside intervention, globalization would be a benign process; and there would be no assurance that in a free society, left to itself, we could count on an evolution of moral beliefs to generate values which would continue to underpin the market order.19
You don't have the right not to have those beliefs questioned, even less to have those beliefs forced on anyone else.
When you know that what you believe is TRUE, then you don't have to advertize your belief and you don't even have to convince others that what you believe is right.
Working to advance women's rights and choices, even if those choices are contrary to your belief system, is feminism.
that's not convenient — whether being called bigots for holding certain unpopular beliefs or (even more personally) having God call you out on something you really thought was right that he clearly does not.
Its my right to have faith in a Creator and while its also your right to to have a completely different belief, its even more my privilege to accept your mockery of it.
You will learn as time goes on, if someone DOES condemn you, that I, even though you and I often differ, will support your right to express your beliefs and not be condemned or otherwise abused.
YOU: You will learn as time goes on, if someone DOES condemn you, that I, even though you and I often differ, will support your right to express your beliefs and not be condemned or otherwise abused.
Religious liberty is not merely a right to personal religious beliefs or even to worship in a sacred place.
Amazing sharing of a personal story, thanx I have seen that when people make talking about the god and right belief about their god so central (or even mildly important), this sort of ugliness is inevitable.
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