Sentences with phrase «even the return of»

One thing to know: The Cowboys had their playoff path crushed Sunday after falling apart at home against a Seahawks team that has been riddled with injuries — even the return of Ezekiel Elliott wasn't enough to spark the Dallas offense.
Even the return of P&G's prodigal son, A.G. Lafley, as CEO, didn't fix that.
Through out the Bible there are many celebrations, for different causes, even the return of a prodigal son.
Even the return of a loved one.
Not even the return of the their talismanic captain, Cesc Fabregas, could spark a toothless Gunners into life last weekend as they embarrassingly drew 0 - 0 at home to Blackburn.
Even the return of Frank Lampard wasn't enough to inspire the Blues on Monday night, in what was a huge encounter with title rivals Arsenal.
But unfortunately, not a new director, nor a new cast of characters, and even the return of composer Hans Zimmer can save On Stranger Tides from being anything but an overly - long, silly, and uninspiring installment in a franchise that is clearly stretching its material past its breaking point.
Look out for stories including moments from Zelda games like Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess, creepy Paper Mario moments, plenty of spiders, a spooky tale from Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and even the return of the haunting Donkey Kong!
, author interviews, even the return of giveaways after a four month or so absence.
The returns from our Grand Baymen unit have far exceeded our exceptions, and even the returns of our other unit - despite the overinflated ROI promised to us by the other developer.
The removal of these introduced species has led to increases in numbers of species under pressure and even the return of extirpated ones.
Even the return of the Joker and his subsequent role in the story can be viewed from a cynical perspective, namely that Warner Bros desperately wanted to bring him back simply to help sell their game, worried that they and the developers would not be able to craft a story around another villain, namely the Black Mask who I feel could have indeed carried the entire plot had he been given the chance.
There's even the return of a map editor, with the «Far Cry 5 Arcade» that allows you to build you own single player and multiplayer levels using assets from a wide assortment of Ubisoft games.
Yes, there's even the return of Nazi zombies, who are prevalent throughout the last quarter of this expansion.
Version 3.0.0 will include a slew of new features, including gear, a new mode, and even the return of Callie!
Raid Mode offers some longevity, and nothing the game does is particularly awful, but not even the return of Barry Burton makes this debut episode more remarkable than it is.
Secret games, prizes, stunts, and even the return of everyone's favorite storyteller, Nob Ogasawara, translator of the first four generations of Pokémon games!
If you're one who can stick to a plan and prefers to get your money back, maybe even a return of premium policy is justifiable.
Even a return of 9 % annually on real estate crowdfunding would be excellent considering you're also getting a diversifier from other assets in your portfolio.

Not exact matches

Even after a return to (low) growth, Yahoo will continue losing share of the worldwide search market as other players — including Google, Baidu, Microsoft and Sohu — grow their search ad businesses more quickly,» the market research firm reported Monday.
Turkey tried to assure its citizens and the outside world on Thursday that there will be no return to the deep repression of the past, even though Erdogan has imposed the first nationwide state of emergency since the 1980s.
We make the most of available government programs and incentives to create affordable units, even as we provide a return to our social impact financial partners.
Bitcoin's down today, but with its recent rebound in value, holders — even the enthusiasts who want to bypass banks — could find it hard to resist the potential to hold onto their Bitcoin in hopes of seeing substantial cash returns.
Only the most optimistic projections show a return to a ratio of one new worker for every retiree — and even then, not until the late 2020s.
When I returned this year, one of those professors remembered me well, even though we had not communicated for the two decades since I graduated.
In nearly every case, however, we have found it to be more successful and deliver a significantly better return on your SEM investment by focusing on the hundreds or even thousands of more specific keywords that more closely match the services, products, brands, and locations that you sell or serve.
We all know the feeling — as the sun sets on a perfectly lovely weekend, a sense of gloom, anxiety, or even dread starts to settle on you as you think about returning to work the next morning.
But that's not the final word, apparently, because other evidence suggests that brand loyalty is as strong as it's ever been: Fully 77 percent of consumers in one survey, for instance, said they return to the same brands over and over again, with 37 percent of them qualifying as «brand loyalists» — the segment of customers who will stay true to a brand even if offered a superior product from a competitor.
Yet a majority of pension plans in North America require a 6 % to 7 % return to stay in surplus, and this doesn't even account for the constraints that will come with an aging demographic.
After all, the former economics professor who is now president of the Hussman Investment Trust has made a name for himself by repeatedly predicting a stock market decline exceeding 60 % and forecasting a full decade of negative equity returns — and yet here we sit just 9 % from record highs, even after some bouts of heavy selling.
Every entrepreneur reaches a point of no return, a moment when you suddenly realize you're absolutely committed — perhaps even overcommitted — to a new venture.
While return on investment might be the end - goal of social media presence, focusing on ROI in monetary terms isn't a good strategy, particularly in the short - term, even for smaller brands.
Even the Fonds de solidarité des travailleurs du Québec, the $ 10.1 - billion gold standard of Canada's labour - sponsored funds (it also invests in more mature sectors of the economy), has a 30 - year annualized return of just 3.8 %.
Saje offers an extremely generous return policy, which allows customers to return products any time, for the rest of eternity, even if it's half - used and they lost the receipt.
Even if hitting the slopes isn't your cup of hot cocoa, clicking into a set of skis is well worth it when it means you can return to a cozy chalet after a day spent traipsing down the mountain.
Still, even if you take out the Obama Trauma, in which the stock market fell nearly 13 % following the current president's election in 2008 — and, to be fair, the country was in the middle of a financial panic — the average return in a month following the election is 0.4 %.
Now that wealthy second home buyers are returning to the southern tip of Long Island, they have noticeably different criteria than their predecessors of 10 or even five years ago.
«Start with a savings account that will give you a competitive rate of return and pay yourself first by putting whatever you can, even if it's just a small amount, from each paycheck into that savings account.
If the mobile version of your website isn't easy to use, then most users won't even return.
Investment giant Vanguard Group goes even heavier on equities than Schwab does, to power decades of retirement returns.
Given the concentration in Canada's banking sector, it's likely that at least some of the banks will be designated as such, requiring higher capital levels and putting even more pressure on their return on equity.
The beauty of bots in 2016 is that, thanks to the ubiquity of smartphone screens, consumers aren't fazed by chatting with a robot when picking out their Christmas shopping or asking about a product return the way they would have been even a few years ago.
You can think of the «return» on this investment as the value of paying yourself, rather than a landlord, even if it's not paying dividends or increasing in value.
When this index exceeds the rate of return earned on equity by the business, the investor's purchasing power (real capital) shrinks even though he consumes nothing at all.
However, in reality, many individuals use the services of an accountant whether it's to help with tax returns, to improve their financial planning or even to assist with debt problems.
Shareholder returns at family - controlled corporations significantly outperform those of widely held public companies, even though family - controlled boards tend to break governance rules, such as having a certain number of independent directors.
Throughout the call he returns to the issue of the border wall, pressuring Peña Nieto to publicly acquiesce to some sort of payment even as he admits that Mexico will not, in the end, fund his campaign promise.
«As a long - term value investor, we remain cautious and recognise that to generate good real returns over time, we have to be prepared for periods of underperformance relative to the market indices, some even for a stretch of several years.»
If your down - on - her - luck pal has been sleeping on your sofa for the past year and earned less than $ 4,050 while you've been mostly supporting her (or him), then you may be able to claim the sponger — er, friend — as a dependent and deduct up to $ 4,050 on your federal return, even though the two of you are not related at all.
You might even see a return of the man who started it all.
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