Sentences with phrase «events occurring»

Another concern is the uptick in weather and related events occurring on a planet - wide basis, such as El Niño and La Niña.
Even under a more moderate scenario where greenhouse gas emissions peak in 2040, 100 - year extreme sea levels could increase by 57 centimeters, or nearly 2 feet, on average, by the end of the century, with these events occurring every few years, according to study's authors.
The former argue that the past exists only as ideas in the mind, which themselves are neuroelectrical events occurring strictly in the present moment.
Lessons learned on the ground — at high - energy particle accelerators and in the minds of leading theorists — are illuminating high - energy events occurring in the sky.
Through the 1980s and 1990s, Tollaksen teamed up with Aharonov to design such upside - down experiments, in which outcome was determined by events occurring after the experiment was done.
We speak of events occurring in relation to temporal landmarks, in the same way that we locate objects in relation to spatial landmarks.
This «IVF chip» is a unique tool to observe the cascade of molecular and membrane events occurring during the fertilization process,» Ravaux said, and under conditions that mimic the natural process.
They can do this in various ways, but the new pictures are about one way in particular: events occurring after the attachment of the machinery to an RNA message (mRNA) copied from a gene.
Kopp noted recent findings have revealed the possibility of even more serious impacts including «ice sheet melt in Greenland and Antarctica to compound extremes, where events occurring simultaneously or in rapid sequence can amplify the risks to both human and natural systems.»
In every case, the team were able to link the age and composition of material in the inclusions to distinct tectonic events occurring locally in the Earth's crust, such as a collision between plates, continental rifting or magmatism.
The GPS network detected the slow slip events occurring on the Hikurangi subduction zone plate boundary in the weeks and months following the Kaik?ura earthquake.
The senior author Dr Sean Sweeney, of the Department of Biology, University of York, said: «These findings shed light on the events occurring in neurons as dementia takes hold.
Although the influence of Saturnian storms was known to be substantial, this study suggests an even wider influence than expected, and confirms a connection between Saturn's QPO and remote, distinct events occurring elsewhere in the planet's atmosphere.
Of particular concern is the finding that the probability of multiple adverse events occurring within one season is projected to increase sharply by mid-century.
However, it can be disrupted by events occurring at great distances from the equator of our planet — and a new study reveals that the same is true of Saturn's QPO.
These findings have significant implications to the understanding of normal tissue methylation and strongly indicate that events occurring before birth influence cancer risk later in life.
Lead author Moustafa Abdalla writes: «Almost all genomic studies of breast cancer have focused on well - established tumours because it is technically challenging to study the earliest mutational events occurring in human breast epithelial cells.»
In another of his 1905 papers, Einstein showed that the conventional definition of time «is indeed sufficient if a time is to be defined exclusively for the place at which [a] watch is located, but the definition is no longer satisfactory when series of events occurring at different locations have to be linked temporally.»
These particles are high - energy neutrinos: subatomic hints of apocalyptic events occurring millions of light years away.
The energy loss function represents the level of interaction between the material and electromagnetic waves, and is expressed in terms of the change in the amount of energy lost from electrons and the change in momentum due to corresponding scattering events occurring in the material.
Simons has shown that people assigned to observe certain activities in a lab setting can totally miss other events occurring in the very same space.
Atmospheric events occurring at the ocean surface may sound the dinner bell for creatures living in the dark depths.
But it does mean that human activities have, more likely than not, affected the chances of such events occurring.
«A. For the purposes of the present Convention, the term «refugee» shall apply to any person who: (2) As a result of events occurring before 1 January 1951 and owing to well - founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.
The schedule of events occurring today is rather lengthy, and so — with the exception of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's plans — it appears at the end of this post, rather than the beginning.
Keep in mind that many experts do believe that teething doesn't cause any symptoms for most children and that «teething is the scapegoat for many other events occurring between about 6 and 24 months of age.»
And completely avoiding the thought of unwished for events does not decrease the likelihood of those events occurring, but does increase the likelihood that you will be unprepared for those events, should they occur.
Let your creativity bloom instead with these exciting events occurring in Chicagoland.
As I recall it was a fairly tedious game (Groundhog Day theory again, games against Stoke are frequently tedious events occurring regularly).
Connectivity between the lower Macquarie and Barwon rivers can be successfully achieved using environmental water, particularly in synchrony with flow events occurring in the Barwon River.
Occasional remarks are found such as «before there reigned any king over the children of Israel» (Genesis 36:31), which seem to imply that from the standpoint of the writer the monarchy had already been established; and «the Canaanite was then in the land» (Genesis 12:6, 13:7), which implied that it was being written after Hebrew occupation; and finally repeated instances of the use of the phrase «on the other side of the Jordan,» in reference to events occurring in the lifetime of Moses, which led scholars to doubt if Moses could have been the author at least of the whole of the Pentateuch.
Have you heard of any terrible events occurring as a result of the legalization of gay marriage in Maryland?
The idea that events occurring hundreds or even thousands of miles away can be brought directly into the home has enormous appeal.
Instead it provides a role for chance and the notion of probability of events occurring.
The brother's evaluation relative to his own possibilities is set, but his evaluation relative to everything else is always open to change as long as there are new events occurring that are added to the whole.
For the atheist there are low probability events occurring and to the prayerful Christian there are miracles occurring sometimes before their very eyes.
The history of his wrestle with God is not confined to a few thousand years of dramatic events occurring in Asia Minor, though the crucial importance of those events seems even greater as the story expands into remoter pasts and futures.
They have looked at the events occurring in their day and have tried to fit them into what is described in Daniel as well as the book of Revelation.
For the Hebrew it was natural to think of God as revealing Himself chiefly in events occurring within a communal history; God had always made Himself known primarily in mighty acts.
Globalization can thus be defined as worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa.
Quantum mechanics is non-deterministic with events occurring randomly.
This information may not reflect events occurring after the date or time of publication.
However, with all of the events occurring this year — tax reform, tariffs, earnings being released for quarter 1, interest rates rising and inflation starting to creep (gas, groceries, etc.), is this the right time to jump in on dividend stock opportunities?
If you've been in business for decades, you understand that circumstances change and unforeseeable events occur.
The Biden event occurred just six weeks after Surace basked in comparable accolades from Pennsylvania Governor Edward Rendell during a March ribbon cutting at another Serious Materials factory, this one in the steel graveyard of Vandergrift, Pennsylvania.
Though bleached corals that haven't died can recover if the water temperature drops, older corals take longer to bounce back and likely won't have a chance to recover before the next bleaching event occurs, he said.
The post doesn't specify where the event occurred or what it was about, but it does feature three photos of Willms posing with the grinning former president.
But the overwhelming question is this — if the administration had the same questions, the event occurred months ago, and they should've fired Comey on the day they came into office.
He said numerous events occurred which can harm one's health.
«You could not explain why these events occurred with frequency in your laboratory, nor had you undertaken a comprehensive investigation into the problem or sought to correct it and prevent its recurrence,» the FDA wrote.
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