Sentences with phrase «even treat illness»

So when understood in this way, canine blood tests serve as very valuable tools in a veterinarian's toolkit for helping to detect, identify, diagnose and even treat illness or disease.

Not exact matches

The insurer could then treat the sickness as a preexisting condition and deny some coverage — even if the person had no knowledge of the illness before enrolling.
New technologies such as gene and cell therapies hold out the potential to transform medicine and create an inflection point in our ability to treat and even cure many intractable illnesses.
«It is encouraging that so many people who did contract this illness have been treated and discharged,» Mr. de Blasio said at a City Hall press conference, even as he announced there are now 100 confirmed cases of Legionnaires» and 10 deaths in the last month.
Even so, clinicians and researchers, together with patients and their families, have made significant strides identifying and treating mental illnesses.
Although these manuals are helpful and even necessary for identifying and treating mental illnesses, Lee Anna Clark, William J. and Dorothy K. O'Neill Professor of Psychology at the University of Notre Dame, along with a small team of other experts, wants researchers and clinicians to revisit how these illnesses are approached.
Many doctors and researchers describe Zarifian's views as extreme, exaggerated and even surprising considering that he was a long - standing advocate of using drugs to treat mental illness.
When they exposed the treated mice to the influenza virus, the animals recovered from the illness even better than healthy mice infected with flu that had not undergone the treatment.
In the long run, this will help to better treat or perhaps even prevent these illnesses.
Even though many municipal water supplies are treated with chlorine, the top water layer can become a breeding ground for bacteria, algae or waterborne illness, such as giardia and E. coli.
(SALT LAKE CITY)-- The potential to treat, cure or even prevent illness through precision medicine has raised hope for improving the health of people worldwide, but it also has generated complex scientific, legal, ethical and social questions that must be answered for that promise to become real.
For type 2 diabetics and those with autoimmune disease or digestive disorders, a grain - and bean - free diet may be key to treating and even reversing your illness.
Even though they are not recommended for treating any kind of illness, they may help the body to regenerate by providing an extraordinary nutrient content.
Here in the US, people treat being overwhelmed like a badge of honor — and frankly, that's not healthy even if you haven't been diagnosed with a chronic illness.
Even more unsettling is that most physicians have no clear cut remedy to treat this illness, as the causes of the adrenal fatigue can be multifactorial.
Antibiotics have been used extensively since the late 1940's to treat patients with infectious diseases and there is no doubt that these pharmaceutical drugs have greatly reduced the previously high rates of illness and death from even simple infectious disease.
A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that we can treat and even prevent some illnesses with foods and supplements containing certain kinds of live bacteria.
Once weakened, we become susceptible to illness and disease, occurring at younger and younger ages, that medical practitioners treat with synthetic chemical drug compounds that often prove toxic and increase our chemical load even further.
There is a refreshing hint of irony about the ultimate standard - bearer for Reason placing himself at times beyond reality's reach, and even in his stable moments Darwin believed in «water cure» quackery to treat his feverish mystery illness.
At least 360 dogs and one cat reportedly have died in the U.S. after eating chicken jerky pet treats made in China, even as claims of illnesses tied to the products have topped 2,200, federal veterinary health officials said.
If you are treating one of your dogs for kennel cough, your other dog will likely contract the illness, even if you are diligent about keeping the dogs separated and scrubbing their bowls out frequently.
A PetSmart spokesman said that even though the company puilled the Smokehouse brand treats in September, they later restocked them when there were no conclusions on what the link was between the treats and the illnesses.
This number is likely even lower as not all cases of flu were reported and not every pet with mild illness would have been brought to a veterinarian to be treated.
The sweet treat can lead to illness and even death in dogs.
Some infections will require conventional antibiotic medications, and waiting too long to treat such infections can result in serious illness or even death.
Policymaking requires to carefully weigh up the pros and cons, at all levels (human, social, financial, industrial,...), the risks at stake, either those related to the issue to be treat, or those inherent to the actions that are promoted to treat that issue... Because sometimes remedies are even worse than the illness they are supposed to cure!
In some cases it can be misdiagnosing an illness, failing to diagnose entirely, having an error in surgery or in the emergency room, giving the wrong medication or incorrect dosage, or even failing to treat.
That means that any illness that started before your dog was enrolled in an insurance policy will not be covered by the policy, even if it wasn't diagnosed or treated before you enrolled.
Remember, that treating many critical illnesses even in an early stage can be very costly.
A counselor is not able to treat mental illness even if it's a big part of the problem in your relationship.
Imagine if we could treat high blood pressure, hypertension and diabetes before those illnesses even showed up in adults.
The real problem here is that circumstances and conditions are determining factors for preventing or even treating mental illness, which is a dangerous misconception to accept.
Even the most benign and subtle of mental illness is an illness, and illnesses not only deserve to be treated...
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