Sentences with phrase «even shorter amount of time»

It didn't take long for my students to debunk the myths that sometimes go along with the idea of teaching the gifted population, and it took an even shorter amount of time for me to change my ideas about teaching gifted learners.
«We can increase the complexity of the model exponentially, so we can use 45 to50 categories and get results in an even shorter amount of time,» Jin said.
You could pave a road from your office to the nearest park with all the studies showing the incredible benefits of spending even a short amount of time out of doors, particularly in a natural setting.
Breastfeeding for even a short amount of time had a 60 % reduction in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and up to a 73 % reduction with exclusively breastfeeding for 4 months or more.
Granted, that should only occur to test its holdings, but the fact that it can do so for even a short amount of time is impressive.
«Risks of heat exhaustion increases with activities outside, but also with traveling in the car, particularly when left in a parked car for even a short amount of time
If you think that none of this really matters, that a greyhound should be happy to be in a home, any home, for even a short amount of time, then you are either naive or have little knowledge of dogs.
Then there are those poor little creatures that can't bear to be separated from their special person for even the shortest amount of time.
OnePlus forums community manager David Y says customers will get their handsets back within 5 days of mailing them, though some people will doubtlessly struggle to go even this short amount of time without a smartphone.
Anyone who follows your blog for even a short amount of time (only a couple of months now) understands this.
If you've been around here for even a short amount of time, you'll know I have a soft spot for reclaimed wood and when designing this space I knew right away that I wanted to build the media center / storage out of old pallets.

Not exact matches

The company would involve little to no overhead, a relatively small startup cost (only in getting the name out there, which would be a non issue with some business connections), and consequently would have the opportunity to be cashflow even in an extraordinarily short amount of time.
They'll almost certainly stop following you after a short amount of time, and even if they continue to follow you, they'll have no interest, and thus no engagement, in your posts.
Even though ICOs present a good investment opportunity for making huge profits in a relatively short amount of time, there are still a few issues with ICO businesses, which are presented as the following:
A variant I've seen popping up, is: * Screen the requester; * If they qualify, they get $ x. 00, but only if: ** This is a one time situation; ** The can obtain enough money to pay for everything, even though $ x. 00 is substantially short of the required amount; The issue here is that the person can be five or ten dollars short, and come up empty - handed.
Similarly, a momentary and passing sensitivity to time, or even a lasting one, are well known phenomena: when a decision has to be made in a fairly short span of time; when a job to be done is so urgent that its accomplishment amounts to a struggle against time itself; or when in waiting for pleasant or unpleasant events one's gaze becomes increasingly fixed on the hands of the clock.
But a recent study has shown that we can obtain health benefits from garbanzo beans even when we eat much smaller amounts over a much shorter period of time.
Or maybe that's not even possible in such a short amount of time.
But even if he is, Patterson is coming off a knee injury and will have a short amount of time to adapt to a new system and players.
Even from a fan's point of view, it is a ridiculous amount of games to play in a short space of time and not good for the heart rate.
Even in substitute appearances, he has the talent necessary to produce chances in a short amount of time.
However, Betfred have now suspended the market after taking a major amount of money on him and cutting his odds from 8/1 to Evens in a short space of time.
But the electric pump can dish you know milk out in a short amount of time but it usually has less compression for a minute the suck may not be as strong like a baby so you're output may not be as much as if you were to hand express or even to manual pump.
I was so tired by the end of the day that I didn't stay out too late but I did attend them all, even if just for a short amount of time.
Its for such a short amount of time.Our evening routine consists of a bath followed by a feed then another feed etc. it could take up to four attempts to put him down.I know he's not hungry he's just using me as a comfort but i think its so special that i can offer him that, like i said earlier, its for such a shory time.
We now have enough evidence to blame the short amounts of time mothers have with newborns for developmental delays, sickness, and even death.
DeFrancisco predicts that the rent laws, the related property tax break for developers, and even mayoral control of the New York City schools might be simply extended for a short amount of time, such as a year, and leave the details for later.
They thought both clips lasted the same amount of time, even though the faster version was shorter (Current Biology, DOI: 10.1016 / j.cub.2010.12.043).
This conformity happens even though the researchers know, based on previous experiments, that some cockroaches when left alone in the arena never dash to a shelter, whereas others spend only a short amount of time beneath one.
Ingraham adds, «The fact that GPI was able to extract new knowledge from these planets on the first commissioning run in such a short amount of time, and in conditions that it was not even designed to work, is a real testament to how revolutionary GPI will be to the field of exoplanets.»
«When comparing the short amount of time online sobriety support has even been accessible to the number of those participants currently engaging with it, the likelihood that its popularity will only grow seems probable.»
Even though they were still eating roughly the same amount of calories, the participants lost weight — an average of nearly two pounds in that short period of time.
Review what you learned earlier in this chapter about food logging, and use those tools to create some amount of awareness, even if just for a short period of time.
Even when you are eating the proper amount of the right kind of foods, performing the right type of training activity and actualizing the best recovery plan between exercises, it can still be hard to create the muscle mass you want in a short time.
Bold flavor even if stepped for short amount of time
Following a lifestyle plan that utilizes each of these elements will help even the skinniest person put on bulk and add muscle mass in just a short amount of time.
I can only imagine that if we use computers even for a short amount of time, our brains change / adapt to this.
martial arts imo are the most fun way to do cardio... or if anyone wants efficient fat burn id recommend beach body's insanity (its not anything out of the ordinary, its just cardio that burns many calories in a short amount of time and even that time flies by)
My symptoms really reduced even in just a short amount of time (I'd say a reduction of about 60 - 70 %).
To go even further, our fast twitch fibers can be classified as either Type IIX or Type IIB.11 Fast twitch fibers show a greater capacity for hypertrophy than slow twitch fibers, therefore it may be wise to incorporate faster repetition training to maximize this capacity.4 Maximal speed is regarded as a short lasting adaptation, therefore if we wish to keep our bar speed up, we must train with fast bar speed frequently.8 This will have a nice carry over effect to the amount of weight we are able to lift, the amount of work we are able to perform in a condensed amount of time, and ultimately will increase the efficiency of our training.
And even though it is only about 10 minutes, so much is captured in that short amount of time.
Even though online dating makes finding a partner that much easier and more probable, rejection is still a very real thing on dating websites and since you can ask a lot of people out in a very short amount of time this way, you'll likely get rejected a lot, too.
Even if you were only with someone for a short amount of time, thats still.
Even if you were only with someone for a short amount of time, that's still time spent getting to know someone, and letting them get to know you.
Comedy, sci - fi, horror, romance, adventure, action, drama, and thriller, it covers quite a lot of territory in a short amount of time, and does so with its own sense of style that makes it different from any other film, even if it is an homage film at its core.
His character, Tamiki Umezaki, is a real enigma and even with a short amount of screen time he is pivotal to the plot.
Howard isn't one to slow down his thrillers for even a second; there's nothing left for characters to say or do if they aren't trying to figure something out in a short amount of time.
And so teachers have a very big socialising effect, particularly in the classroom, from that research that was done and it's been shown that even if their views of children are not accurate at all, that in fact the children, depending on what the behaviour is, but it could be in a relatively short amount of time, actually come to fit when they didn't initially.
In the short amount of time that I had been their teacher up until this point, I had seen many signs of great intelligence in several students, and it troubled me greatly that even the smartest students in this school might never be given the opportunity to realise their own potential.
Silly little things would break or become inoperable... for example, the gas door release cable gave up after a short amount of time and plastic interior trim piece would break with even the gentlest of use.
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