Sentences with phrase «even time enough»

Staying in Te Anau allows for a leisurely two hour ride to the sound with plenty of time for ooohs and aaahs at the various scenic points, more time to explore Milford Sound, and even time enough for a fairly strenuous hike on the way back to Te Anau.

Not exact matches

Cohen - Farnell and Farnell have been at it long enough to know that even the most ardent zeal can fade over time, so they have built mechanisms to keep apathy at bay.
People use online dating because they feel like they're not meeting enough of the right kind of people in their daily life, and if they were, then they wouldn't use an online dating site, that's why you don't use it when you're in college or a lot of people don't use it when they're in grad school because you meet so many great people all the time, I wouldn't join an online dating site, but it's when you don't have those opportunities to have those interactions that people feel the need and I think things like Hinge, and even Tinder to some extent, allow you to meet just a lot of people so that you don't have to go through that process, which is a lot more effort, to do an online dating site.
Taken together, all this evidence is probably enough to convince even the busiest among us of the value of making time for lifelong learning.
I make working out a priority or else I turn into a grumpy monster, but even if that weren't the case, some of Lopez's methods are accessible enough to be scaled back and done by someone who's pressed for time or unfamiliar with the more core - based styles.
When your client pay $ 5,000 to work with you, they're much more likely to stick with the process long enough to get results, even if that means trying and failing a few times before getting it right.
For those boomers whose investments alone aren't able to produce enough income to live comfortably, some may want to consider working longer or working part - time even after retirement, he said.
I realize that they're a necessary evil, but you need to be very careful that you're not saying things or doing things (even worse) to «prove» something to these people because (a) it's never enough to satisfy them in any case and they won't believe you anyway; and (b) it's a fool's errand to waste your time trying to impress people whose livelihood is much more about finding the warts and shortcomings in your story than in celebrating your successes.
Even if they manage to score an endorsement without paying for it, the time commitment is strain enough on valuable human resources.
Sixty days might not even be enough time.
Even the more impressive challenges, like learning to speak passable Mandarin or coding a rudimentary A.I. system to operate devices in his home, are the sort a smart person can expect to accomplish in a year if he sets aside enough time.
«Even if your goal is something that will take a long time to reach — like saving enough money for retirement — you're more likely to take action if you have time limits in the present.
Twenty minutes is a short enough time to spend outside that you could fit it into your commute or even your lunch break.
The steering is so precise that if you time corners right, you may even think you've tamed this car enough to be a team — it will feel as if it's reading your mind.
By the time you've sorted through resumes and are ready to bring in applicants, you'll want to make sure you allocate enough time to properly interview them - and invite back the best candidates a second, or even third, time.
For many women, even spending that precious, limited free time in a dressing room to find enough different combinations to wear to work is both exhausting and unappealing — a thought that hasn't made a large enough impact on retail, yet.
«On the flip side, the feeling of having enough time, or even surplus time, is called «time affluence.»
In my experience, even financial professionals do not put in enough time into understanding margin performance.
It's just small and thin enougheven for folks with smaller wrists like myself — and the premium wrist straps provided in the demos feature the kind of materials found in Swatch or higher - end time pieces.
At the same time, I've «adulted» (to use a Millennial word) enough to at least go with the punches, even if some of them are self - inflicted or even imagined.
The results go a long way to fulfilling the promise that the likes of Spotify have been making for years — that, given enough time and scale, streaming can be even more lucrative to the music industry than their previous distribution systems.
You'll have a tough time recruiting top talent if you can't even generate enough interest in your company to get a few articles written.
Critics have wondered whether even six weeks was enough time.
MBAs from Boston University, for example, earned enough money — $ 2,329,000 — to put them at No. 19 on the list, even though BU's full - time MBA program is ranked 40th by Poets & Quants.
They will say they have too much work and not enough time for it, so why would they even tolerate interruptions, let alone develop an addiction to them.
It might even be enough to save any friendships you've developed over the course of time.
That record would be astounding enough, but even more remarkably, this is Glickman's second time in the No. 1 spot.
Even now, FireFly can't provide enough volume at times, sending Sweetgreen to a temporary supplier.
