Sentences with phrase «even rural children»

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I confess that I have become somewhat blasé about the range of exciting — I think revolutionary is probably more accurate — technologies that we are rolling out today: our work in genomics and its translation into varieties that are reaching poor farmers today; our innovative integration of long — term and multilocation trials with crop models and modern IT and communications technology to reach farmers in ways we never even imagined five years ago; our vision to create a C4 rice and see to it that Golden Rice reaches poor and hungry children; maintaining productivity gains in the face of dynamic pests and pathogens; understanding the nature of the rice grain and what makes for good quality; our many efforts to change the way rice is grown to meet the challenges of changing rural economies, changing societies, and a changing climate; and, our extraordinary array of partnerships that has placed us at the forefront of the CGIAR change process through the Global Rice Science Partnership.
The Attachment Parenting Movement has grown up with the technology able to demonstrate that children's brain development depends on the consistently loving interactions between parent and child, as well as the technology able to provide education and support to even the most rural of households.
It's a dilemma: for farmers in rural China or nomads in Mongolia — even for ranchers in the dry, bleak High Plains of the U.S. — fossil finds can help pay for their children's education, put food on the table or warm their homes in winter.
Even with parental determination to be involved while their children are in school, «I think the primary challenge rural kids face is a lack of preparation for school,» Rearick told Education World.
Debunking the stereotype that the nation's poorest, most unhealthy, and most undereducated children are members of minority groups living in urban areas, the report says 14.9 million, or one - fourth of, American children living in rural areas face conditions «just as bleak and in some respects even bleaker than their metropolitan counterparts.»
[iv] Migrants who do not hold a Shanghai hukou send their children back to ancestral regions, even if the kids have never stepped foot in a rural village.
It doesn't matter if the child of migrants is born in Shanghai, or even if her parents were, she will still hold a rural hukou.
12, started Anseye Pou Ayiti because she says her native country lacks a datadriven, culturally relevant system for recruiting and training highcaliber teachers where they are most needed — in rural and underserved areas where about 70 percent of Haitians live but fewer than 30 percent of children from low - income households will complete even...
Nature is exactly what's missing from the lives of many urban and suburban and even rural American children and teens, according to San Diego journalist Richard Louv.
With the support of this public - private alliance, Brad will be leading an initiative to work with around 30 small schools in a rural area to develop a model of group purchasing and other innovative measures that will deliver tasty, nutritious food to children while also enabling the meals service to break even.
That would be fine if the metropolitan elite had shown even the slightest concern for all children in rural and suburban areas who lack the funds for even basic education let alone proper provision for the disadvantaged over the last decade.
Even though the conflict officially ended in 2006, child traffickers have continued to prey on rural villagers» concerns for their children by deceiving families with promises of safety for their children and attendance at top boarding schools in the Kathmandu Valley - but the sad reality is that the children who are taken from their homes are often kept as slaves or beggars, taken to illegal...
Born in a rural village in 1940, Wangari Maathai was already an iconoclast as a child, determined to get an education even though most girls were uneducated.
He came from a rural family so poor and rootless that even their name was not their own — his father was given away, perhaps even sold, as a child to a farming couple called the Pollocks, who used him practically as a slave.
Due to the orthodox and patriarchal society in India, the Girl child even in the 21st century is considered a bane in the rural areas.
Your children's tuition fees, interest on home loans and education loans, medical expenses and even donations made towards research or rural development are deductible as well.
Even with the inclusion of family child care providers, there is a vast undersupply of child care infrastructure in rural areas, despite the fact that home - based child care is the most common child care setting in rural areas.13 Since many family child care homes are only licensed to serve between six and 12 children, an area may contain several small providers while still qualifying as a child care desert.14
He was shocked to learn that 3 out of 10 children go hungry every single day and was even more shocked to learn that child hunger isn't just an urban problem — it's a rural one too.
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