Sentences with phrase «eventual extinction»

Chelton expresses her hope for eventual extinction of the current demand for lactation professionals and shares Healthy Children Project's Renewed Call for Collaboration.
Despite being the Queen of England's favorite dog, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi may be at risk for eventual extinction in its native...
IPCC [26] reviewed studies relevant to estimating eventual extinctions.
IPCC [26] reviewed studies relevant to estimating eventual extinctions.
History is going to bifurcate along two directions: One path is we stay on Earth forever, and then there will be some eventual extinction event — I don't have an immediate doomsday prophecy — but there's... it's eventually, history just that there will be some doomsday event.
«I really think there are two fundamental paths [for humans]: One path is we stay on Earth forever, and some eventual extinction event wipes us out,» he said.
«One path is we stay on Earth forever and there will be some eventual extinction event.
While it is widely accepted that the origins of modern humans date back some 200,000 years to Africa, there has been furious debate as to which model of early Homo sapiens migration most plausibly led to the population of the planet — and the eventual extinction of Neanderthals.
For these species, climate warming could spell their eventual extinction.
Given the considerable birth defects that are associated with this condition, the researchers argue it is very possible that developmental abnormalities contributed towards the eventual extinction of these late Pleistocene rhinos.
«Woolly rhino neck ribs provide clues about their decline and eventual extinction: Fossils point to rare condition in the extinct species, possibly caused by inbreeding and harsh conditions during pregnancy.
According to the researchers, the total dependence of Neanderthals on large animals to answer their fat and protein needs may provide a clue to their eventual extinction, which took place at the same time as the beginning of the demise of giant animals or «Megafauna» in Europe some 50,000 years ago.
«The emphasis and tone have moved far away from the conservation and recovery of an endangered species and seems to be preparing the public for its eventual extinction in the wild,» says Sierra Weaver, an attorney with the Southern Environmental Law Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Adrián Villar Rojas» artistic production exists in an imaginary dimension where men face their obsolescence and eventual extinction, playing with perceptions of time and its representation in human culture.
Cowspiracy is almost entirely crowd - funded, and is very successful at painting us a vivid image of how humankind is contributing to our own species» eventual extinction.
But in the long term could we see the eventual extinction of dedicated voice assistant device, even as the likes of Alexa and Google Assistant become ever - more common features in the modern smart home?
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