Sentences with phrase «even think of something»

In the «old days» you would not even think of something like this, but these days, there is enough horsepower in even a Mac Pro with a graphics unit to perhaps pull it off a bit.
How could anyone even think of something?
They will likely even think of something that you haven't considered.
Sometimes you even think of something more productive to say.
I can't even think of something you could crockpot that wouldn't be beans.
This recipe is so creative, I would never even think of something like this but OMG it looks delicious.

Not exact matches

«I don't know what the best use of XRP is going to be, and I hope it's something we can't even think of
«Even if you think of yourself as a domestic company, it's very likely you're dependent on something from around the world.»
Should the Justice Department move to block the deal, it would come as something of a surprise, especially considering that the Justice Department's top antitrust regulator, Makan Delrahim, even said earlier this year that he did not think the deal presented a «major antitrust problem» due to the fact that neither of the two companies directly competes in the same spaces.
It's something they don't really think about until the beginning of March or even the first week of March.
The advantage of such pricing, says Mulpuru, is that «it's a micropayment, it's something you almost don't even think about.»
Acknowledge the inappropriateness of the behavior in question: Even if you are dealing with someone who is upset about something that you think is petty, you most likely will agree on some level that the way the customer was treated was inappropriate.
I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from God and I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape that it is something God intended to happen.»
It's nice for clients to know you were thinking of them even when you didn't have something on the calendar.
Our survey determined that demand for customization falls off precipitously if consumers think they could be stuck with something they don't like — even though early adopters of product customization have found that return rates are lower than for standard products.
A critical difference with trade is that a protectionist viewpoint is something Trump has clung to strongly over the years even as much of the rest of his political «thinking» has evolved.
I thought there could be some cool use cases where items could be bought with pay - as - you - go style for something like bandwidth or access to services, or even paying thousandths of a cent per API call on some web service.
My question... is getting peoples insights into whether to diversify some more or something different altogether... there is simply so much time ahead of him, its hard to pin down a strategy, even the Vanguard Retirement 2065 is not far enough away to accommodate the time in front of him, he'll only be 56 by then, but I want to help him and set the strategy out before I shuffle off the mortal coil so he doesn't really need to think about pensions etc. as he grows up, comments / suggestions welcome... Cheers
«As the number continues to climb to something approaching 4,000 - 5,000, we think Model 3 gross margins should turn profitable, which doesn't indicate it will meet long - term targets, but should prove to be better than the more bearish expectations of the car being EBIT - negative, even at scale,» Arnson and Erickson said.
Lewis: Yeah, I think the idea of diversifying is something that most investors are familiar with, but I think it's probably even more important with these types of investments, because of the risk profile with some of them.
Research findings from the Center for Talent Innovation, a New York - based think tank headed by Sylvia Ann Hewlett, found that having something inherently in common with the funder, decision maker or investor makes an enormous difference, since 56 percent of decision makers in the study did not value ideas they didn't personally see a need for, even when evidence suggests that it's a good, marketable idea.
However, if you are a single doctor making $ 300,000 per year, did not have to address a meaningful debt burden, and only have $ 100,000 in investments at the age of forty, you have done something very wrong (most likely, you either lived at your means or traded stocks instead of thinking like an owner that made long - term investments) even if you have that same $ 100,000 in paper wealth because you had the skill set and personal opportunity costs to do so much more with your hand in life.
I think Hot Hot Heat or The Killers did something that was sort of easier to digest in a lot of ways, and to me those two bands versus us... those two bands don't even sound alike to me, and neither of them sound like us to me.
I do think that being an atheist in light of the complexity of creation (both on an infinite universe - sized level and on a microscopic atomic level) requires some amount of faith in somethingeven if it is faith in the ability of random pieces of matter to assemble themselves into something complicated.
As was already pointed out by Edward Feser in the June / July issue of First Things, even if one grants that string theory is true, Krauss has already conceded the very medieval axiom he thought he was dispatching, since, after all, a «brane» (assuming it exists) is something.
