Sentences with phrase «even tinier fraction»

And maybe we'll go join the 15 percent of all Americans who use Twitter, a small fraction of which sometimes get news updates and an even tinier fraction of which who work in the news business and crow loud and long about using Twitter on their iPhones at the airport.
Planck was a very expensive experiment, but it was a tiny fraction of the cost of the Hubble Space Telescope and even a tinier fraction of the cost of the James Webb Space Telescope.
And it's impossible for doctors and medical researchers to keep up with even a tiny fraction of it.
«The fact of the matter is,» they note, «if vampires truly feed with even a tiny fraction of the frequency that they are depicted to in the movies and folklore, then the human race would have been wiped out quite quickly after the first vampire appeared.»
How wonderful it would be for even a tiny fraction of the populace to embrace logical thinking.
That the Earth was first populated through incest via Adam, Eve and their offspring (including unnamed females) and that sometime later, a 500 year old man and his immeidate family re-populated the earth after having crammed tens of thousands of mating pairs of animals on a boat that couldn't possibly support even a tiny fraction of that number?
Would that even a tiny fraction of those who say «Lord, Lord,» would join in fresh thinking about the practical meaning for today's world of devotion to the Abba of Jesus.
Not even a tiny fraction of it.
If even the tiniest fraction of those funds were to enter Bitcoin, its value would be inconceivable.

