Sentences with phrase «event of an incident»

To effectively implement a cybersecurity incident response plan, train team members on cybersecurity policies in addition to roles and responsibilities in the event of an incident.
The cyber policy should be comprehensive, setting forth the types, access, usage, and classification of data as well as include procedures for remote access, the usage of social media, and the protocols in the event of an incident or data breach.
Finally, we have to react swiftly and immediately in the event of an incident.
While being on site full - time would allow law enforcement to respond quicker in the event of an incident, Cooper hopes it will mostly deter anyone from trying to cause harm and provide peace of mind to the school community.
At the moment, Khan is working closely with Ofsted and headteachers to make it mandatory for schools to develop effective measures to help prevent knife crime and support students and parents in the event of an incident.
Staff working alone at night can use the Lone Worker and Man Down features on the radios, which alert security teams in the event of an incident or emergency, and the radios can integrate directly with CCTV, barriers and even speakers around the campus.
Conducting drills is about preparing staff and students to act in the event of an incident.
The incoming Secretary and Departmental leadership should be briefed at the earliest possible time on DOT emergency operations and authorities to ensure that they can provide the required actions and guidance in the event of an incident.
Make sure that you have enough liability coverage to protect you in the event of an incident.
You may or may not need additional utility trailer insurance for your personal use, but having commercial insurance could be extremely important in the event of an incident during working hours or on another person's property.
This waiver holds you (the owner) liable in the event of an incident.
In the event of a incident response, sanctuary staff, in coordination with other agencies, may perform a number of roles, including but not limited to contacting key federal, state, and local entities, mobilizing sanctuary assets for response, and providing detailed information on sensitive sanctuary resources to aid in their protection.
This can save you tons of money in the event of an incident.
In the event of an incident that could harm your business, having insurance will allow you to move forward and focus on growing your business, rather than backtrack and diverge from your budget.
Like information governance and like ediscovery, it's very important to bring together the different functions within the organization to make sure everybody knows what their role is in the event of an incident.
Now it's time to define the resources, actions, tasks and data required to manage the disaster recovery in the event of an incident that unexpectedly hits your firm.
A number of American lawyers are advising that boards of directors of «critical infrastructure» operations — a very broad class — have to be aware of these guidelines, because they will set the scope of what is considered foreseeable in the event of an incident.
Auto insurance protects the policyholder against financial loss in the event of an incident involving a vehicle they own, such as in a traffic collision.
If you have staff members who get behind the wheel, your commercial vehicle insurance will protect your business financially in the event of incident on the road.
If you end up cutting too much Shawnee coverage, then you might find that you have to pay out a lot in the event of an incident.
And as always, it doesn't hurt to contact your insurance broker to find out what you're covered for in the event of an incident.
Most deductibles are between $ 500 and $ 2,500, so most GPP insurance policies will cover this amount in the event of an incident.
You may or may not need additional utility trailer insurance for your personal use, but having commercial insurance could be extremely important in the event of an incident during working hours or on another person's property.
A coverage plan can provide the compensation you need in the event of an incident that results in property damage or injuries.
One of the best ways to determine how much your deductible should be is to ask yourself: «How much could I afford to pay out of pocket in the event of an incident
Nationwide offers affordable renters insurance options to keep your belongings and your property protected in the event of an incident such as theft or a severe storm.
Comprehensive coverage protects you in the event of incidents like theft, fire, falling objects, windstorm, hail and flood as well as vandalism.
It protects you from financial losses in the event of incidents covered by your policy.
As with all insurance, the amount of benefit or reimbursement you have in the event of an incident is set at the time you buy your policy.
Increasing your deductible, reducing the amount of coverage in your policy, and lowering your limits (the maximum amount the insurance company is responsible for paying) can each lower your rates, but be aware that each of these policy alterations might end up costing you more out - of - pocket in the event of an incident.
Setting your deductible too high can leave you exposed to the risks of high out - of - pocket costs in the event of an incident.
In the event of an incident, such as damage to one of your commercial vehicles from weather, an accident or other incident, you can file a claim and receive compensation that will help to cover the cost of repairs.
Arboretum renters insurance provides renters in Arboretum with peace of mind that their finances will be under control in the event of an incident.
Students can get North University renters insurance for as little as $ 10 per month and this includes enough coverage for your belongings among other expenses incurred in the event of an incident.
Other types of coverage are available and the limits on collision, comprehensive, and other policies can be raised if you want added security in the event of an incident.
Choosing a higher deductible often means lowering your premium, but you need to consider whether you'll be able to pay it out of pocket in the event of an incident.
No matter where you live throughout the country, different types of insurance policies are available to protect your health, your property, your business, and your wallet in the event of an incident, and the difference between insurance costs from one state to the next can tell you plenty.
You pay a set premium and file a claim in the event of an incident.
For example, if you upgrade to a new or better truck, the conditions of your policy may be affected, so it is important to review the coverage you would need in the event of an incident.
Note that without this protection, you will be left paying these costs out of pocket in the event of an incident.
They include the need for a constant communication link between the vehicle and a «remote operator» that provides real - time data on the car's location and status, as well as the submission of a «law enforcement interaction plan» detailing how the company will deal with first responders in the event of an incident involving one of its driverless vehicles.
Homeowners who do not contact their insurer could risk being left underinsured or invalidating their insurance in the event of an incident occuring during or after the works.
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