Sentences with phrase «even think»

I don't even think Darwin believes that his theory or findings was so much of a religious creed.
I really like the way you have put this together, what is disconcerting is that most people do not even think about it.
Wow, that's pretty insensitive to even think about Blessed John Paul II not being in the blissful presence of the Almighty.
We seem sometimes to have a prefabricated (and entirely unbiblical) concept of what a Christian should act like, look like, even think like.
You are just so cute with your free floating indignant righteousness, taking the time to comment on something you don't even think exists.
I don't even think he's pro-choice; BUT, he is the President of a country that allows religious freedom, and that means other people are free to make there own decisions.
I don't even think David is contending now, even if the original launch presented it otherwise.
I have no religion, but even I think that the Obama thing is a good idea.
He couldn't even think about that.
sh it you christians couldn't even think of what to name your «god» you just capitalized the word god.
Within this is there no time for standing still by found treasures, to built palaces of knowing sure around them Every treasure found is a stimulation to start seeking for other discoveries, Because we can never know fully and can never know Him fully, not even think about understanding Him fully.
Now if you were to say that you would not even think about atoms until you were able to see them and you could not see them with your naked eye or with simple instruments, then you would never find them at all.
Don't even think of trying to have a two way conversation about something that happened!!
You quote gay sources and gay people no wonder you are so bias you cant even think properly.
his analysis of sundry maxims and «verbal museums» like Bartlett's supports the claim that quoting is a quintessentially human proclivity: «Can one even think without the words of others?»
We may even think of a kind of «transmutational» character of this mentally connected thread of occasions (according to Cat.
She was raised to believe that it was morally evil to even think such things.
Before I even think that I am in my bed let me think that I am in You.
That is just disrepectful to even think that this would be all right with the general population of our country let alone the people who live in Manhatten.
Don't even think about it unless God has specifically told you to do this in which case nothing will hold it back.
= > You know darn well that Jesus said love your neighbor, to even think wrong about another in your heart is the equivalent to murder.
And I guess you are insinuating that Christians do not think for themselves or even think at all is that right?
Don't even think for 1 second that the FBI is to blame because a wannabe terrorist got caught.
Most people don't even think about the religion itself, they simply repeat rhetoric.
We don't even think about it.
Some even think (wrongly, in my opinion) that the role it assigns to observers leads to subjectivism or philosophical idealism.
Do you idiots even think?
For you to even think you are reading the right way and someone else isn't is very arrogant.
To even think of someday filling her shoes seems an impossible quest.
Only know, two years removed from India am I beginning to even think making sense of any of it is possible.
I am aghast that someone can even think this way!
did you even think about what your were thinking before you hit the send?
Others of us feel too burnt out to even think about rest.
However, it's also worth remembering that many people who wouldn't call themselves Christian don't even think of swearing as rude or offensive — it's merely part of their language.
Don't even think of parking that sermon near this playground!
I don't even think you need to necessarily address each one.
God takes the most evil event in human history, and He redeems it in such a way so that most people today do not even think of it as evil, but as the most holy and righteous event in human history.
There is no reason to even think they would see the same light given what we know about mankind.
Back in those days, most wedding photographers had yet to embrace the photojournalist style, so they just lined everybody up at the front of the church sanctuary like we were at a firing range, and took the picture.We didn't even think to pose inside a vintage frame or sit on a rusty pickup truck.
Most of those people probably don't even think about me anymore.
Also, this new breed of church planters are so un-churchy, they don't even think of themselves as «church planters.»
I don't even think there's a god, and even if I did I'd have no reason to believe your understanding of him is any better than anyone else's.
If you say I can't even think for one minute think I'm not a troll — you sound just as horrible as the religion you imagine that forbids me from thinking.
I don't even think I commit evil actions.
Do you even think before you write or speak?
Sometimes it's good to hear it in different words, because when you hear Christ, you're so used to it, you don't even think what it means, you think it's Jesus» last name...
(Actually, under no circumstances should you ever say or even think the worst is over.
They sit there swallowing up every little biased puff piece the «news» can come up with and don't even think for a second that they might be getting manipulated.
And some even think that personal love will emerge again from the ruins of Europe.
@fred — «we both know the God we are speaking of said that if you even think bad thoughts about someone you have commited murder.
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