Sentences with phrase «even than his explanations»

But perhaps his greatest contribution — greater even than his explanations of Darwinism — is his steadfast explanation - cum - celebration of the scientific method as civilization's most powerful tool for arriving at truth.

Not exact matches

Those that did have disclosures didn't even follow the FTC's guidelines, which recommend lengthier explanations than «hey, these are affiliate links.»
But even more shocking than that admission is the fact that Thursday's tweets are a totally straightforward explanation of how powerful people like Trump can use their wealth to manipulate others and cover up any information they want hidden.
It usually requires an explanation on the order of infinite retention («yes, our sales and marketing costs are really high and our annual profit margins per user are thin, but we're going to keep the customer forever»), a massive reduction in costs («we're going to replace all our human labor with robots»), a claim that eventually the company can stop buying users («we acquire users for more than they're worth for now just to get the flywheel spinning»), or something even less plausible.
And, I believe there even be more than 3 or explanations.
You have chosen to believe it's not possible for God to exist a priori so any possible indication that he may, you simply reject as not possible even when there is no other scientific explanation for credible miraculous events (ones that can not be mere coincidences) other than supernatural.
A couple of thousand years ago (and really up until a few hundred years ago, or less than that even, in some fields) there was no explanation for lightning, thunder, volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc..
No different than my rambling post agreeing with him and providing even more real life human scenarios that can evoke strong emotions, that can easily cause someone to either A: Seek out religion, even if it's only for some semblance of accepttion and / or explanation of the unknown, or B: If they already have a religion, re-embracing it with new enthusiasm.
Yep, but if you don't have any more variables than I have and you reject logic and you just make up explanations that have no supporting evidence your chances of being right are even less than mine.
How do we approach a Holy Scripture that not only explains events differently than we would, but that also has a very different understanding of what even counts for a reasonable explanation?
«Theistic evolution» is possible when you have a definition of God where you insist that he had a hand in things even though there isn't any evidence that he did, and even when his involvement would complicate things more than a simple, natural explanation.
The phenomenon shows fluctuations of populations rather than evolution, and even creationists have pointed this out (Kofahl and Segraves, The Creation Explanation, 1975).
Thing is, they have no more of a clue than anyone else... Last time I checked science has no explanation for «nuclear force»... or even simpler things like..
Live4Him wants people to believe that a non-natural explanation is MORE plausable than a non-natural explanation for existence EVEN THOUGH a non-natural explanation has never, not once, EVER been the explanation for anything.
Even an explanation of the actual «big bang theory» (not just popular understanding), something truly existing out of nothing (rather than just not knowing yet where it came from), is absolutely awe inspiring.
I know crazy but its something to think about since there is no ultimate explanation as to why we even exist, even if you take science to its root there is no explanation for why anything actually exists at all, after all you can't get something from nothing so I had rather have something than nothing.
They are more inclined to accept explanations from official sources, from «experts,» from company officials, from well prepared hand - outs created by public relations experts, than to go to the trouble to dig out opposing views that often are represented by small, inefficient, underfinanced and even unpopular groups.
And even if it were the case that in the past we spent less time defending and discussing specific dogmas, there seems to me to be a much more plausible explanation than «no one really used to care about dogma», which is this: it's not that we didn't care about dogma, but rather that the truths of faith have come under unprecedented scrutiny and attack in the modern period, not least fromdissenters within the Church, so it has become essential that we do talk about what we actually believe.
The non-dairy version (which is not vegan as it still contains egg yolks) turned out even better than the classic — I have no explanation as to why.
You know guys sometimes giving an explanation, even a brief one is more useful than thumbing down or giving a thumbs up.
It's directly measurable by sea level as most of the rises we are seeing are due to nothing more than thermal expansion (even the skeptics don't argue that, the measurements are solid, and there's no explanation other than «it's getting hotter»).
For all these reasons, I think AV is actually a very good voting system and I would put the referendum result down to several things — an ineffective Yes campaign (if you typed AV into Google, they didn't even come up on the first page of results), lies and smears spread by the No campaign, the association with Nick Clegg, the split in Labour over AV and finally, and not insignificantly, the fact that the Electoral Commission sent leaflets to every household containing an overly complex explanation that made AV look more complex than the insides of a nuclear reactor.
If flavor change was the culprit, one explanation would be the existence of a fourth, «sterile» neutrino that interacts with matter even less than the other three, all of which continuously stream through Earth unnoticed, occasionally pinging off of an atomic nucleus.
His explanation: «I think it's more important to improve the lives of stroke patients than to get young kids to run even faster.»
He contends there is still more evidence for human - animal differences than for similarities and believes our own theory of mind fools us into seeing our abilities in animals, even when simpler explanations would suffice.
