Sentences with phrase «even simple organisms»

«The genomes of even simple organisms such as the fruit fly contain 120 million letters worth of DNA, much of which has yet to be decoded because the cues its provides have been too subtle for existing tools to pick up,» says coauthor Richard Mann, a biochemist at Columbia University in a statement.
In even simple organisms like bacteria, however, researchers have observed a distinct molecular traffic flow to reduce head - on collisions between enzymes engaged in different tasks.

Not exact matches

The DNA programming required to create life capable of replicating in even the most simple single celled organism is far far more complex than anything mankind has ever built.
Just as a mountain climber can not jump to the top of the Matterhorn, a (relatively) simple organism like a bacterium can not even conceivably become a complex plant or animal except in very gradual stages.
I'll even offer observations - humans have manipulated existing organisms dna, created new virus and bacteria, clone animals, and attempt to create new animals - yet simple minded folks still reject the idea that another more intelligent creature might have done the same thing and created life on earth in the same fashion while at the same time acknowledging that there is a strong likelihood of other life existing in this universe - talk about being dumbed down and arrogant.
He reminds us that science is still ignorant of the chemical pathways that wonderfully allowed the inert chemicals of the earth's early history to form the more complex chemicals needed by even the simplest living organisms.
While some of the metamorphoses that DO occur in nature, eg caterpillar into butterfly or tadpole into frog, are as spectacular or arguably even more spectacular than your fish to frog morph, the simple fact is that evolution doesn't happen to individual organisms.
Benner is convinced that 4 billion years ago, Earth was home to simple RNA - based organisms that could find food, grow, reproduce, and even evolve.
But while this study has proved that the technique works in a simple organism, it could also be applied to other bacterial species, yeast or even human cells to find useful information about how genes are controlled and how they can be manipulated.
This means that its components and functions are similar in diverse species from simple organisms like fruit flies to mice and even humans.
Many such amino acids have been created by biologists and they have even been substituted into simple organisms such as fruit flies.
There's a lot of attention right now on how neurons fire and interact with each other, but the truth is, we don't even understand how a brain develops — even in the most simple of organisms like C. elegans, a worm with only 300 brain cells.
Brains, even of relatively simple organisms like fruit flies, are teeming with a huge variety of nerve cells that can behave differently depending on their connections, task and even time of day.
Winston covers all the bases, from Lamarck «s notions on the origins of simple organisms through to the intricacies of genetics, and he also touches on speciation, shrinking biodiversity, genetic drift, even the ethics of selecting «desirable» traits in your children.
Even engineering supposedly simple organisms could have major ecological and health effects.
Indeed, even simple unicellular organisms such as bacteria possess multiple caretaking systems.
Technologies to visualize neurons in live subjects — as well as process such gargantuan volumes of data — do not yet exist, so only post-mortem studies in simpler organisms are even presently imaginable.
As different as these cells and organisms may appear on the surface, genetic elements from even the smallest and simplest organisms can also be found in humans.
There's even some who believe that the game, which was first shown off in 2005, and will take the player from a simple multi-celled organism, all the way through the process of evolution until you reach space exploration and extra-planetary colonization, may never come out.
Large, more active fish can't live in these oxygen poor waters, while more simple specialized organisms with a lower need for oxygen will remain, and even thrive in the absence of predation from larger species.
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