Sentences with phrase «even untrue»

The media quickly learned that provocative coverage of these dogs, no matter how exaggerated or even untrue, increased sales.
Not to say all these things aren't valuable, or even untrue, but the point is that Christian culture continually points to marriage as the end - all, be-all.
Even an untrue accusation may cause stock prices to drop significantly in a short period.

Not exact matches

But rather than humbly admitting he lied, he continued to try and cover up his tracks, even as his version of events proved untrue.
So, voters have more respect for someone who believes strongly even if the voter sees those beliefs as untrue and wrong, than for someone who does not believe?
And the dilemma remains, even in the negative theology, that either all value is compossible — which seems certainly untrue, for values conflict — or else God must fail to possess some values which yet are possible — and how then can he be incapable of growth in value?
This is a total farce and completely untrue but it is an idea that must be promoted and projected as true when all evidence indicates Muslims hate America, that even the most «moderate» Muslims are very self - righteous regarding their religion, and that they hate our military and the US even though they desparately escaped their worthless Muslim countries to come here.
Prior to the Iraqi invasion, intelligence information indicated that Sudam Hussein was stock piling, or at least had in his possession, weapons of mass destruction... and this information was eventually substantiated, even though it was highly politicized and publicized as untrue by the left.
That means if an author wrote something untrue, or even a stretcher, the other eyewitnesses would have called them on it.
The only alternative was the radical Humanist alternative which the Church had rejected with emphasis and fear 60 years earlier, and that alternative in even its most modern presentation is still untrue, and even more untrue, and it is the cause of the totally unexpected and devastating fruits of change which we see all around us.
Even the simplest minded Christian must feel a little suspi.cious that the one personality trait their sky - god is said to value above all others is unquestioning belief — the one value that would have to be promoted if the whole thing is untrue.
It is simply untrue that, as even Bultmann appears to suppose, the idea of a self - subsistent, finite universe is accepted as axiomatic in the modern world.
Absurd - nonsense statements about God should be exposed as absurd - nonsense; but it is misleading to contradict them with formulations (such as «God can not x» or «Not even God can y») implying they make sense and are simply untrue.
He also tells about some things some evolutionist continue to say even though they have been proven to be untrue.
Any reason, why all tolerance and even knowledge should be held subordinate to the direction of those who by the very definition «believe that which they know to be untrue»?
This is untrue as first of all, have we even paired Kossie with any other CB other than Per this season for a long period of time?
Even the hardcore fans will tell you that the statements made, while tiresome, are not untrue.
Of course, new upper - management and / or ownership would cause even a greater shift at the club, but saying things would be the same even if a manger change were to occur is untrue, to an extent.
Wow — that's even less true than the original untrue statement.
None of the facts presented in «Gays for Giuliani» is untrue, as far as I know, even if the performance a bit hammed - up in places.
«Yet the Coalition is preparing to replace that House with a new second chamber elected by means of regional party lists» Factually untrue, Tories hate closed list PR even more than Lib Dems do, the plan is, and always was, for elections to be run using STV (also known as the British Proportional System, as used for the Australian Senate).
«Even when it was pointed out to him that the information was untrue, he still posted that he stood by his story.
Offspring of the flamboyant Itsekiri merchant - pillar of the National Council of Nigerian Citizens (NCNC) of his day, now — not untrue — portray PM Balewa's Finance minister as a stupendously wealth party hierarch, who sustained NNPC with his munificence, even lending the party money.
Even if the claim is untrue, how would you disprove it?
Even the concern that, as an unintended consequence, there might be more opioid use if naloxone became more widely available has proven untrue,» says Dr, Salsitz.
Because of the power of habit and repetition (how they make us settle into a comfortable routine, even when it's destructive or untrue), many of us have been programmed to believe lies like these.
Even the most well - versed wellness buffs may get blindsided by common untrue beliefs about staying healthy.
So you'll most likely be told that hormone replacement therapy with prescription meds are the only way, but it's untrue and can even be harmful as it stops your thyroid from producing its own hormones and your body becomes dependent on the drugs.
