Sentences with phrase «event of a disagreement»

The conditions of a policy set out the steps to follow in event of a disagreement.
These services could enable a third party to approve or reject a transaction in the event of disagreement between the other parties without checking their money.
In the event of a disagreement between the two reviewers, a third member reviewed the abstract or manuscript and served as a «tie breaker.»
In the event of any disagreement between the Academy and the local education authority over the proposed naming of the Academy in a statement, the Academy may ask the Secretary of State to determine whether the Academy should be named.
Almost every publishing contract between an author and a publisher or a publishing platform will contain a clause that says that in the event of disagreement between the parties, the contract is to be interpreted under the laws of a certain state.
Having it in writing means that there's an understanding you can point to in the event of a disagreement with the landlord.
Therefore, in the event of a disagreement between Quicksilver and Baupost, Baupost's chances of success are much worse than their ownership percentage would suggest.
In the event of disagreements, our aim would be to resolve these quickly through open and constructive discussions.
If you're hired as an independent contractor, a Work for Hire Agreement puts your obligations to clients in writing so that you're protected in the event of a disagreement.
Finally, defendant failed to establish a clear policy in the emergency department that the board certified emergency physician could supersede and intervene in the care of a patient by a non-board certified emergency physician in the event of any disagreement regarding care and treatment.
«This language simply obliges the parties to follow the OCL's direction in the event of any disagreement about the terms of the motions judge's interim order.»
Having it in writing means that there's an understanding you can point to in the event of a disagreement with the landlord.
In the event of disagreement concerning the eligibility of a given study, we will reach consensus through discussion and by consultation with another review author (JB).
If there is a continual and open flow of communication, the plan can be verbally modified by mutual agreement, but it is beneficial to have some specifics in the event of a disagreement.
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