Sentences with phrase «even see some issues»

In far too many situations, educators fail to address inequity and harassment perpetrated against sexual minority youth because they themselves have received no training or support in how to address such issues and may even see these issues as being private matters that are better dealt with in the home.
The amount of time spent in full screen will determine whether or not you even see this issue at all, and it's an issue that Google can definitely fix (and already is) with software solutions that work to keep pixels from displaying the same thing for long periods of time (months, not minutes).

Not exact matches

How can you debate issues and reach any sort of consensus if we're not even seeing the same world?
While, fresh but scaling startups tend to drag their feet until they see clear evidence of issues, prolonging upgrading may cause unnecessary and costly headaches like missed billing opportunities, inventory write - offs, efficiency gaps in operations or even fraud.
As a result, common diagnoses made in the 37 - foot RV include mental - health issues associated with chronic stress and anxieties, eye and back complaints and deficiency in vitamin D — even though the area sees 260 days of sunshine per year.
Having lived inside the system means you have seen what the franchise takes to operate and what issues need to be addressed before the franchise team even knows you exist.
Even though you most likely don't have the resources of a large company, it's interesting to see how they tackle customer experience issues.
Safety inspections on foods such as tomatoes and beef seen as bigger issue than customs checks

Food staples including lettuce, tomatoes and beef could be in short supply or even disappear from supermarket shelves after Brexit because of disruptive checks that will need to be conducted at ports,...

