Sentences with phrase «even waged war»

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But they remained rivals, and the cartels fought a vicious turf war in Colombia, even as Escobar and his partners waged a war against the Colombian state to fend off arrest and extradition.
Even though religious liberty issues involved have been addressed, it is a «war» those critics want and it is a «war» they will continue to wage.
There was also the fact that there was 4 years where we waged war in Europe upon entry into WWII and did not bomb train tracks, camps or send liberation teams imemdiately to these camps even after for sure knowing what was happening.
He even seems to allow that Iraq policy may have been just in the «initial decision to wage war,» but then asks, «Is it not also morally required that these conditions be present throughout the conflict if war is to be continued?»
He simply represents the most harmful, dangerous kind of radical Christian there is — fork tongued — ready at an instant to wage war or give love — even on the same damn side of an argument if it is «politically» advantageous for his to do so.
The purpose is to «interdict enabling technologies and materials» — by implication, to wage war on Iraq for seeking to develop weapons of mass destruction even in the absence of an actual and imminent threat against the U.S.
And even when we disagree, there is a growing desire to drop our weapons, stop waging war, and start washing feet.
This is undeniable even to the doctors who wage war on saturated fat.
However, in the context of the US Civil War in which the abolition of slavery was a burning issue, and with the expansion of industrial activity, wage labour rapidly became a gauge of liberty in contrast to the model of slavery, even when Abraham Lincoln himself refused this equation (wage labour = the opposite of slavery = liberty).
Democrats and Republicans waged war — using tweets, Congressional memos and even a presidential TV appearance — over whether the FBI misused federal surveillance resources against President Trump's 2016 campaign.
For even if we may worry about fallible humans waging unjust wars, the creation of machines capable of deciding their own actions in (or out) of war is at least morally questionable.
«You look at the largest investment in public services since the second world war, the creation of whole new services like Sure Start, the minimum wage, progress on gay rights, changes on paternity leave, the right to join a union, even things that have been difficult that used to cause me problems in government like the Human Rights Act — that is a massive progressive agenda we have delivered.»
«The subsequent war in Afghanistan has now waged on for nearly a decade and this evening, in a targeted operation in Pakistan, the United States has accomplished their ultimate goal and killed Osama Bin Laden.
Mornings are a constant waging war of desperation for search of the right outfit even after the closet is seemingly laden with different clothes.
It never truly explains why Lincoln's Cabinet is at odds, convinces us why this fight has to be waged and won even before the war is over, or makes the political double - dealers as interesting as the boys in blue or gray.
It's an eye - popping wake - up call revealing how the USDA and FDA have increasingly waged war on America's small farmers even when they can prove they are contributing healthful products to our food supply.
There is even a reveal somewhere in the film about one's motivations stemming from a desire to «wage a war against God» that may make a few eyes roll at the sheer absurdity of it.
Wage war using swords, bows, siege weapons, and even take control of giant avatars of the gods and lay waste to enemy cities.
Now, with the film (and its cliffhanger conclusion) debuting to surely gargantuan numbers, it's clear that Marvel's perpetual - motion machine couldn't even get that right, and the only real infinite war is the one the studio is waging against a superhero - free night at the movies.
As Bilbo Baggins he saw five armies wage war in The Hobbit trilogy, but his next war could be even more explosive.
If adopted, the legislation would allow (1) using military force, even if Japan is not attacked, if another nation is attacked and the administration deems this situation a threat to Japan's survival; (2) sending SDF units anywhere in the world where the U.S. or other militaries are waging war and having them provide support in close proximity to combat zones, and (3) deploying the SDF alongside U.S. and other allied forces and authorizing them to fire their weapons ostensibly in defense of their military and other supplies.
Located inland within 40 kilometers of the Cayo District, Caracol once supported twice as many people as currently live in Belize City, and it even waged a number of wars with its more famous cousin Tikal.
Even if you've been living under the largest rock on Earth there's almost no chance that you haven't heard about the war on pre-owned games currently being waged by some of the biggest publishers out there.
Wage war using swords, bows, siege weapons, and even take control of giant avatars of the gods and lay waste to enemy cities.
Wage war using swords, bows, siege weapons, and even take control of giant avatars of the gods.
The Janitor has to team up with a group of academic nerds who are all glued to their smartphones, a wayward troop of scouts in the midst of a mutiny, and even some crazed LARPers waging war in a city already ravaged by an energy drink.
Wage war using swords, bows and siege weapons, and even take control of giant avatars of the gods, laying waste to enemy cities.
Outlined on the game's website Inquisitor — Martyr is «a game where you can develop your character for years in a huge, persistent open world sandbox and shape the outcome of major events» Players will have «the opportunity to create communities, build allegiances or wage a secret war in the shadows against other power groups, sometimes even attacking fortresses of other players and maintaining your own.»
But when you have Shitizens (toxic backers who are waging an Internet war of attrition against dissenting opinions) going all out to quash dissent, attack, harass and insult others for having a differing opinion about the project, you end up with a project that even the most even minded people want to see fail; if only to point and laugh at those morons.
Wage war using swords, bows and siege weapons, and even take control of giant avatars of the Gods, laying waste to enemy cities.
The Defense Department has been aggressively studying ways to provide secure sources of the vast amounts of fuel necessary to wage war even as oil dwindles and without the potential climate impact of turning coal into liquids.
We are waging a two - front war against an enemy we can't even define.
Sure, I understand that a very dirty war is being waged, even though the salvos are words, I will not call it a game, as the stakes are too high to call it that.
«It looks like it is «open season» on anyone who deviates even slightly from the consensus,» Curry says of the global warming jihad, noting that an explicit call to wage such a war against «deniers» can be found, not coincidentally, at
The baseball team joins a number of institutions, cities and even entire countries that have waged war against the disposable drinking straw.
Then you clan can wage war on other clans and even command massive avatars.
Amazon is determined to win the early market share battle even if it is clear that the war will be waged over several years.
Sprint, the third - biggest mobile carrier in the nation, is offering the latest iPhone models through a leasing program that it is banking on to help it catch up with Verizon Wireless and AT&T and gain more customers, even as T - Mobile is aggressively waging a price war from the lower end.
Im not an economist, labor or otherwise, but simple observation suggests one significant contributor to the nations job crisis — for a long time, maybe even decades, we have been waging war on jobs and those who hold them.
Yet, even knowing that you're not likely to «win» everything in court, it's still tempting to want to wage war with your soon - to - be-ex.
Don't even think about waging a custody war on your own!
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