Sentences with phrase «events which»

Of course, there is always the possibility that Luke had only kept a diary of the events which occurred while he was with Paul, and that someone may have had access to this, as well as to other materials, when he sat down to write.
The situation in the early first century was the result of centuries of change and development linked to the evolution of the place of the sanctuary in the life of the Jews and the political events which shaped their society.
«We recognise that just as all truth rests in the Word of God, through whom all things were made and through Whom all thing will come to their completion, so too the construction of a true human ecology can only be achieved in relationship to the Word -LSB-...] we can see and sense the echoing of that eternally spoken Word in so much of the created world around us -LSB-... which Word is] expressed in all those actions and events which make up the history of salvation -LSB-...] we recognise most centrally that this eternal Word of God, in whom all things makes sense, finds flesh in the person of Jesus of Nazareth who then becomes its fullest expression and true presence in the world -LSB-...] the centre of true human ecology is the person of Christ.»
The events which enable Alex to love with this kind of love come upon him in swift succession.
But we also observe that etiology has been freely employed, here as in Genesis, to voice and define the theological meaning of names and events which figure prominently in the «history,» for example, circumcision and Gilgal, 5:8 f., and Achan and the Valley of Achor, chapter 8.
But, like the papal nuncio Aleander, he understood the widespread disillusion and could imagine the events which had inevitably to follow.
Thus, the Court prohibited public events which had been practiced in every jurisdiction since the founding of the nation.
God is, so to speak, continually done integrating, but continually there is something new to integrate — just like «the past» is always the completely determinate set of events which have passed but grows nonetheless.
In this analysis, Whitehead states in summary form those items that enter into a perception:»... perception involves a percipient object, a percipient event, which is all nature simultaneous with the percipient event, and the particular events which are perceived as parts of the complete event» (PNK 13).
Time is like a river made up of the events which happen, and a violent stream; for as soon as a thing has been seen, it is carried away, and another comes in its place, and this will be carried away too.
One could easily show how Duméry applies the same method to the other events which constitute the object of faith.
Rational reduction, which Duméry uses to dissipate the reality of the Trinity as constitutive of the being of God, dissipates in the same manner the trinitarian events which constitute the economy and the design of salvation, the actions of sacred history.
The impression that every human being, the «whole world,» could sit on «this stone» and could use the stone to test and confirm the soundness and fundamental character of sense certainty, is therefore not an absolute illusion, because the sensuous contact between traveler and stone, or the traveler's visual contact with the steeple, corresponds to a typical constellation of events which occur in a variety of ways.
Thus the thesis from which we proceeded (cf. 2.1), that the world is to be thought as a unity and as being of a «simple» basic character, is reformulated in such a way that is has become compatible with experiences of complex associations of happenings: The world concretizes itself in events which for their own part are to be thought as a stabilization of a network of relations.
The earliest Christian society was thus a band of hope, a group who «waited for the redemption of Israel,» confident that the events which had already transpired were the complete guarantee of the certainty of eventual salvation.
Remembering Henry Young's point, we are compelled to ask, how adequate are the descriptions of concrete events which serve as the testing ground for metaphysical truths?
He must select the words and events which, in his judgment, are crucial.
God has revealed himself either in the pages of Holy Scripture or in the events which the Bible records; nothing else is needed and anything else diminishes or denies the unique adequacy of biblical revelation.
Remember the widely different aspects of events which are dealt with in science and in religion respectively.
First, Whitehead's construction of the Special Theory of Relativity from a rather distinctive use of the word «event,» and secondly by his more general idea of events which related to each other without having a substratum which passed from one to the other.
In order to get the two senses of durations - the raw one given in sense - awareness, which has reiterative patterns and so on, and the events which are introduced as factors — he gives them the same name and then in his «duro» he loses the reiterating structures given in sense - awareness.
For theology (I would say) is founded in occasions of insight and disclosure when, to put it at its most general, the universe declares itself in a particular way around some group of events which thus take on a cosmic significance.
But from a wider point of view symbols are cosmic events which play an indispensable role in the creative advance of the universe.
We live in a universe where the so - called «butterfly effect» plays a strong role, so that things at a quantum microscopic level affect things at a large scale, and a universe where there is true randomness at the quantum level, which gives theoretically uncaused events which can't be empirically distinguished from events with unseen causes.