Not exact matches

There's even proof that the investment in translation is a tiny fraction of department budgets.
Since 90 per cent of the people in this country are never inside the churches, and since only a tiny fraction even of church people regularly read any church literature, some means must be found of propagating true Christianity.
Even if we consider the 2000 years of history that are recorded in the Bible, these biblical records only cover the tiniest fraction of human events that took place during these two millennia.
There are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy, each with planets, that large of a number even if a tiny fraction had an atmosphere and even if a fraction of them had water (as we know it is required, but life may not require it on other planets) it would be amazing if there wasn't a carbon based lifeform somewhere else in our galaxy, let alone in the universe with billions of galaxies each with billions of stars and trillions of planets.
Finally, there is a tiny fraction (I would say less than 1 %) of uses where the term probably does refer to receiving eternal life, though even in these contexts, the actual meaning of the word is debatable.
Only a tiny fraction of assistance is ever directed to research and even that small sum tends to be the first on the chopping block when budgets are cut.
The odds are stacked against him — a tiny fraction of academy footballers even have a pro career in the first place, let alone a Premier League career, and unlike most of them, there's only one position a goalkeeper can play in — but on a purely superficial level it's just as pointless writing him off as it is predicting stardom.
Even the Obama campaign's 2008 online spending was a tiny fraction of what he invested in TV ads.
Since only a tiny fraction of Americans has lived through a state constitutional convention in their adult lifetimes, and since Americans are not taught about state constitutional conventions (as opposed to the federal constitutional convention of 1787) during their formal schooling (even those such as myself who received a Ph.D. in American government), Americans approach these referendums starting with a huge knowledge deficit, making local opinion leaders that much more influential in public debates.
Because neutrinos are so abundant, they could be the dominant dark matter even if each weighed only a tiny fraction as much as an atom.
That's just a tiny fraction of Europe's research landscape — and even most members of the consortium have not yet committed to joining the fund.
«Given how large planets are, the addition of a supply from something as small as a typical or even large comet or asteroid would be such a tiny fraction of the total atmosphere that it would be quite insufficient, like trying to fan a huge bonfire with a single, gentle puff.
It might be that only one in 109 (or even 10700) randomly selected sequences would yield a predictable conformation, yet this tiny fraction represents a vast number of proteins.
Catching even just a tiny fraction of the hate hurled around online each day can.
The majority of teachers in these cities do not remain in the same district long enough to qualify for even a minimal pension, and only a very tiny fraction of teachers stay long enough to receive a pension that would be sufficient for a stable retirement.
Let me be the first to say that while only a tiny fraction of the state's teachers are ever accused, much less investigated and sanctioned, even one incident of this sort of conduct is too many.
Unfortunately, the speakers at the workshop were asked to discuss mechanisms for funding charter schools and competitive grants; even though charters serve only a tiny fraction of students in this state and competitive grants would constitute only a small portion of state funding.
Granted, only a tiny fraction of those apps are worth downloading, but even taking that into consideration, the Windows Store looks to be in serious trouble.
Again, there's little space for any competitor to gain meaningful traction in the tablet space, although Microsoft does have the third - place spot lined up, even if it is a tiny fraction of the overall share.
I know my little books aren't capable of that by themselves, but just contributing to that, even by a tiny fraction, would make me feel bad.
To make matters even more discouraging for active investors, the tiny fraction of funds that do better than the index each year are constantly changing.
Many of our small companion animals are so tiny that even a fraction of a «human dose» can have devastating effects, and swift intervention is necessary to prevent fatalities.
What is even more shocking, is that only a tiny fraction of the animals who make their way into shelters ever end up finding a forever home.
Now, as for this comment:... «What is even more shocking, is that only a tiny fraction of the animals who make their way into shelters ever end up finding a forever home.»
That makes it totally worth buying all over again at full price even though it only cost us a tiny fraction of the money to develop an actual new game.»
It is also the eighth - highest - scoring game of all time (the PS3 score is technically a tiny fraction higher than that for the 360 version, but the two scores are so close that you can consider them even).
This means that even if demand is low - say only 5 % to 10 % of players purchase DLC after they finish the original game - the development costs to shipping what is effectively script into an open world is a tiny fraction of what it costs to build that same content in parallel with the game (especially given that shipped games are stable).
Even the cars which seem to have had the most attention lavished on their handling models offer a tiny fraction of the feel and feedback routinely provided by the machinery in the likes of Project Cars 2.
Even this is only a tiny fraction of the overall game.
For a long time now climatologists have been tracking the global average air temperature as a measure of planetary climate variability and trends, even though this metric reflects just a tiny fraction of Earth's net energy or heat content.
As to cooling the earth, well, a tiny fraction of a degree maybe, and even then it would take a few hundred years.
«When it comes to decadal predictions that explain anything more than a tiny fraction of the variability in anything more than a tiny fraction of the land area, I have yet to be shown any result that says that this is possible, even theoretically...»
«When it comes to decadal predictions that explain anything more than a tiny fraction of the variability in anything more than a tiny fraction of the land area, I have yet to be shown any result that says that this is possible, even theoretically,» Dr. Schmidt said.
Even at 10,000 barrels a day times $ 75 a barrel, that potential revenue is a tiny fraction of the $ 23 million a day the company says it's paying for cleanups and other costs.
*) And even come 2032, the new solar will make up only a tiny fraction of a generation portfolio that consists almost entirely of coal, gas and nuclear.
Even the most optimistic scenarios show only tens of millions of new plug - in vehicles globally in the next 10 - 20 years — tiny fraction of the more than one billion vehicles we'll soon have.
As for land use issues, the percentage of land required to supply all of the US's power requirements from even today's CSP technology is a tiny fraction of disturbed federal lands in the Southwest, so the customarily unhinged ravings of stop killing wilderness and others can be dismissed out of hand.
The fraction of known glaciers which actually have enough data to even estimate whether they are advancing or retreating is tiny.
Wind farms connected to the Eastern Grid sometimes deliver around 75 % of their 3,669 MW installed capacity — at least for a few short hours — until the whole outfit completely downs tools, and produces a tiny fraction of that, or even next - to - nothing, for hours; and even days at a time:
The big takeaway here: Even at the high end of estimates in the State Department's latest Keystone XL environmental review, emissions would be a tiny fraction of global totals — hardly proving that the project would significantly exacerbate climate change.
While this remains an important focus, we also recognise that climate finance — and even the broader flows of Official Development Assistance — represent only a tiny fraction of global financial flows and investments.
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