Sentences with phrase «even split in»

Courts in these states can deviate from an even split in the interests of fairness, according to criteria that vary among states.
An even - numbered court would procedurally merge ripeness with the political question doctrine within a justiciability framework: an issue may be viewed as not ripe if the political environment is still so charged that the court would be unable to reach a majority decision (assuming an even split in ideological appointments).
The web - based survey of 300 tablet news users revealed an even split in how people just checked headlines: 31 % who had used their tablet to check headlines in the last week said they mainly used apps, 39 % mainly a browser, and 30 % used both equally.
What was once a near - even split in opinion has morphed into a 2 - to - 1 advantage for those who tolerate Muslim - themed student clubs.
What was once a near - even split in opinion now represents about a two - to - one advantage for Muslim club toleration.
If you are taking part of your meds in the form of Naturthroid or Westthroid you could order them in 1/4 grains and even split them in half and set a timer to take many times throughout the day in this way you are less likely to get as many cardiac symptoms.
For about a decade, the state had had a relatively even split in its 13 electoral districts.
As I see it, there is even a split in terms of financial muscle in the so - called big six with the two Manchester clubs and Chelsea now well ahead of the remainder.
There was retribution in South Bend as a brave young Army team outplayed Notre Dame and achieved an even split in the two - year revival of this highly charged rivalry.
There is an even split in opinion between those who agree temporary foreign workers should seek citizenship (45 %) and those who disagree (46 %).
You will mostly likely see an even split in sales between the large and the value cup.

