Sentences with phrase «event in time»

The entire universe is to be viewed as a system of events in time, rather than objects in space.
It's like the most known historical event in time.
It may look a little strange on the rack, but I promise you'll be wanting to wear it to every major event in no time!
If you view our event calendar and don't see an adoption event in the time frame that you're looking to adopt, then please contact us.
Settlement of death claim by the insurance company is the most important and essential event in the times of distress for the family members of the deceased.
At a New York Comic Con event in Times Square Thursday night, 20th Century Fox debuted the first teaser for War For The Planet Of The Apes.
Each year the Carving Studio and Sculpture Center hosts the fundraising event in time to be a great cure for the winter blahs.
If events in time are predetermined (by who / what?)
Therefore some element of anticipation and memory, in other words, some essential ability to deal with events in time as in space is, by definition, to be expected throughout the world of living things.
The life and death of Jesus are not simply events in time; they are windows into the eternal heart of God, whereby we see the suffering and redeeming love of God which has been suffering and redeeming since the beginning of time and will be beyond the end of time.
(In mythological thought a future event in time is substituted for futurity in the abstract.)
The words «power of the Most High» refer to a rare event in the time of Israel when the Power of the Most High was manifested on earth.
Our task is not to be judgmental in a manner of spiritual superiority but to dig beneath the traditions to recover the spirit that originally animated them, so that we too may share in the original dynamic that enlivened the telling and acting out of the Christ event in another time and another place or among other Christians who expressed their response to the Christ event in a way foreign to our experience.
For he moves events in time, while himself remains unmoved by time.
This Senior PGA, the most gripping Champions tour events in some time, truly embodied one of the game's maxims: Count on nothing, expect anything.
But it is also possible that we and our home world are a rarity, a Goldilocks event in time, space and the roulette wheel of evolutionary history.
For those who remember the introduction of the whiteboard, considered a revolutionary event in its time, the current rate of adoption of the new technologies in schools must be a matter of wonder.
To me it sometimes felt like the antagonist was actually good because of his constant plans to try to stop us from changing events in time.
Elmgreen & Dragset — The artist - curators of this year's Istanbul Biennial speak to Nicole O'Rourke about what it means to be a «good neighbour», and the value of a unifying event in times of political uncertainty
Extreme value theory (EVT) appears to require discarding all but the most extreme event in a time interval, say a year.
[1] Study by Professor Broadhurst et al. (2015) Connecting Events in Times to Identify a Hidden Population: Birth Mothers and Their Children in Recurrent Care Proceedings in England in British Journal of Social Work (2015) 45, 2241 - 2260.
Each year the CSSC hosts the fundraising event in time to be a great cure for the winter blues.
redemption is to take place through divine action in the course of events in time is impossible.
There are many parts of the bible I find to be fairly reliable testaments to events in those times but all of Genesis is just... a bit too fanciful for me to take seriously.
There are no precedents by which to discern its meaning, hence the readiness of some Christians to apply the ancient words of the prophets to events in our time.
If you had asked me before this past year what I thought about the resurrection, I suppose I would have had a lovely churchy answer for you about Jesus (I do love to talk about Jesus) and The Resurrection as an event in time and space.
«Relation» is understood on the model of an event in time and space; that is, it has a reality which transcends man as well as involving him, and it occurs in the flux of history.
«11 Just as revelation is an event in time and in a concrete situation, faith also is an event that takes place at the critical moment of man's decision.
He pointed to two events in time in which eternity dwells, so to speak — events which can not be subject to the cycles of time.
What happens in these phenomena now — that is, at particular points along the time process — has ceased to be an event in time.
Man can assert it only if he experiences it as an event in time, even as sin is an event.
It is not as if all events in time were but parables of eternity.
It is clear that belief in forgiveness presupposes a God who acts as a person and whose act of mercy is an event in time.
Because he conceives radically the idea of the grace of God, he makes it plain that God's forgiveness must be for man an event in time, that the relation of «I» and «Thou» exists between God and man, that God stands opposite to man as another Person over whom the man can have no sort of control, who meets man with His claim and with His grace, whose forgiveness is pure gift.
Yes, there was an event in time on the Damascus Road, but there is something more here, a way of life, a way of trusting and acting.
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