Sentences with phrase «even slow down»

Ninety - nine per cent of the people didn't even slow down for a stride to allow the greatness in their life.
All that being said if you're just buying your first property don't let trusts and all this exotic stuff stop or even slow you down.
Thinking about how nice it would be to once again feel the sun on my face, and the gentle caress of a light wind, I looked outside our living room window, and saw a Purolator truck drive by — but it didn't even slow down.
The slower spouse who is rushed may even slow down more.
So, I use that all the time, and maybe even slow it down to 1x speed if you really need to absorb it.
Not that this will stop or even slow down the denial machine.
There's no reason to believe that trend will reverse or even slow down anytime soon.
If Clinton or Sanders should be elected, on the other hand, «green energy» is very likely to make major advances since there will be nothing but financing and possible Republican control of Congress to stop them or even slow them down.
It's that he doesn't think governments need to pass any new regulations to «stop» (or even slow down) global warming.
These are the kinds of trends that are very hard to reverse or even slow down beyond a certain point.
GADGETS GALORE Collect jetpacks, magnets, cloaks and even slow down time!
Each gun has a different amount of ammo to hold in the clip, distance the bullet flies and may even slow you down if the gun is super heavy.
In years past there would be a lot of times wher eit would even slow down with just trying to go through the depth chart.
You control the directional movements of the Harrier, but you don't control his speed, so you're constantly moving through, dodging, or shooting the limitless amounts of crap the game throws at you without the ability to stop or even slow down.
With enough energy, you can extinguish torches from afar, teleport, and even slow down time to a screeching halt!
This stylish top - down action game casts you as the ultimate teleporting badass, as you'll phase through walls, dodge enemy bullets and even slow down time while punching your way through a top - secret facility.
They ran out into the street and my Shepard was hit by a truck that didn't even slow down or stop.
This toy is a must buy also if you want to use it as an alternative to your Pug's bowl to help extend or even slow down their mealtimes.
Growing evidence suggests that our metabolism might even slow down as we lose weight — perhaps because increased activity triggers the body to save calories, so that an energy deficit doesn't disrupt important bodily functions.
The cruise control will even slow down for corners and speed back up when exiting them.
2) Improves Safety — Besides providing better visibility, rear view mirrors assist the rider to judge the traffic behind and change lanes, overtake or even slow down.
Heck, no need to even slow down!
The officer flashed his lights but didn't even slow down — it was just a warning to play nice.
But this isn't the Dark Souls of platforming, as it does have an easy mode; one which allows you to cling on to rocks for longer and even slow down time, which is obviously very helpful.
Combined with undocumented fighting skills (perhaps with the hopes of keeping 21st Century film audiences amused), our hero can even slow down time and methodically consider every body part he should hammer in order to slay his opponent.
Summary: Arslan Warriors of Legend is a car crash that you simply shouldn't even slow down to look at!
It's same when you are trying to catch a racer, you go full speed or even slow him down but he will somehow still totally escape you even if you would go full speed.
So this year, I promised myself to hold on to the heartwarming moments and try to slow down my pace and maybe even slow down the time a little.
When the body reetains waste, the toxins slow down the internal function and even slow down the immune system.
Melatonin has roles in cancer prevention, strengthening your immune system, and may even slow down cellular aging; in fact, it has been the subject of preclinical research on over 100 different disease applications.1 It's your body's «Superhero of the Night,» and light is his number one nemesis.
Avoiding or limiting certain foods if you have Hashimoto's may help reduce symptoms or potentially even slow down disease progression.
Consider this: the CDC reports that strength training can even slow down our physiological aging clock.
STUDY THREE — scientists in this study found that sulforaphane can even slow down prostate cancer.
Much can be done to make your many musculoskeletal problems more bearable, and maybe even slow down or halt the progression of many common complaints.
THURSDAY, July 28, 2016 (HealthDay News)-- Deep brain stimulation appears safe for people with early Alzheimer's disease — and might even slow down memory loss in some, a preliminary study suggests.
In addition, studies have shown that anthocyaninsthat, a nutrient found in high doses in these berries, helps improve memory and even slow down the development of Alzheimer's disease.
New research suggests broccoli might even slow down the aging process.
«They don't even slow down!
Now, a study suggests that by increasing the size of a warm body of water in the Pacific, El Niño might even slow down Earth's rotation, resulting in slightly longer days.
The Reds even slow down the game and lack urgency whe they in the lead.
And how could the Pacers even slow down James?
Aids can not even slow down the constant over population that's driving the planet earth's humanity to its final demise
Well, at a time when people are saying that the arrival of that robot is a net loss because of displacement, you ought to be willing to raise the tax level and even slow down the speed of that adoption somewhat to figure out, «OK, what about the communities where this has a particularly big impact?
«You ought to be willing to raise the tax level and even slow down the speed of that adoption somewhat to figure out, «OK, what about the communities where this has a particularly big impact?
Opponents accused him more than once of actually going out of his way, of avoiding the open field or maybe even slowing down, just to take another shot at a defender.
Even a slowed down Floyd still reacts a lot better than pretty much all of the welterweight division.
OTOH, the Big Countries on the block sometimes have the power to stop other countries from having nukes - and note that they are not usually successful because they don't have THAT much power (witness Iran - despite all the posturing, the effective rate of success of everyone else in stopping - or even slowing down - their nuclear program is slightly below that of stopping Russians from drinking alcohol during their Prohibition in 1980s).
An investigation conducted by the Taxpayers» Alliance shows the economic performance of the areas RDAs work in has failed to improve and in some cases even slowed down, despite spending over # 15 billion on the scheme.
It even slows down eating time to aid digestion.
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