Sentences with phrase «event of liquidation»

Preferred stock is better than common stock, because holders of preferred stock receive preferential treatment in the event of a liquidation of the business.
This means that with the purchase of stock must come the same economic rights, such as receiving dividends or compensation in the event of liquidation at the same time and in the same amount per share as all other shareholders.
In the event of a liquidation or acquisition, preferred shareholders may receive back at least the original investment value and, often, a multiple thereof before any distributions are made to common shareholders.
Accounting book value is meant to measure the potential assets available to investors in the event of liquidation, and that's simply not a very useful measurement for most equity investors.
Under Japanese law, bitcoin is not a tangible thing to give to creditors in the event of a liquidation.
The fund invests mainly in floating rate loans that hold a senior position in the capital structure of U.S. and foreign corporations, partnerships or other business entities that, under normal circumstances, allow them to have priority of claim ahead of other obligations of a borrower in the event of liquidation.
Bondholder claims rank higher than preferred stockholders in both their regular interest payments and in assets in the event of liquidation, but preferred stockholders rank above common stockholders.
In the event of liquidation, traders will receive 100 % of their money up to # 30,000.
However, in the event of a liquidation, those that have preferred shares will be the first to receive any kind of payment (if there is any money left).
A preferred stock gets priority in receiving dividends and precedence over common stockholders (after bond holders and other creditors though) in the event of a liquidation of corporate assets (like in a bankruptcy).
A class of share capital that entitles the owners to a fixed dividend ahead of the company's common shares and to a stated dollar value per share in the event of liquidation.
In the event of a liquidation or bankruptcy of a company, the common stock shareholder is one of the last creditors paid.
precedence of legal rights over common and preferred stock in the event of the liquidation of the issuer, which affords some «cushion» of protection.
The claim that a bondholder may have on the assets of a company in the event of liquidation ahead of other asset holders.
Only assets that can be easily sold in the event of liquidation or borrowed against, and receivables for which payment can be reasonably anticipated, are included in admitted assets.
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