Sentences with phrase «even stammer»

A plaintiff in a civil case would have to recite his oath (not a promise to tell the truth, but his side of the story) orally, and could not err, or even stammer.
Indeed, both Barth and Nygren are woefully weak on the point of God's presence in creation; they even stammer on his positive use of creation.

Not exact matches

Even the disciples who had seen all these miracles stuttered and stammered when faith was challenged during that dark day!
«Even bl - bl - bloody cows have got more sense,» he stammered.
Jackson slipped behind the podium at the Keller School and addressed the kids in his even tone, with a trace of a speech impediment — he stammers — that's gradually disappearing.
Or you find yourself subjected to the random queries of coworkers, acquaintances, and even complete strangers, stammering a clumsy reply while wondering how to express your boundaries without sounding blunt.
Schindler breaks down and makes a stammering and overwrought speech about how — if he hadn't been so selfish — he could have saved even more people.
After unsuccessful treatment for his stammer, his wife Elizabeth (Bonham Carter) locates unorthodox speech therapist Lionel Logue (Rush), an Australian who insists on familiarity even with the royals.
Even though one can kind of hear the stumbling words in between the lines, the actor doesn't do the usual bits of physical meekness or verbal stammering of an Allen - character.
Even well - meaning social workers and investigators, believing Orlando beat her and she retaliated given the bruises on his body when he was admitted to the hospital, misgender her at times, the stammering inadequacies of traditional language around gender doing both parties a disservice.
Parents short on time and money may ponder purchasing a Xbox 360, but the PS3 won't even be considered unless their kid stammers up a storm and threatens bodily harm on themselves and others.
, exhortation (Be a man), and even the boast of a stammering Old Testament god (I am I am)-- before ending somewhere between assertion and resignation (I am amen).
Abused and manipulated to the point it can not be conceived even as an imperfect tool for communication, language is characterized by collapses, stammers, fragmentations, collages, ellipses, mixed idioms or unknown tropes.
Even the most powerful smartphones that were released each year would experience stuttering and stammering while performing the simplest of tasks...
Even the most powerful smartphones that were released each year would experience stuttering and stammering while performing the simplest of tasks, like scrolling or opening apps.
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