Even if you've been on sound financial footing since then, a lender will want to see that issue have settled with creditors.
Furthermore, if so inclined, one could even study our free archive of past newsletter issues over the years to see that similar defensive action was taken at the right time with most other market tops as well.
Unfortunately, the NDP Government chose to shut down that debate even when hundreds of victims of rural crime from across Alberta came to the Legislature to see a meaningful debate on the issue
But trade experts and stakeholders who've been following the negotiations closely say they've seen no progress on any of the thorny issues and no discernable headway, even on the simple things where all three countries should be in agreement.
Even under huge stress, we haven't seen any major issue or default.
But the underlying issue that I see here is why do women (and even men) have to feel so pressured by this society that they have to change their looks.
This selective «colorblindness» is a mighty convenient approach to race in America for white people, for it allows us to paper over America's troubled (and decidedly anti-Christian) history, to discount racism as a thing of the past for which we are no longer responsible, and to ignore persistent racial injustices like mass incarceration, police brutality, voting rights issues, white flight, and economic inequality, all while consistently benefiting from an oppressive system we claim we can not even see.
As Americans, we see the issues discussed on the evening news, Facebook feeds and comments, and we are embarrassed.
He is indifferent to religious freedom (as opposed to being actively hostile to it, as was his erstwhile Democratic opponent), and we might therefore see a slowdown or even a halt to the last few years» trajectory on that issue.
Even among Christians, for whom scripture should be a guide to life's challenges, many cling to the idea that issues such as abortion and the end of life are so complex that only a simple - minded person, unable to see two sides of an argument, could possibly take a firm stance.
If we take a look at our Catholic brothers and sisters, we can see how Pope Francis has quickly shifted the public perception of the Catholic Church, even though many of his official positions related to contentious issues remain the same.
We need not assume that even the greatest prophets were infallible in their judgments about other religions, but here obviously they saw an issue.
after losing friends and all our safety personnel and the consideration of the families i see no good coming from this and only animousity and ill feelings and betrayal by our public officials in asllowing this to happen... it is deplorable and an insult to the 3,000 dead and the thousands affected by this horrible act and time must pass to heal the wounds before the issue is even discussed.
A variant I've seen popping up, is: * Screen the requester; * If they qualify, they get $ x. 00, but only if: ** This is a one time situation; ** The can obtain enough money to pay for everything, even though $ x. 00 is substantially short of the required amount; The issue here is that the person can be five or ten dollars short, and come up empty - handed.
Many other modern interpreters of marriage have made the same mistake, and so have many people in American churches, who are tempted to join with Coontz and insist that couples get married for reasons of love alone, Economic, kinship and network issues and even the desire to have children are sometimes seen as contaminations of the purity of marital love.
We must acknowledge that people can still speak truth into our lives even if we don't see eye - to - eye on every single issue.
I can not even see that this is a First Amendment issue.
Leviticus 15 even gives a long laundry list of bed issues seeing there was three different beds: the woman's, the man's and the marriage bed.
And I take it as established that Hausman has shown a means whereby we can understand Bergson's approach as both metaphorical and rational2 As I am certain the reader does, I have questions I would like answered in light of their important insights and these interpretations of Bergson, but the issue I will examine presently is how Gunter's thesis and Hausman's elaboration might affect our understanding of Bergson's influence on Whitehead.3 The view of Bergson Gunter seeks to supplant is very widely held, and indeed was held, (if not really defended) until recently even by Professor Hausman (see the «Dialogue» below).
And retailers are smart: I've even seen a display for the swimsuit issue placed right in the beer aisle of a grocery store.
But I fail to see how a single verse like Luke 17:34 (which in context has little or no bearing on homosexual marriage / behavior), or even several bare verses from various places in Scripture that are often quoted on this issue, make for worthwhile conversation.
We can not decide this issue via poll, but I think it is helpful to see that the overwhelming view among Protestants (and even more among Evangelicals) is that Mormons are not Christians.
«I feel really blessed that we have had all the success we've had, and that pretty much every door will be open for my daughter, but seeing the challenges we face and then knowing it's much harder when you don't have the money you need, when you're worried about keeping a roof over your head or worried about whether you'll even have health insurance, and all these other issues.
We don't fight — 1 can't see that there are even any issues between us except that she feels like my sister.
Any way even if did that translation it will not help since issue is more complicated now after having seen Muslims are being killed since last 1995 Bosnia's mass killings to Muslims...
Jeremy i am surprised you never countered my argument Up till now the above view has been my understanding however things change when the holy spirit speaks.He amazes me because its always new never old and it reveals why we often misunderstand scripture in the case of the woman caught in adultery.We see how she was condemned to die and by the grace of God Jesus came to her rescue that seems familar to all of us then when they were alone he said to her Go and sin no more.This is the point we misunderstand prior to there meeting it was all about her death when she encountered Jesus something incredible happened he turned a death situation into life situation so from our background as sinners we still in our thinking and understanding dwell in the darkness our minds are closed to the truth.In effect what Jesus was saying to her and us is chose life and do nt look back that is what he meant and that is the walk we need to live for him.That to me was a revelation it was always there but hidden.Does it change that we need discipline in the church that we need rules and guidelines for our actions no we still need those things.But does it change how we view non believers and even ourselves definitely its not about sin but its all about choosing life and living.He also revealed some other interesting things on salvation so i might mention those on the once saved always saved discussion.Jeremy just want to say i really appreciate your website because i have not really discussed issues like this and it really is making me press in to the Lord for answers to some of those really difficult questions.regards brentnz
That, says Dr. Southgate, is because the issue is focused on HIV / AIDS, and she asks readers to consider the «incalculable loss» from the disease --» the loss to all those whose lives would have been touched, even changed, but were not, by books not read because they were never written, by paintings not seen because they were never painted, by performances never heard because the song was not sung.»
Even when this woman with the issue of blood behaved in ways that others might have interpreted as sinful, Jesus saw the faith that was behind her actions, and she was healed.
just as I welcome them into the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens... It hurts me to see this issue even come up... The religion did not attack us....
He seems to be completely unaware of his shortcomings and uninterested in doing anything to ameliorate them - he sees no reason to get any further education or even consider other viewpoints on the issue.
Fromm wisely sees that even from his humanist perspective the issue concerning God can not be set aside.
There seems to still be a hierarchy, even within progressivism, where women's issues are not seen as important enough.
racial segregation was so widely accepted in the churches and societies throughout the world that few white theologians, did see the injustice, did not regard the issue important enough to even write or talk about it.
I love it that my friend and you are wrestling with people who both of you see as OK guys with similar outlooks on social and moral issues and get on really well together but even though we can converse on belief the Old Testament is a massive stumbling block, a 100 foot high brick wall.
(1) Hallucinations — the person has issues with others whom he has / she has no business trying to change friends who (s) he insists are real, and to whom (s) he speaks daily, even though nobody can actually see or hear these friends.
The more that I looked at the death penalty the more I saw Pandora's box: It opens up a whole lot of other important issues like race and economic inequity and how the death penalty is applied — even things like the role of government.
They see meaning in the various issues that come up in their business and family life, in community relations, in civic and social responsibilities, even in leisure.
Yet, according to surveys, the majority of evangelicals do not see this issue as a priority, or even on their agenda.
And then comes: the taboo subjects; talking about people as if they are not there (or as if they are an «issue», not a person); assuming everyone (who counts) is of a certain race, ability, class, language, sexuality or gender; various non-biblical behavioural rules; the targeted enforcement of church rules (whether «biblical» or not) on particular groups; and the general reluctance to see things from another's perspective (even if this is a skill that churchgoers use all day, every day, outside thw church).
I just can not believe that this is even an issue in 2013 and I would love to see this happen anywhere but the «bible belt».
Those of us who have made the effort to engage Mormons in friendly and sustained give - and - take conversations have come to see them as good citizens whose life of faith often exhibits qualities that are worthy of the Christian label, even as we continue to engage in friendly arguments with them about crucial theological issues.
The last element of analysis has to do with the particular theological heritage that has influenced many of our congregations, especially in regard to two issues The first is the false spirituality that sees little connection between faith and questions of material well - being, the environment, and so forth ~ The sermon deals with that by stressing God's concern for all of creation, even the animals.
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