Sentences with phrase «event of this nature»

It can be a challenge to get even the most enthusiastic of employees to participate in team - building activities, and the announcement of mandatory events of this nature often prompts further complaints.
We're happy to cater events of all nature and offer all menu items to go.
How important is the hosting of events of this nature for the Turkish tourism brand?
Wail away all you like, about the const - itution and how it is being mis - read, the true meaning of the separation of / from church and state, but it all does not matter — the law as currently interpreted and enforced says events of this nature are not legal!
Politicians and commentators were quick to claim that social media played an important role in inciting and organising riots, calling for sites such as Twitter to be closed should events of this nature happen again.
To express this, Malick decides to allow as much time to the daily events of nature as the humans».
It's not the first time the plug - in Outlander has competed in a demanding event of this nature.
Most events of this nature are in your own back yard — the local book fair, an authors» conference, a home & garden show, or in SoCal (where I'm based), we're big on outdoor markets and street festivals.
Gore makes reference to the extreme heat wave that affected Europe during the summer of 2004, and I was glad to see that he didn't blame the heat wave on global warming — he merely said that more events of this nature will be likely in the future.
A primary concern of this die - off — the species is known to be prone to occasional events of this nature — is the unusual number of stillborn calves showing up.
When reading the highlights of the Investigation Report's recommendations, one hopes that the current government might implement and retain some rules and practices that deter future events of this nature.
However, this event of nature opened the door to a large number of private investors who have made their fortune around bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
The point is, should an event of this nature, clearly intended to recruit believers, not provide aid and comfort to existing beleivers, happen on US governement property?
The content is the same as what is expressed everywhere in the events of nature and history.
Whitehead's initial theory of prehension (in SMW) was crafted with the concerns of the events of nature primarily in consideration, but he did want to allow room for mind.
He seems genuinely perplexed by the relation between concrescence and time, venturing only the affirmation that concrescence is not in physical time (PR 283M), the time appropriate to the events of nature, analyzable by physics and chemistry.
But for Whitehead this principle of novelty and concretion by itself is abstract and does not include or subordinate to itself the events of nature to which it provides ordered novelty and novel order.
Being such a wine - centric company, hosting an event of this nature allows us to share our exploration and appreciation of wines and how they accompany food.
As a group, we are with the strongest believe that events of this nature in the lead up to elections are unhealthy for our nation.
«It's exciting number one that first of all an event of this nature can stay in New York State, but it's really exciting to have it come to Oswego County in the city of Oswego in particular,» said Oswego Speedway public relations director Dan Kapuscinski.
«This is not the first time an event of this nature has occurred at CDC nor the first time it occurred from the [laboratory where the anthrax incident occurred],» the CDC noted in a new report, released today.
«But even though one has to be aware of the links between climate conditions and sports,» he concludes, «it is unlikely rainfall, temperature or humidity will take away all the fun and the joy an event of this nature brings about.
We can, however, ask and answer the question how the odds of getting an extremely wet winter has changed due to man - made climate change: have past greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of pollution «loaded the weather dice» towards (or perhaps even away from) and event of this nature?
A car repo is never a fun situation — but the following information can help you get back on your feet, credit-wise, following an event of this nature.
We can, however, ask the question how the odds of getting an extremely hot summer, or extremely severe drought, have changed due to man - made climate change: have past greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of pollution «loaded the weather dice» towards (or perhaps even away from) events of this nature?
By signing this form I certify that I am physically fit, responsible for my own actions, and have sufficiently trained for an event of this nature.
Basic coverage does not always include all events of nature.
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