As for the train of events which led to the momentous introduction of Israel to Yahweh at the «mountain of God,» the probabilities are strong.
Theology is founded on occasions of insight and disclosure when... the universe declares itself in a particular way around some group of events which thus take on cosmic significance.
It would be enough to describe an event as an effect of preceding events which automatically become the cause of other events.
Rationality as the distinguishing generic feature is both too broad (would tolerate inclusion of judgments and events which are rational, but actually or potentially destructive of an individual or of a civilization) and too narrow (since not all civilizing processes and possibilities are necessarily rational).
The whole of early Christian thought is based in Heilgeschichte, and everything that is said about death and eternal life stands or falls with a belief in a real occurrence in real events which took place in time.
Both remain faithful to what is «given» — the Yahwist to the traditions which he employs, and the historian to the events which he records.
Not one written in it's own language using only concepts and events which could have been seen as possible from the point of view of other fotune tellers in it's culture, and of it's own day.
Basically, a «society» is a grouping of events which manifest a common characteristic, the presence of that characteristic being guaranteed by the relations which the events sustain.
On the other hand, the narrative of the gospels, as all recent criticism agrees, is coloured throughout by a religious, if not a theological, valuation o # the events which it records and of the central Figure in them.
It's hard to believe that he's HIV - positive, much less the horrific events which resulted in this diagnosis.
The process - relational model of God as the most extensive exemplification of primordial creativity, with every worldly occasion in its own process of becoming; the process - relational concept of God as the principle of order channeling the world's becoming toward ever richer and more harmonious experience (the primordial nature); and the process - relational concept of God's preservation of every worldly occasion in God's own everlasting becoming (the consequent nature), with each such occasion evaluated and positioned for its greatest possible contribution to the divine life — these perspectives on divine reality which process - relational thought claims to find exemplified in the very nature of things are separately and together congruent with and supportive of the biblical images and events which describe the «already» in inaugurated eschatology.»
Thus events which share the same instantaneous spaces of a particular family of durations all become within durations which share the same meaning of chronometry for their constituent events (at least potentially, by Einstein's method of clock synchronization).
In PR he identifies subatomic occasions with events which are only millionths of a second in duration.
In the Bible, this communication (which can be called «the Word of God») takes two forms: direct communication by visions or speech, and indirect revelation through events which need interpretation.
In Whitehead's early view of simultaneity, this property expressed a certain real togetherness or objective becoming between events which occur in the same duration.
It is imperative to note here that Whitehead does not maintain that all members of a consentient set share the same intuitive or phenomenological definition of simultaneity, but only the same potential chronometry of clock simultaneity.4 Hence, Whitehead's consentient sets are nothing more than classes of events which are at absolute rest relative to one another.
I said just now, in seeking to describe the magnitude of the human events which are overtaking us, that they were of «planetary» importance.
Also, it seems more reasonable to think of these periodic events as aggregate events which are the outcome of coordinated activities of constituent occasions than to think of them as acts of single individuals (although Whitehead does identify subatomic pulses with single actual occasions).
Such productions may have very little success in «worldly» terms, that is, in relation to audience size, income for stations and networks, or the creation of national celebrities and media events which can be merchandized.
Just as little as there can be a belief in omnipotence in general, can there be a belief in miracles in general; that is, events which were for Jesus revelations of the will of God can not be presented universally as miracles on the basis of which a man should believe.
Hence miracles are events which in themselves have no religious character, but which are attributed to divine (or demonic) causation, and this presupposes a certain conception of God.
But Mark, twenty - five years or so later, although he devotes half his space to the passion and events which immediately led up to it, gives also a summary account of Jesus» earlier career, beginning with his baptism — a career laden with supernatural significance.
If God takes the blame for that which He does not prevent, then it is not wrong to blame God for the horrible events which happen in the world which He does not prevent.
We write a narrative of actual events which fits our point of view.
Such a response can have very little success in «worldly» terms, that is, in relation to audience size, income for stations and networks, or the development of national celebrities and media events which can be merchandized — criteria which normally signify success in the commercial media environment.
It is less than the church because it is a product of the church and can be understood only in the context which the life of the church provides; it is greater than the church because it is, by and large, the only record we have of the events which not only brought the church into being but also through which its reality must be continually renewed.
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