Not exact matches

At the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa, the male - female ratio has ping - ponged from nearly an even split some years to closer to 70 - 30 in others.
They split in Febuary, but Slate said in March that she still has love for Evans, even if their break up was intense.
A battle over how players and team owners will split the league's $ 4 billion in annual revenue, which led to the suspension of exhibition and regular - season games through at least Nov. 14, is bringing collateral damage to a range of businesses counting on professional basketball events to survive, including caterers, bars, stores, parking lots — and even the self - employed masseurs who tend to players.
In a recent article by Design Mantric that analyzes the designs of four leading SAAS blogs, a common theme is that blogs are clearly split into sections to help users find what they are really looking for and to provide high - quality articles, podcasts and videos, even online books.
By using a cryptographic key, distributed ledgers can track changes in their databases no matter what servers they are stored on, or even split between.
To ease U.K. regulators» minds over the Murdoch clan having too much influence, Fox has proposed splitting Sky News off from Sky, and Disney has even said it might step in to buy Sky News, whether or not its wider Fox takeover goes ahead.
That being said, even if you have a startup short sale (i.e. selling for less than the valuation you did in your last round), you basically pay back the last round of funding first and start splitting the money on a percentage basis after that.
The even number of justices, divided between four conservatives, three liberals, and the more centrist justice Anthony Kennedy, could lead to a split decision in the case, according to some legal experts.
This means that in some instances, UberX will be even «cheaper than the bus (with fare splitting),» writes Uber CEO Travis Kalanick in a post on the company's blog.
Goldman says that even splitting JPMorgan in two — dividing the investment bank from the traditional bank, returning the company roughly to what was allowed before the Glass Steagall Act was repealed in the early 2000s — would boost the overall value of the current bank by 16 %.
Since Cheniere's first LNG shipment went to Brazil two years ago, there's an even split between destinations in Latin America and Asia, and then the rest of the world.
Even while running in the primaries, he split with the party on key issues.
Furthermore, oil companies are conservative, so convincing them to make a radical split, even if it could potentially unlock billions of dollars in value, won't be easy.
The GOP holds just a one - seat majority in the chamber after the surprise victory of Democrat Doug Jones in last year's Alabama special election; that means they can lose just one Republican vote, even under reconciliation (Vice President Mike Pence would cast a tie - breaker in the case of a 50 - 50 split).
So split the money into five even piles — then buy 1 - year, 2 - year, 3 - year, 4 - year and 5 - year CDs in equal amounts.
Who knows, a split in the blockchain could even bring attention and energy back into Bitcoin and reignite public interest.
Allergan Plc's chief executive on Monday said he was opposed to fundamental changes to the drug company's business strategy, even as its board considers drastic moves like splitting the company, selling off assets or doing deals to turn around a steep drop in its share price.
But it is also true that public opinion began to show a partisan split on trade before Trump won the nomination, with Republicans displaying more skepticism toward TPP in polls even as they showed more enthusiasm on Capitol Hill.
The only clear lesson from these studies is that there has been no long - term trend or convergence on a split chair / CEO structure, and that variation in board leadership structure has persisted for decades, even in the UK, where a split chair / CEO structure is the norm.
The general aim remains valid, even if split in the two projects he is running: Combo, a coworking part of the Cowo Project network, the biggest Coworking network in Italy, and FabLab Firenze, an association of makers and tech enthusiasts.
If he runs as an Independent or an Alberta Party candidate, even if he doesn't win, he could just split the vote enough in the riding to let a Progressive Conservative squeak in.
Even more important, it reveals that the basic forces of market demand are suppressing the speculative interests that before imposed a split in the direction of the SEA and the USO.
LDS / Mormon is very different than a subset of Christianity (most Christians don't consider it Christianity at all), and therefore since it is not as well known as mainline Christianity (Catholic and Protestant), criticizing particular details (hair - splitting) is still useful on educating others on LDS beliefs — even if done so in a negative way.
Much ecotheology, process theology and creation spirituality go even further by arguing against the traditional split between inert, value - free nature and a transcendent God, and by arguing that God acts in and through the processes of nature, which are reconceived as sacred or spiritual.
I suspect that even those of us who hate the idea of an outright split have a secret hankering for a church in which the most irritating of the others won't be around to make our lives miserable.
Is there a point where breaking communion is appropriate (schism, I think, was not the correct word as you pointed out it is not even possible unless every misogynist denomination (I refuse to use the long C word) splits in two), and who has the authority to make that call?
In the season finale, the justices delivered split opinions in two cases that had not even been fully briefed and argued on the merits — one about President Trump's limits on immigration from six majority - Muslim nations, the other about the right of a female same - sex spouse to be listed as a parent on a birth certificate alongside the birth motheIn the season finale, the justices delivered split opinions in two cases that had not even been fully briefed and argued on the merits — one about President Trump's limits on immigration from six majority - Muslim nations, the other about the right of a female same - sex spouse to be listed as a parent on a birth certificate alongside the birth mothein two cases that had not even been fully briefed and argued on the merits — one about President Trump's limits on immigration from six majority - Muslim nations, the other about the right of a female same - sex spouse to be listed as a parent on a birth certificate alongside the birth mother.
Bishop Persell, viewing the scene from the perspective of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, draws an even stronger conclusion: «If you're formed in opposition and negativity, you're bound to keep on splitting — there's always need for more purity, and you don't live with ambiguity very well, so you end up in a church of one.»
So, even though through the years immediately following the split, it could be said it defined us, I think it is more fair to say that now it has shaped us in positive ways.
Job changes, Illnesses, church splits or even your kid starting school all throw wrenches in how you relate to your friends.
If, as I suggested in the last section, the obvious and oft - noted differences between Russell and Whitehead symbolize the current analytic - speculative split, then the kinds of similarities and (perhaps even more importantly) the areas of mutual influence, indebtedness, and philosophic enrichment to which Professor Kuntz rightly points can suggest to contemporary philosophers a neutral «dialogical territory» beyond the present, hostile philosophic «demilitarized zone,» which is no longer itself viable, interesting, or worthy of the vocation of philosophy.
They are even split further to represent the diffrent sects in each religion.
After all, even though we're not the best in the world, we feel very fortunate to have our 15 weeks of maternity leave and our 35 weeks of parental leave (which can be split between both parents) giving a mother an entire year off with her new baby.
It placed a stamp upon American Christianity that remains to the present day — even in the form of Churches that split off as a result of revivalism.
On the one hand, reliable understanding of sacred texts requires some sense of the context in which their statements were originally uttered: «Because of their ignorance about hyssop many people, unaware of its power to cleanse the lungs or even (so it is said) to split rocks with its roots, in spite of its low and humble habit, are quite unable to discover why it is said, «You will purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean» (Ps.
Indeed, as the history of the past three decades has shown, it is today's devotees of «negative liberty» as reinterpreted by postmodern radical skeptics and relativists who are the primary exponents of coercion in the name of «tolerance» and «diversity» — even if that coercion is mediated through split decisions of the United States Supreme Court.
In splitting with the Catholic church, protestant movements held their Bible to be word for word factual, even scientific information.
So they will never say to you, â $ œIf you donâ $ ™ t do exactly what I want, I am going to split this church in half!â $ It would be sinful to even think such a thing.
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