I just think to believe something without evidence, or even a good theory of explanation is described by a very simple word.
Oh and when we raised money for my child to attend something that only the wealthy could afford, most of our richest so called friends didn't contribute, because they think that we shouldn't even allow our child to participate if we «can't afford it».
«I came to realize life is a gift from God, and I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen,» said Mourdock, the Indiana state treasurer.
Likely you did not even realize that positing these questions make it look like you really think you are saying something clever in front of all us drones.
Second, even if your views «solved the problem of consciousness», being able to think of something that could be a satisfactory explanation doesn't in any way mean that is the correct explanation.
Moreover, even in the face of the apparent «uselessness» of the liberal arts, why do we think that they offer something of inestimable value?
I know I'm not going to win you over with the idea of just how improbable something is, but would you not even for a moment think about how unlikely a humanoid species lightyears away could evolve so similarly to us along with such a similar religion.
Perhaps instead of virginity... or even purity (which carries something of an either / or connotation, I think)... we ought to talk about the path of holiness.
She did mention in the video that even her atheist friends were telling her that her philosophies were actually more Christian than atheist, so I rather think she was latently religious all along, sort of like gays who live for years in hetero relationships, then finally realize what they are, after years of saying something else.
I just thought that Richard should get something for his insightful and Zen like comment (even a coffee at Tim's)... maybe his line of thinking could be HUGE... maybe he just watches too much of the Daily Show with John Stewart.
Tell us the truth when you think that our old ways of doing things need to change, and though we may push back, the conversation will force us to examine why we do what we do and perhaps inspire something even greater.
Even if you think something is morally wrong, it may be morally okay for someone else leading you to remove some of their liberties if you get your law based on your morals passed.
«I recollect thinking then, boy even though I was, that there must have been something more than common that those men struggled for; that something even more than National Independence; that something that held out a great promise to all the people of the world to all time to come.»
I think that not recognizing those in our midst who are dying inside and nobody even notices is something to truly be ashamed of.
Don't even think of trying to have a two way conversation about something that happened!!
Our human tendency is to think of justice as «getting even,» as one small boy strikes another and the other strikes back, or as a supposedly mature individual or nation thinks it must give back to enemies either the treatment received or something more severe.
I think that I would respect and maybe even work for a candidate who either said he was a freethinker OR simply refused to talk about his religion on the basis of it being something very personal.
And from: «Adolescents don't think or - al se - x is something to worry about (even though is becoming a major cause of throat cancer),» said Bonnie Halpern - Felsher professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco.
Religion is a waste of time and I don't like to spend even a few minutes of my day thinking about it when I could be doing something far more productive... twiddling my thumbs, perhaps.
«Adolescents don't think or - al se - x is something to worry about (even though is becoming a major cause of throat cancer),» said Bonnie Halpern - Felsher professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco.
Even though those who believe in a man - can - tell - when - it - is, end - of - days rupture do not represent a significant (neither majority) of Christians, reading the articles might mislead people to thinking every Christians believe in something like that (although the writer should not be blamed for it, since that group of believers were the ones who chose to represent Christ that way).
In these quite different ways, something is being said about a refreshment or enablement which is provided for human existence; and something is also being said, even in a fashion which sometimes seems curiously negative (as in Indian religious thought and observance), about a relationship with a more ultimate and all - inclusive reality that establishes a kind of companionship between our own little life and the greater circumambient divine being.
Even Lafcadio Hearn, far away from religion though he was, said, «I think, all jesting aside, could I create something I felt to be sublime, I should feel also that the Unknowable had selected me for a mouthpiece, for a medium of utterance... and I should know the pride of a prophet who has seen the face of God.»
Even if there is no serious sin in someone's life, bad things happen to all people, and when these things happen, the tendency of the average human being is to think that God is punishing them for something.
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