A study published in January offered a possible explanation, showing that jets shooting out from the sun's surface contain gas that is even hotter than previously realized.
One of the first people in the Western world to offer a scientific explanation for the sun was the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras, who reasoned that it was a giant flaming ball of metal even larger than the Peloponnesus, and not the chariot of Helios.
One explanation why carb - cycling might work better than low - carb diets is that with low - carb, even the smallest carb - treat can lead to binging whereas with carb - cycling, your system is accustomed to the carbs so the binge - urge is eliminated.
I would use this explanation when I write posts and get response comments about how weight loss is simply a matter of «Eat less and exercise more»; «burning more calories than you take in to lose weight» and then even citing «The Law of Thermodynamics».
She even disappears for a large chunk of the film with little explanation other than Violet's arc requiring more screen time.
While quick and eager to offer food for thought with its questions raised, they are then far less sure to offer any sort of satisfying explanations or even at least the beginnings of them, the wishy - washy vagueness ultimately coming off as a willful decision less for intriguing, stimulating ambiguity than to rather gracelessly leave open back doors for sequels.
This gamesmanship, along with the lack of explanation, makes Eden's analysis even less reliable than it already is.
And even though it feels a little more like an advertisement than an educational video at times, the explanation it gives is actually pretty solid.
The book includes more than 25 short video tutorials (closed - captoined) to go along with explanations of the built - in accessibility features of iOS devices, the Mac, Apple TV and even Apple Watch (I was only able to record one video on Zoom by visiting my local Apple Store, since I don't yet have access to an Apple Watch — more videos on Apple Watch will be added in a future update).
Even a good publisher can't read more than a hundred books a year, and because publishers should not publish more books than they can read, my sole explanation is: if they publish more books than that, they must not want to read them.
The analysis gets pretty in - depth, even making explanations for why it may be better to market to currently active players in a given game than to recently inactive ones.
Even in reviewing past masters, he glorifies the ease of their achievements rather than risk a more patient critical explanations might diminish the magic.
To be even partially understood, the work — and Mr Campbell's most of all — needs to be seen on more than one occasion, and in conjunction with a written explanation.
Boris (# 121) points out that contrarians are more than happy to accept the trends calculated for a few distant planets if it obscures the cause of the trends seen on Earth — even though the data which we have on those trends have a great deal more uncertainty associated with them (see Nicholar L's # 88), and as an explanation in terms of solar variability is not credible (ibid.)
Martin V., it might be just a nit, but something is amiss in your explanation (203): 70 km is way above the tropopause and even higher than the stratosphere.
While such a «missing heat» explanation for a lack of recent warming [i.e., Trenberth's argument that just can not find it yet] is theoretically possible, I find it rather unsatisfying basing an unwavering belief in eventual catastrophic global warming on a deep - ocean mechanism so weak we can't even measure it [i.e., the coldest deep ocean waters are actually warmer than they should be by thousandths of a degree]...
His talk presents the interpretation of the science in the context of a policymaker concerned about the public's interests, in contrast to the tendency of scientists to generally not want to say something assertive until we have two - standard deviations of significance (so 20 to 1 odds in our favor, and, even more than that, because we also want two standard deviations of significance that no other explanation is possible, so another 20 to 1 odds in our favor).
A larger Universe than ours is a necessary prior for the existence of God, as you seem to accept, and of course you are then left with a need for an even more complex explanation.
Even the standard radiative GHG effect of 33 or something K is on very shaky ground, i mean the explanation for higher than black - body temperature of the surface (the average) using only radiative «forcing».
As I read it, three reviewers were said to have been «skeptically biased» by Wagner with no stated reasons other than it is the only explanation for how the paper was accepted even though curiously he also states:
The real explanation for the spread of scent of course is basic convection in a fluid medium, with the different weights and effects of the actual scent molecules which is alchohol and water, the alchohol having a triggering effect on water at the surface making it even lighter than air than it usually evaporates.
But even the log of CO2 would show a steady rise, albeit smaller than that of CO2 itself; so that this simple explanation does not work.
The official Chinese explanation is that while they acknowledge the importance of the long - term view, the focus should be on near and medium - term action rather than deliberating on long - term targets («中方认为 , 应对气候变化既要着眼长远 , 更要立足当前 , 要把精力和重点放在完成近期和中期减排目标上 , 不能让长期目标上的分歧影像谈判进程» and he repeated this in his December 18th speech: «To determine a long - term direction is necessary, even more important is to focus on the completion of the short and medium - term emission reduction targets, and on to honor commitments already made, and on action.
What is hard to believe is that with the warming less than predicted and the myriad possible explanations for it (including many references to natural variability which had long been ignored or even ridiculed) that they would increase their certainty.
BTW, this is an even better explanation for the wider variance of GISS than the one you offer.
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