Even working full time, some employees claim it is impossible to make enough money to support themselves and their families.
«Pausing to take a little bit of time to reflect on those contributions that we make every day even once a week is enough to strengthen our ability to focus and to invest effort in what otherwise might be a difficult and stressful job.»
I've yet to take a flight long enough to completely drain the Mini, even with continual video playing, but the Note Pro was running low by the time we'd crossed the ocean.
Sometimes, a full - time day job isn't even enough to allow you to save money or pay your mortgage and bills.
Now sure enough, this evening Forbes reported that the bankroller of the Hogan suit is none other than Peter Thiel, a prominent Silicon Valley billionaire who styles himself a libertarian but somewhat incongruously is a big time supporter of Donald Trump in addition to numerous other right wing causes, most of which have a distinctly Randian cast.
I'm probably taking on more risk than you did, but I've got some savings and can probably pick up enough consulting work to pay the bills even if I don't find the right full - time job right away.
It's hard enough to manage employees within your building, but even more difficult when those employees are several time zones ahead of you.
With enough money in our retirement accounts and other investments, and enough passive income, we hope to secure a future with unlimited options, including the ability to continue working full - time if we want, hustle part - time, or even not at all.
Even if your time horizon is long enough to warrant an aggressive portfolio, you have to be comfortable with the short - term ups and downs you'll encounter.
In actuality, while the skill set necessary to make intelligent decisions can take years to acquire, the core matter is straightforward: Buy ownership of good businesses (stocks) or loan money to good credits (bonds), paying a price sufficient to reasonably assure you of a satisfactory return even if things don't work out particularly well (a margin of safety), and then give yourself a long enough stretch of time (at an absolute minimum, five years) to ride out the volatility.
While I generally consider this advice to be wise, especially for inexperienced investors who should probably opt for something like an index fund, working with a qualified advisor or, if they are wealthy enough, an asset management group, the problem comes from the fact that if you find a truly outstanding business — one that you have conviction will continue to compound for decades at rates many times that of the general market, even a high price can be a bargain.
When valuations exceeded even 12 times normalized earnings (on our most comprehensive measure discussed above), seemingly «favorable» market action was followed by profound losses averaging -69.8 % on an annualized basis (generally reflecting a few weeks of vertical losses until enough damage was done to kick the market action measures negative).
I would love to move to a state with enough land and a warmer climate for my sons to ride their race bikes, my daughter to have the horse she dreams of and me to finally be at peace, I also believe that there should be someone home with the kids no matter what their ages are and as a single Mom with no family support or father involvement being at home for me is even more important, especially now that they are teenagers, There are no more nap times or time outs and the things you worry about during this age are so much more dangerous than falling down and hitting their heads as toddlers.
If you happen to be capable of put in enough time and also efforts in it, there are a variety of options for getting extra profit on the net.I am earning $ 10 thousand or even just a lot more a month out of this project.Here is the technique to generate cash though the others are long - term making money online ideas >> >> > DELICIOUSURL.COM / / 1n
This course makes it so simple that even a complete beginner can learn — yet the course is powerful enough to generate leads, sales, and a positive return on your social media investment of time and resources.
With this guide, you can theoretically take even a brand new site to any level of organic search traffic and domain authority (given enough time).
If working longer with your current employer isn't an option, you may be able to take a lower paying and maybe even part - time job that gives you enough income to delay tapping your savings even if you can longer save a dime.
Working long hours on anything, even something you genuinely love, can lead to resentment and boredom after enough time has passed.
Sam, I believe that if you look even deeper, the reality is that once you've achieved enough passive income, that it really only matters what you do with your remaining time in helping others or yourself.
Recessions are common enough that you can count on several of them impacting your portfolio over the course of even a 10 - year time horizon.
Even though more people are signing up for a flexible way to earn money every day, there are still times when there aren't enough delivery partners in a particular area to complete every delivery request at Uber speed.»
But often, not enough time is spent researching a fund's structure and the associated tax implications, which can translate into hundreds or even thousands of basis points.
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