I have found this to be untrue even 10 pound weights I feel like my legs get a little bulky.
They're not even sugar coating, they're just completely untrue.
This happened with such frequency that even I was embarrassed by the number of times my prophecy had turned out to be untrue.
It is important that you don't let anyone persuade you to make a statement that is false or untrue on your loan application, such as the source of your down payment, overstating your income, failing to disclose the amount and nature of your debts, or even how long you have been at your current place of employment.
They have chosen to make untrue allegations about the city's need to house fewer animals without even understanding that SAPA rescues animals that are moments away from death, after they have been housed at city facilities.
Even if you train and socialize your Rottweiler, expect to be subjected to sometimes unfair advance judgments about your dog, maybe even having untrue allegations made about him and his activities, by those who fear Even if you train and socialize your Rottweiler, expect to be subjected to sometimes unfair advance judgments about your dog, maybe even having untrue allegations made about him and his activities, by those who fear even having untrue allegations made about him and his activities, by those who fear him.
Product contamination, the failure to maintain high standards for product quality, safety and integrity, including raw materials and ingredients obtained from suppliers, or allegations of product quality issues, mislabeling or contamination, even if untrue or caused by our third - party contract manufacturers or raw material suppliers, may reduce demand for our products or cause production and delivery disruptions.
Thanks to the work of these guys, it assumes that «cap and trade» and «environmental studies» and «the U.N.» are all understood as signifiers for «big government radical» — it doesn't even have to say anything outright negative or untrue.
I note also, that you don't even bother to tackle the issue of the statement that the 1930s warming was purely a North Atlantic warming because it's clearly untrue.
I find Richard Tol's assertions puzzling, since the claim that the IPPC is a «knowledge monopoly» is clearly untrue — indeed, it would be an irresponsible individual whose interest in climatology was pursued only or even mainly through the IPCC, given the rich published literature, not to mention some blog sources that provide abundant content.
Even on something as simple as climate background of Lisa Graumlich and Kerry Emanuel, Oxburgh's statements to the committee were untrue.
I'd suggest that both are almost certainly untrue in general, even though there may well be some climate science that is bullshit and some climate scientists that are idiots, and in any event, getting the basic physics you're trying to call them on wrong simply destroys your own credibility as a reasoning participant in the debate.
And where beliefs and agendas can not only morph uncertain into «true» as the IPCC has done, they can even morph «untrue» into seemingly «true».
Not only was their answer untrue but this absurd situation attracted a lot of attention, not just in the blogosphere but even in NAture.
This is more or less making certain assumptions about the partial derivatives of e.g. «global average temperature» with respect to all sorts of stuff that are almost certainly untrue and are very likely not even true enough to be a reasonable short term approximation (the separability).
My point was that even though it is (with a bit of torturing) not untrue to say «there has been cooling for quite a while» it still allows for the upward trend to continue (obviously) but also that over the cooling period, the longer term rate of warming MAY BE INCREASING.
You make unjustified and untrue ad homimem attacks on excellent scientists whose work provides doubt to AGW although their work has often been challenged but never faulted: e.g. you say «I have never argued against people like Lindzen and Christy and Spencer continuing to do their work and attempting to get it published in reputable peer - reviewed journals, even if their work does seem to become increasingly sloppy and desperate.»
Even looking at the very small component of the climate that is the lower troposphere, this is untrue.
And about the difference between surface and tropospheric trends, which the models get right, if this were untrue, it wouldn't just be the models that are in trouble: even the back of my envelope would be malfunctioning, as this is basic, moist - air - in - a-gravity-field, one - dimensional physics.
This is simply untrue even on its own figures, presented using the most advantageous base year.
I am not arguing that the above is untrue, but even the IPCC has not claimed to have shown it to be true (see the SPM).
In short, Michaud's argument is outrageous, untrue, and not even supported by the flimsy «evidence» he offers.2
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